Screed floor with their hands: Step by step instructions 30 photo process

Residential, industrial construction in most cases not without leveling base. To achieve a smooth floor surface allows screed, which relates to its structure, forms the basis for laying floor coverings. When carrying out repair and construction work of many home owners are interested in the question of how make a screed floor with your hands if possible do the job on their own, without inviting specialists.


  • Types of floor screeds for their features, pros and cons
    • dry
    • wet
    • Semi-dry
  • The material for the reinforcement of ties - what is best to choose
    • metal mesh
    • Polymer and composite elements
    • a fiber reinforcement
  • Stages of installation wet screed floor with their hands
    • Tools and materials needed
    • Preparation and coating base
    • floor layout: define the skyline and elevation
    • Laying damper tape
    • Stacking waterproofing material
    • installation beacons
    • Preparation of the solution and filling
    • How to care for the period of maturation ties
  • Stages mounting dry floor screed
    • Tools and materials needed
    • Preparatory work
    • filling with filler
    • Laying topsheets
  • Steps for mounting semi floor screed
    • Tools and materials needed
    • Substrate preparation
    • solution preparation
    • filling
    • Drying and finishing
  • conclusion

Types of floor screeds for their features, pros and cons

Screed - the base part, the blister layer finishes. It represents the construction mixture laid on top of the overlap between floors on ground insulation. It serves as a basis for laying the floor covering, such as parquet, linoleum, cork. In some cases, the layer itself acts as a topcoat on industrial facilities, shops, warehouses, garages, basements.

The main purpose of ties - leveling sub-floor base. If we turn to the normative documents, according to SNIP 2.03.13-88 p. 5.1, this layer should be applied to hide the conduits, create the required slope, the load distribution of sound insulation layers ensure the rated floor heat absorption.

Given the stacking method, mixtures of structure, there are several types of screed: wet, dry, semi-dry. In the construction of the most commonly used cement-sand mortar in the performance of a rough finish. plaster analogues can be used in residential areas with low humidity. To make the right choice to find out what kind of coverage is the best, look at each type in more detail.

Flat floor - one of the advantages of ties


Dry screed allows you to quickly make a flat surface under the topcoat. Alignment is carried out by filling bulk material, over which stacked sheets chipboard, gypsum fiber board, OSB, plywood. For the bedding used expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, kompevit. The layer thickness depends on several factors are taken into account irregularities and differences of the base, taken into account the availability of utilities. The main advantages of precast floor include:

  • The speed of installation. Run a rough finish can be for a few days;
  • A simple process of installation. Under the power to make their own hands without the involvement of experts;
  • Maintainability design. It is possible to correct errors, eliminate inaccuracies;
  • Simple installation of communication;
  • A small roof load of the building;
  • Good thermal and sound insulation properties.

fear of moisture can be separated from the disadvantages of modular designs. When its construction, special attention should be paid to waterproofing. Under the influence of bulk water mixture as the roofed materials may deform. Also, if time after the flooding is not dry flooring and floor, then over time it will be necessary mold.

dry screed


The wet screed can be performed using concrete and cement-sand mixture. The difference between them lies only in the presence of a filler in the form of crushed stone or gravel. For the manufacture of the composition need cement, sand, water. To increase ductility, strength, durability, drying speed special plasticizers additives may be used. The main advantages of using this type of finish are:

  • Opportunity to be laid on all types of floors, including the ground;
  • High strength;
  • Durability;
  • Installation of external heat and waterproofing;
  • Opportunity to align any uneven surface.


  • Prolonged drying time, which depends on the layer thickness;
  • Reliability depends on compliance coating technology;
  • Base necessary to humidify uploaded periodically to prevent the formation of cracks.

Bathed base is characterized by a large mass, so the homes of such ties is desirable to give up, since it has a substantial load on the foundation and ceilings.

wet screed


When leveling floors are often used semi-dry screed. Unlike traditional sand and cement or concrete mixture it dries quickly, is used for its preparation minimal amount of water regulated formulation. The final composition is a slightly moistened mixture of sand and cement, as it contains special additives and plasticizers that provide strength properties of the fabric after pour. can be isolated from the main cover merits:

  • The minimum amount of liquid that evaporates quickly;
  • Almost no shrinkage, during solidification cracks are not formed;
  • It has improved acoustic, thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Fiberoptic or metal reinforcement provides high resistance to mechanical impact;
  • Work on laying and leveling can be done with his own hands;
  • The material can move through 10-12 hours after laying;
  • Laid topcoat in the form of ceramic tiles can have on day 3, laminate flooring - a month.


  • When injected into the mixture, the moisture can lead to a resumption of hydration processes;
  • Can not be used in areas with high humidity;
  • Without special equipment is practically impossible to perform the correct mixing a part of the components;
  • Complex, time-consuming process of laying a semi-dry composition over large areas;
  • Liquids for finishing may lead to development of microbial and mold growth.
Semi-dry screed

The material for the reinforcement of ties - what is best to choose

Screed is sufficiently durable coating which provides alignment sex. However, even with the manufacture and stacking technology it has a significant drawback, which is expressed in a low tensile strength. In order to increase its carrying capacity, increasing the strength properties of the applied reinforcement, which can be done by:

  • Stacking metal mesh;
  • Introducing the step of preparing a mixture of fiberglass;
  • Adding to the composition of polymeric and composite elements.

Reinforcing components located in the body of the screed, perform different functions. They protect the surface from cracking when drying the solution, increases the life of the rough finish. If the thickness of the cement-sand composition does not exceed 30-40 mm, and the base is strong enough, it is possible to dispense with the reinforcement. If the layer is more than 50 mm, the surface is a substantial load, the solution is placed on the base unreliable, then the process is better not to neglect.

See also:floor design 155 photos in the interior of apartments and houses

Material for the reinforcement ties

metal mesh

In the production of metal grids used steel wire BP-1 in diameter from 2.5 to 6 mm. For connecting rods used spot welding, as they twisted wire to form a square or rectangular cells. The smaller their size, the higher strength reinforcement. Finished products have a variety of dimensions, rolled up or sold in sheets.

The main purpose of the metal mesh - to increase the strength characteristics of the screed, distribute load in her column, to reduce the risk of cracking, shrinkage, increase resistance to mechanical stress. Steel rods take on a tensile stress, protecting the structure from destruction, to increase its carrying capacity.

To mesh properly fulfill its function, it must necessarily be in the body of the screed, it is usually installed in the lower third, given the overall thickness. To this end, it is raised above the level of the subfloor using special plastic coasters appropriate height. The main advantages of the steel product may include:

  • Long service life;
  • Low cost;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • High tensile strength;
  • The ability to withstand heavy loads.
Metal mesh screed

Polymer and composite elements

In addition to traditional metal mesh for reinforcement as plastic and fiberglass counterparts can be used. Polypropylene models have good flexibility, they have no fear of corrosion, are not broken down by the action of chemicals. The main advantages of plastic products are the following:

  • Lightweight;
  • Durability;
  • Low cost;
  • Plastic;
  • Ease of use with building materials, the possibility of laying in irregularly shaped rooms.

At the core of the glass fiber mesh is aluminoborosilicate glass. Its rods impregnated with special solutions that increase resistance to alkali material. She further adds structural weight, so it is often used to create ties with small and medium load in a residential area. The only drawback is the fear of high temperatures exceeding 200 ° C.

Organize reinforcement tie is possible by means of composite reinforcement. It is a non-metallic rods of glass, basalt, fibers hydrocarbon. Depending on the input of the fiberglass material isolated (TSA) basalt (ABP), carbon fiber reinforcement. Building material characterized by a high specific strength, corrosion resistance, has low thermal and electrical conductivity. However, the modulus of elasticity in 4-fold less than that of steel, it is not plastic, has a low heat resistance.

Polymeric grid for tie

a fiber reinforcement

Fiber is a high strength fibers made from synthetic, mineral, metallic materials which can significantly increase the quality characteristics of the concrete. Thin fibers can have a length of from 1.5 to 45 mm in diameter and 20 microns. Building material is a good alternative to a metal, plastic, fiberglass mesh. The main advantages of fiberglass can be identified:

  • Evenly distributed fibers within the coupler;
  • A significant increase in strength of the structure;
  • Reduced shrinkage;
  • Longer use;
  • Increased ductility finishes;
  • Reducing the time of hardening the mixture;
  • Prevent cracking and delamination;
  • Uniform load distribution.

Depending on the process used in the production of materials, there are the following types of excipients:

  • Polypropylene fiber. Plastic fiber is characterized by a low weight, is a good thermal insulator, so often used in the regeneration of floor heating systems.
  • Steel thread. Consists of steel fibers, have good frost resistance. Due to the high specific gravity much heavier construction.
  • Basalt. Suitable coating in the regeneration, is subjected to high dynamic and shock loads.
  • Fiberglass. It can be added to the plaster screed. Significantly increases the plasticity of the composition.
  • Asbestos. It is used very rarely, for outdoor use only.
Fiber splicers

Stages of installation wet screed floor with their hands

The classic method involves pouring the foundations styazhechnym solution and its subsequent solidification. Spread the mixture directly to the floor slab or on heat and waterproofing. The simplest method of wet screed - smooth. Consuming process, but quite simple. Having familiarized with the classic technology, the rest of the tricks to master will be much easier.

Installation of a wet floor screed

Tools and materials needed

Durability ties depends on the quality of the materials used. Better to choose a sand-cement composition. In this case, special attention should be paid to the sand. The slightest impurities clay unacceptable. Ready-made free-flowing mixture be diluted strictly in the proportions specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. In smaller rooms, where it is necessary to make a thin film, using a mixture of Self-leveling cement or gypsum based. Smooth, dust-free surface is created under the influence of gravitational forces. To make the tie with his hands need to prepare the following tools:

  • Power with the necessary nozzles for kneading solution (drill, hammer drill, a construction mixer);
  • Containers suitable volume;
  • Glass fiber reinforcement;
  • Lighthouses Tripod;
  • Trowel, spiked roller;
  • Special shoes with spikes to move through the already flooded the floor;
  • Betonokontakt ground;
  • Damping tape.
building mixer

Preparation and coating base

To begin repair work should be a thorough preparation of the ground. Cleaning of premises involves the removal of the remnants of putty with a spatula and hammer. Debris should be swept away. If you intend to blow insulation layer, the minimum procedures to be defined.

For a good grip ties with the foundation required to process the surface betonokantaktom or acrylic primer. Discovered cracks and holes should be repaired. It is better to make several layers of soil. The absorbent capacity of the ground is reduced as much as possible, allowing the mixture does not lose moisture rapidly, gradually and evenly dry.

Wet strength ties depends on the quality of the base preparation. For cleaning large surfaces use a cleaner building better.

The primer base

floor layout: define the skyline and elevation

Screed in a private house or apartment should be made at the same level in all the rooms. height Exclusion can make a bathroom and a balcony. Because of these thresholds premises may not be included in the overall level. Identify the level of the floor drops will help pre-metering.

Gaugeable existing floor level can be achieved by applying a horizontal line across the perimeter of the room. To mark up better at a height of 100 cm from the ceiling. Drawn horizon line must necessarily closed. Allowed offset up to 2 mm. Preparatory markings do in several ways:

  1. Using laser level. The device is installed on a tripod in the middle of the room. Beam is directed alternately on the walls and in the corners, make a pencil mark.
  2. Using gidrouroven. Water device consists of two glass flasks with a measuring scale, long hose. The device is filled with water up to the middle of containers. Work only two people are with him. On one wall make a mark at the height of 100 cm from the floor and puts the instrument scale. Another flask was applied to the opposite surface.
  3. Building long spirit level. Rectangular measuring instrument is applied to the wall, make the layout. A method for determining the horizon by a simple level suitable for small spaces.

See also:How to choose a grout for a tile

floor Marking

Laying damper tape

To use the tie band width 10-15 cm. To work will only fit a material having a good adhesive surface. High quality works provide Knauf tape. Its installation to start the filling process. Damper tape should be part of the paste over the wall near the floor around the perimeter of the room. All tabs, columns must also be protected.

Stack material of any type begins with the angle. One end of the roll leans against the wall and gradually unwound, separating the necessary amount of the tape. If it is self-adhesive, sufficiently remove the protective layer and flatten it to the surface. Simple products are fixed with screws, staples stapler or adhesive.

Material to be installed continuously. If a roll is not enough, connect the strips overlap edges. When the tape moves to the starting point, it is applied to the other end and cut office knife.

Laying damper tape

Stacking waterproofing material

The main purpose of waterproofing - leakage protection, improvement of the quality of the screed. According to the method of application can identify several basic materials. Most often used in bathrooms Wood banding or directed rolled products. In rooms with higher humidity is used additionally hydrophobic mastic penetrating waterproofing.

Before laying the water-repellent material eliminate chips and cracks, potholes triturated with cement mortar. Now the surface is treated with bitumen emulsion, penetrating compositions. Roll materials is rolled out on the floor with a stop at the walls and each other in a 15 cm. After full preparation for the cup tie residual material is cut.

If necessary, the waterproofing is laid in multiple layers with offset joints and welded construction hairdryer. Places with waves and air bubbles pierce and smooth again.

Stacking waterproofing material

installation beacons

Beacons should be placed in the lowest points of the floor when one is left in the highest. To do this, use a variety of devices. For wet tie profiles suitable for solution or screws. But it is better to give preference to professional design - reference points. Set screed required height using a tripod with the movable rod in the center.

Exhibiting lighthouses already happening on a prepared base, after the complete drying of the soil. Frame is put on the floor and the central rod scroll to the selection of a desired height on the prepared layouts. After pouring and leveling the mixture guide rail dismantled.

installation beacons

Preparation of the solution and filling

The basic components for the preparation of the mixture - the water, sand and cement. The components are mixed in a special mixer or in a bucket mixer construction. Recommended proportions - one part cement and 1 part water, 4 parts of sand. To increase the strength of the solution was added plasticizers.

Before you transfer the solution to the floor it is necessary to sketch or photograph passing communications to quickly find repair them if necessary. Fill start from the opposite corner to the door of the room. The solution is poured between the two beacons and flattened by the rules zigzag movements. The excess is removed in a bucket, a mixture in place of the recesses.

Laying process is repeated until the entire floor will not flooded. To avoid cracks and joints when drying, filling process is performed in the same room for one day. Walk on the floor it will be possible after 2 days.

Pouring the solution

How to care for the period of maturation ties

After pouring the floor should be removed beacons and repaired the cracks. In this state, the screed must pass the stage of maturation. The processing time will depend on the room temperature, air humidity, the thickness of the screed layer. On average, it will take at least 4 weeks.

To increase the quality of the coating, it is covered with plastic wrap and periodically moistened to prevent cracking. It is necessary to eliminate drafts, which can lead to rapid drying. After a few days of the screed can be walked on and make sure it is flatness. To make the concrete surface smooth conduct zheleznenija procedure. Pure disperse cement concrete and overwrites its metallic trowel.

Care screed

Stages mounting dry floor screed

This option is more suitable tie for apartments, since it does not provide excessive pressure on the overlap. Dry filling method provide smooth rough floors, which subsequently can be stowed any finish material. As screed assembly wet, dry laying foundation takes place in several stages.

Installation of dry floor screed

Tools and materials needed

All major and supplies must be purchased with a margin. The surplus may be needed if part of the product will be damaged during the operation, the use of smaller pieces if necessary. The required amount of granular mixtures subject calculate flatness of overlap, the thickness of future ties. Average fuel consumption expanded clay mixture - 10 liters per 1 m2 size fraction - 2 mm, height of the layer - 4-12 cm. If necessary, use logs - bars of 10 x 10 cm. Installation work dry screed is carried out using the following instruments:

  • Laser, water, building level;
  • Gypsum fiber sheets;
  • Saw for sawing boards and sheets;
  • Screwdriver, screws;
  • Accessories for striping;
  • Tape measure, scissors.
Laser level

Preparatory work

Laid dry screed is only possible on the prepared base. The work begins with a thorough inspection of the surface and identify problem areas. The state of the concrete foundations need not be perfect, but no major defects. The number of mandatory grounds for the preparation of action include the following:

  1. Primer. The final composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the floor with a brush and roller. After 4-hours and can proceed to the following preparatory procedures;
  2. Sticky tape damper. The material is fixed to the wall at the height of a future tie. It should be borne gipsovolokonnyh plate thickness;
  3. floor markings. Using the base level mark and a mark wall is applied around the perimeter;
  4. The gasket insulating material. Most use a simple plastic film. Solid piece straighten the entire area with a stop at the wall at least 20 cm;
  5. Installing beacons. For dry screeds beacons can be of any shape. The upper edge profiles should be flat and suitable for aligning the rule, since they will be removed and interchanged. Frequency beacons laying picked individually.

See also:Is it possible to put on the wooden floor tiles

floor preparation

filling with filler

After the end of the rough work can be done filling screed. Pre-calculated amount of filler is poured onto the floor and level, based on the beacons. Then stack sheets GOLS. It works over a large area is easier to carry out in stages, partly pour the mixture and do Covering.

As beacons can use conventional profile for gypsum board. Two elements are placed on filling and the level dub. When one section becomes smooth, lighthouses removed and rearranged. The dry mixture was poured with a margin ram plaster trowel if necessary.

filling with filler

Laying topsheets

GVL sheets laid on the filler in any form. But, it will be easier to start the installation from the wall opposite the entrance door. The sheets, which are placed close to the wall it is necessary to prepare in advance - cut the seam. For tight connection between them using an adhesive mixture, and screws. At the final stage undercut edge band and polyethylene.

Plates can be laid out in one or two layers. On the choice of method will affect the basic characteristics of the material, its thickness. After laying the flooring will seal the putty the joints, seams and areas of fasteners. All treated areas should be sanded, finished surface is treated with insulating compounds.

Laying topsheets

Steps for mounting semi floor screed

pouring method is similar to wet binders, but the mixture has a composition of substantially less water, which leads to the accelerated solidification. In industrial environments, such in new flooring just grind before use. Stack semi-dry screed budget in several ways - on the base, soundproofing, heat insulation, a floating method.

Installation of semi-dry floor screed

Tools and materials needed

The basic components for the preparation of a semi-dry screed - water, sand and cement. If desired, the composition can be added fibrovolokno. The work on the floor pouring need the following tools:

  • Termorezka;
  • beacons;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Putty knife;
  • generally;
  • Building level;
  • vibrating plate;
  • The sleeves for applying a solution Pneumosupercharger;
  • Wood, polyurethane grater.
Vibratory Plate

Substrate preparation

The preparatory phase of the base includes a range of activities. All required actions have a significant impact on the quality of installation. First clean the surface of the old coating is removed dust and dirt. Then it is necessary to calculate the level of the horizon in order to properly determine the amount of work required for the mixture.

The next step is installation of waterproofing and insulation. It provides good protection from moisture simple film. It is better if it is a solid piece. Separate bands have to be laid with great sunset on the edge.

To align the surface using beacons. On special racks in the process of leveling will build the rule. Distribute them parallel to one of the walls at an arbitrary distance from each other. After filling solution between beacons sufficiently compacted legs.

Substrate preparation

solution preparation

The standard ratio for solution for a semi-dry screed - 1 part cement and four parts sand. Softeners are added 1 l per 100 kg of cement, reinforcing agent - 0.6 kg per 1 m3 of solution. All parts are filled into the mixer and kneaded well with adding water. To check the quality of the solution necessary to put a small amount of the mixture and squeeze your hand. The composition is ready for use, if the moisture is released.

All operations of pouring must be planned in advance, as a solution an hour later starts to lose its properties required for alignment surface. Fiberglass should be added to the mixture together with the liquid. Since the material is better distributed. For each 10-liter bucket will suffice 80 grams of polypropylene fibers.

solution preparation


After the preparatory work and the installation of beacons can proceed to the filling mixture. Some of the material scatter shovel and quickly tamped below the level of controlling the lighthouse. On the surface of the stamp down spread residues semi mixture above beacon. Then simultaneously compacted and leveled. The work should be carried out at least two, to ensure a continuous supply of the mixture.

Formed screed must immediately equalize. The quality of the performance of alignment will depend on the need for and duration of grinding. If there are any voids, they are filled with the mixture and leveled with a trowel.

backfilling solution

Drying and finishing

After leveling the mixture was allowed to rest 20 minutes and start grout. The material does not shrink, so this time will be sufficient hardening. The procedure is necessary to spend until the full solution set. For the most effective use grouting special installation. To prevent fractures and cracks cut special contraction joints, cover the entire surface of a semi-dry screed polyethylene and allowed to stand for 24 hours.

After drying in a room area of ​​15 m2 cut expansion joints. Special treatment should be subject to the space around columns in doorways. Finishing the floor you can do within a day. The exact time depends on the type and characteristics of the flooring. Water-resistant tiles, porcelain tiles are laid on the following day, linoleum trail after 1 week, parquet and laminate flooring can be installed after 1 month.

Surface finish


screed floor can easily be made with your own hands. It will greatly facilitate the process and shorten the time for laying special equipment. To obtain a good result, it is necessary accurately proportioning Mixing solution, followed stacking technology.