At first glance, the choice of the mixture to fill the joints between the tiles - simple and quick task. Manufacturers are doing everything to make the whole process seem easy, but some of the steps in any case have to perform yourself. Every surface, the room, the external environment, the color scheme - it's about the nuances of the strength, moisture resistance, an acceptable temperature, external qualities, and more. Professional advice will help make a decision on these issues. Before purchasing and manufacturing solution address specific tiles and width of the joints - to select the material and the calculation of the required weight. The above objectives are best left to the master, but a basic knowledge sufficient for independent work. The result will embody the final finish of the surface. Grout used for cladding facades, walls of the bathroom and kitchen, as well as production facilities, swimming pools walls.
- Features: Functions and composition
types of grout
- cement
- epoxy
- polyurethane
- latex
- furan
Parameters grout selection
- appointment
- The joint width
- Features tiles
- Color
Variants of using a grout color in the interior
- Using a different color grout
- Grout that is close in tone to the tile
- Tile and grout of the same color
- contrasting grout
- The principle of calculating the amount of grout
- Hersteller grouts for tiles - which firm to choose
- conclusion
Features: Functions and composition
Tiled grout is a composition for finishing seams. The multicomponent mixture containing mineral bases, pigments of natural origin, and modifying agents. Additional controls are additives for protection against low temperatures, increasing plasticity of chipping prevention of the upper layer and other important qualities. Functionality is divided into two components: a protective and decorative. The functions of the multi-purpose waterproofing protection are the ends, and protection from adverse effects of the environment, especially temperature contrasts. Grout as a decorating element forms the aesthetic appearance of the composition, creates a complete picture. The composition is used to supplement hueing gamma tiles or color contrast. As a result, there are several other design solutions.

types of grout
The main types are the cement and epoxy fillers, but are also common in the household:
- polyurethane;
- latex;
- furan.
Cement mixes perfectly proved themselves in everyday life. Their properties are adjusted using a sand - ready to use mixtures of embodiment differ greatly. Solutions used for joints of small, medium and large width. Color palette Cement mixtures are also diverse. However, the effect of water on the grout leads to darkening, as well as mold and mildew. Epoxide mixtures are durable and resistant to adverse conditions such as pollution or moisture. The extreme temperature, the material suffers badly. However, it guarantees absolute protection against the ingress of water and influence. Due to its fugue based latex demand on the external surfaces exposed to high mechanical loads. Furan provide high strength grouting compound, but devoid of the decorative properties.

In this case, except for the cement, sand sometimes used. Additional components used for stability to moisture and frost. Cement grout is perfect for the composite role for 5-millimeter and a narrow joints. To fill the wide gaps are fugues with sandy additives. Cement grout are easy to use, as easy to breed, and no harmful effects on the tiles. The surface of the cured material, in turn, is resistant to mechanical stress. A mixture of cement-based - a good option for residential use. In addition, the color palette is represented by a number of options. A disadvantage of the solutions is vulnerable to moisture. Therefore need antiseptic treatment. If the choice of grout in doubt, it is better to stay on the aggregate of gray or beige.

Such fillers are relatively recent. Epoxy grout can withstand mechanical loads better than many other options. The distinctive features of the material are also an absolute steam and water resistance, and chemical inertness. Recommended use environment - quickly pollute the space - boiler room, garage. In this case, the grout is no worse manifest themselves in conditions of constant exposure to water and various biological factors - laundries, showers, swimming pools. There does not appear mold or fungus. Epoxy mass prevents plaque and repainted without loss of properties due to the influence of detergents, oil and ultraviolet radiation. All these advantages nevertheless do not protect against high and low temperatures. Grouting some brands stand condition from -20 to +100 ° C.
Important! The epoxy grout is also used as glue.

Grout polyurethane is an aqueous dispersion resin. Material generated for the formation of hydrophobic seams. Some modifications combine with natural stone, not only with tiles or granite, but when the seam width not exceeding 6 mm. A polyurethane material is used for places with high levels of vibration. The resulting seam is resistant also to a slight deformation of the tiled surface. Product is sold ready to use, and its residues can easily be removed from the surfaces. The color of the grout is retained unchanged. Variations polyurethane fillers possess qualities such as self-leveling, fire resistance, flexibility, fluidity and so forth. The composition includes mixtures of polyurethane polymers and hardeners. The components of the polyurethane line have an irritating effect on the human body.
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Diluted latex elastic fugues. Most plasticity contributes to filling the entire joint, including microscopic depressions - in the masonry does not appear cracks and voids. Structure latex mixture resists moisture. Compressive strength and fold in such fillers is higher than that of conventional cement. Due to these qualities they are used for filling joints of several centimeters. Tolerability different temperature regimes allows to use the material in the open field balconies and heated. Rigid materials change color due to exposure to cleaning products, despite the fact that long retain it in principle. Latex is used between the tiles and woodwork. The high rate of adhesion makes it possible to use latex aggregates for facades. Constituent mixtures affect human a lesser extent than polyurethane.

Grouting of furan resins generally have a black color, so are used in retail, warehouse and industrial premises. For operational and chemical properties similar to those of epoxy cement and aggregates, and occupy an intermediate position between them. Due to the extremely high adhesion surface application is accompanied by difficulties. Need the remaining tracks, and the tile itself pretreated with wax or other fat-containing substance can wipe faster. Furan fillers - durable and inexpensive material, and the above adhesion can qualitatively interact with any building materials. For Furan joints characterized by high strength, resistance to the effects of sunlight and acidic environment. The main problem - a limited range of colors and difficulty in finishing work.

Parameters grout selection
The material used for walls, floors, facades, in wet areas and at different sites in the open space. For each application places the company provided the optimum chemical composition. At home advantageously exploited 2 kinds mixtures based on cement and applying the epoxy resin. The first option - the most widely used and available, the second - you need to chemically active environment and valued its important to design the reception. Another important point - the gap between the elements of masonry. The wider it is, the more pronounced adhesive power is required, and the more coarse fractions. tile structure and introduces limitations in the selection of the filler. Too active or inert unacceptable solution for a particular tile. Important and shade grout - design space depends on it. The key parameter is given lightness / darkness. Sales consultants at retail outlets tell us how to choose the grout for a specific type of tile.
The correct choice of filler is related to such additional nuances:
- On a small sample of the color looks brighter than in a large room decorated.
- Grout is often chosen by most light / dark color tiles, but a semitone-tone lighter.
- Tile bought as the color of the tiles, and under furniture.

The study of the characteristics of the compositions will help you choose the perfect option for work. For a relatively dry place like a kitchen apron, the walls in the bathroom and toilet are suitable and simple cement aggregates. Grouting with greater resistance, for example, polyurethane and latex are used in conditions of high humidity. For showers and swimming pools need soil release fugue with resistance to mildew - epoxy and polyurethane. Take into account the peculiarities of the lining. Coatings on a vibrating or uneven ground need elastic composites such as furan, polyurethane, and latex. Grouting with special properties needed for unheated buildings, outdoor decoration and warm floors. Need embodiments capable transfer frequent jumps in temperature and thermal expansion. Will not work in this case, aggregates with a rigid structure.

The joint width
This figure is displayed on the packaging: minimum and maximum values. It remains only to compare different manufacturers recommendations. Grouting without minerals suitable for bottlenecks - 1-3 mm. Fines of sand suitable for sealing joints already at 6 mm. Large grooves with up to 2-cm thickness triturated elastic or mixtures or plasticized cement compositions. More suitable means with the medium and krupnofraktsionnym sand, but need careful control of the proportion of the water and dry mix. The more dense the resulting formulation is better. Part hosts makes a mistake: allocate at joints as little as possible distance. Because of this high-quality filling of voids is not always possible. Such a result of water entering inside face and deteriorating lining condition possibly even destruction of the coating. If the seams have been made too narrow - need sealant.
See also:The choice of flooring for the interior

Features tiles
Grout combine not only with the features of the surface and the external condition, but with a tile structure. For the reason that the filling will actively cooperate with the faces of the tiles. Products with a porous structure or expressive texture pending overwrite highly fluid solutions - otherwise they will go to excess. Yes, and cleaning of tile then take more time. Sand-cement options in this case optimal. Tiles and glass mosaic designed for mashing decorative epoxy compounds. Solutions with abrasives such as sand is not suitable for glazed tiles with glossy surface or expensive decoration. Appropriate polyurethane grout, latex and mixtures of fine cement. Tile hog suitable for almost any type of fugue, but for external works, as a rule, choose a coarse.

Good choice of color is important for the interior. Beautiful floating diversifies even monotonous masonry. Manufacturers made conventional mixtures thereof, and variants with a saturated color and decorative effects. It is necessary to know the basic nuances of using the grout color. For example, the light colors are combined in different drawings blocks in one track. Dark colors will emphasize aggregate and clearly expressed texture. Color contrast allocate each tile as a single "brick". Plain tile grout decorate a deep color and decorative inserts of the same properties, preferably in a single tone. Fugue under the "chameleon" perfectly with the multi-colored panels. Metallic color is used in the luxurious interior. finishing enhance the brightness contrasting grout. As for gaps in the floor, then it is better to close up dark filler, because any decorating effect is spoiled by dirt.

Variants of using a grout color in the interior
Similarly, imagine how will look with grout and tile, is not easy. Samples at retail outlets facilitate this task. It is also desirable to examine options for the interior in the images on the Internet and in catalogs. For example, in the case of out-of-trim color normally looks Fugue in several shades. Similar monotonous tone for joints and coatings create beautiful transitions, soften the situation. Such an atmosphere will calm down and relax, which is important for the bathroom. Grout in one tone with a clutch issue will allow the mortgaged in the finishing composition into one. White grout on the same coverage - ideal for cramped rooms. Combining more saturated colors make the room warmer. Contrast filler and emphasizes the tiling various features space. Similar methods are used for the expression of classic designs.

Using a different color grout
There are two directions for an embodiment of such a combination:
- Multiple color options and for grouting and tile.
- Color is different, not necessarily with a sharp contrast.
If you put several shades of tiles with drawings, it is not so easy to combine line: as in the single-color grout, and in several different ways. We need accurate informed decisions. In this kind of "ensemble" there is one drawback: the lack of a sense of common plane. However, the sheer variety of scales should such an experiment. Often use a combination of red and white. They added, patterned, striped and painted "on". room design will be in the spirit of color harmony. If the option to choose a law-multicolored pattern, the via grouting can achieve amplification of color perception. Different shades of fugue and tile in a monotone design - option for lovers of minimalism and unity of space. A good solution for bathrooms of any size. In addition, a lot of time will be saved on repairs.

Grout that is close in tone to the tile
Several shades in one place - a guarantee of comfort and tranquility. Flower is best to choose shades of blue or green, because the palette is filled with beautiful soft tones. Green is linked with the light green, turquoise, mint and herbal colors. To add the blue sky blue, indigo, light purple. Gently shimmering color - stylish reception in modern design. Bathroom, among other things - is not a place for the expression of expression. There are preferably used wet colors associated with nature and vegetation. Pointing tiles need a light structure with darker tiles. Inconsistency in brightness in the opposite direction - in the performance of complex idea. Make the wrong choice then it will be the easiest. As for the tiles, the best option - cover with a pattern that emphasizes the manufacture of the material.

Tile and grout of the same color
The greatest possible similarity in color provides a number of advantages. Design then becomes laconic, space - volume and unobtrusive. Decorative function at the same time is shifted to smaller designs, drawings on the individual squares and infill - to white, for example, is a band with flowers. Bright room visually increase the space and light frieze can be rounded to soften. Other vertical surfaces do not necessarily agree on the color of the walls and the flooring in any case make darker. Any joints of different colors close up lighter grout. The room may be dark - grout then pick up a few shades lighter. The contrast will be noticeable even close. The dark interior is designed for a specific purpose - the expression of style or following fashion trends.
Color grout should accordingly be different if used tiles of two colors for the top and flat bottom.

contrasting grout
Options for the design of contrast (dominant color first, second - grouting):
- black and white;
- blue and white;
- brown and white.
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Contrast justified using deep colors. It is desirable that the seams were narrow and large tiles, or vice versa - the same intervals with small tiles. Contrast basically implies preponderance of a darker color, while the presence of light objects in the interior. Since the bathroom appliances are mainly light - white bath and sink, the possibility to implement a contrast lining has almost always. The most traditional example of contrast - black plus white. Palette complement the inherent need for a luxury performance parts: road lamps, moldings, silk. If a black tone spoils the mood - you may have to taste the other color set. Excellent with white saturated blue. With him realize a lot of different subjects. Classic design is also a pair of brown and white colors.

The principle of calculating the amount of grout
First of all take into account the size of the product. In the example tiles of the same size - a width, length and thickness. We determine the ideal width of the tile seam - at the discretion. We consider the parameters for an area of 1 sq. meter. Indicators can be put into a single formula for the subsequent multiplication by standard density grouting - 1.8 kg / dm³. The last parameter changing as needed in any of the parties (the optimum value depends t. H. from the seam width). several patterns of work in theory: less square tiles - more grout, tile thicker - more grout, tile embossed shape - bigger, wider seam - again more. consumption indicated by the manufacturer is calculated for the tiles in standard sizes. In practice, the calculation has to produce its own. The very complexity metrics formula omitted treated surface prirezki to pipes, angles, uneven tile.

Hersteller grouts for tiles - which firm to choose
To those include:
- Ceresit;
- Mapei;
- Kiilto;
- Atlas;
- Litocol.
The first mark, Ceresit is one of the world leaders. Producing a mixture Ceresit, Henkel is pursuing a policy of reasonable prices and manufactures products for any kind of traditional ceramic tiles. In this case, the color palette consists of 60 shades. Another manufacturer is grout Mapei - Italian brand household and building chemistry. The company produces raw materials in different price categories, including finishing materials for designer interiors / exteriors. Mapei grout for areas with high humidity come quickly alerted, and within two days after the surface treatment, you can let the water. The compositions of the Finnish manufacturer Kiilto suitable for independent work without the wizard. The mixture can be prepared and applied without any difficulty. Polish aggregates Atlas comply with the main goal of the manufacturer - to produce universal products. Litocol company from Italy, in turn, emphasizes the decorative properties of solutions in combination with high quality.

Lining the walls have always paid a lot of attention. This is one of the components of the interior, in addition to furniture facilities. Grout on the walls - part of the overall design, so the choice, preparation and application of the solution should be prepared thoroughly. Even before tiling study options - to calculate the number of grout. Besides weight and volume of the solution is important - the result of operation associated with properly chosen material density. Manufacturers made mixes for different occasions - undistinguished design domestic premises, kitchens and bathrooms, luxurious interiors, facades, in any price category. Proper purchase possible after taking into account factors moisture resistance, portability and aesthetics different temperatures. It is necessary to determine the optimal shade of grout - tiles ideally darker periods. After all calculations prepare a solution. The work will need a spatula and a porous sponge. At the end of each tile carefully cleaned.