To support the combustion, heating system house needs a constant supply oven oxygen. Often its intake is carried out directly from the room in which is installed heater. This degrades the characteristics of the air in the room. It is necessary to ventilate the room, "releasing" the heat outwardly. Rectify the situation helps coax a chimney for gas-fired boiler, With the features and operation principle of which offer understand below.
The amount of oxygen under control
Read article
1 Coaxial chimney for a gas boiler - what is it
1.1 Coaxial chimney - what is it?
2 Functionality for a coaxial flue gas boiler
3 Coaxial chimney for gas boilers: operation
4 The structural composition of a coaxial pipe for a gas boiler
5 Types of coaxial pipes smoke producing material for
5.1 Dual channel plastic chimneys
5.2 Coaxial pipe of stainless steel
6 Advantages and disadvantages of coaxial flues
7 In some boilers give it a coaxial tube
8 Top manufacturers of coaxial chimney
8.1 Coaxial chimney Navien
8.2 Coaxial chimney for a gas boiler Baxi
8.3 Why buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler Proterm
8.4 Coaxial chimney Vaillant
9 Orientation coaxial chimney during installation
10 Rules for installation of a coaxial flue gas boiler
11 At what price to buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler
11.1 Price for a coaxial flue gas boiler
Coaxial chimney for a gas boiler - what is it
To better understand the operation of such a structure, it is necessary to deal with the fact that such a coaxial flue gas to the boiler. This will make a more informed choice of a suitable option for your home.
What is worth to know in advance
Coaxial chimney - what is it?
We will understand with the features of the coaxial flue. What is it can be understood if the two pipes of different diameters. Less is more inside and coaxial therewith. The gap between the walls of the pipes is only a few centimeters.
Depending on the installation location can be:
collective. factory conditions are required for manufacturing. Installed during construction. Always with the insulating layer;
individual. For domestic use. They can be used to serve only one gas-fired boiler.
Household connected to one boiler
Functionality for a coaxial flue gas boiler
Such systems perform two functions:
Combustion products formed discharged outside the room;
provide flow of oxygen into the combustion chamber, the support process.
Maximum length of the coaxial flue for gas-fired boiler typically less than 2 m. This size ensures effective thrust. Gas burns evenly. Increasing the length may provoke twists hamper removal of the combustion products and the air supply from outside. For some modern models of the specified linear dimension can be much greater. The required information is provided in the instruction manual. The system is mounted so as to discharge the combustion products was carried out through the wall. ceiling and roof involve extremely rare.
Pipe output through wall
Coaxial chimney for gas boilers: operation
To maintain the required combustion air is drawn from outside. His pitch into the room made for external line (the gap between the pipes). As we move through the pipe gradually warming up. Feed preheated air into the furnace helps to reduce gas consumption. The smoke from the room is discharged through the internal channel.
The principle of operation of the coaxial pipe
The structural composition of a coaxial pipe for a gas boiler
Coaxial flue kit presupposes the existence of certain elements:
inner and outer tubes, through which is carried direct formation system. The diameter of the outer tube is typically less than 125 mm, 80 mm vnutrenney-;
tee or adapter used as a connecting piece. Thanks to their presence to the gas boiler can be connected directly part of the structure;
capacity in which accumulated condensate;
knee, whereby the design can be maintained during operation;
sealing elements.
To the listed elements may be further added:
corrugated pipe, which simplifies the installation work;
plate, pipe used for decoration in the input space wall;
flange, which provides a wall lining pipe.
Attention! coaxial pipe for a gas boiler must use stainless steel for the production of metal elements capable of withstanding acid at an elevated temperature.
Composition design
Types of coaxial pipes smoke producing material for
In selecting an appropriate option must be remembered that a coaxial flue for wall gas boilers can be made of different materials. This affects the durability and strength characteristics. It can be used for the manufacture of aluminum alloy, steel, plastic. The most widely used products made of plastic and stainless steel. Let us discuss them in more detail.
Dual channel plastic chimneys
For the production of heat resistant plastic is used for special purposes, able to retain their performance at + 205 ° C. The main advantages of plastic chimney It should include:
availability. Plastic chimney will cost much cheaper than metal counterparts;
low weight;
ease of installation work.
The disadvantage is the low life and the inability to connect to a conventional gas equipment. Plastic systems have limitations on the maximum temperature of the heating gases.
Plastic models are available, but are not enough
Coaxial pipe of stainless steel
Products made of stainless have higher performance. Being acid resistant, such steel is able to retain their properties at temperatures up to + 550 ° C. The catalogs of manufacturers can be found:
neuteplonnye construction with the inner tube an acid resistant alloy. condensate formed during operation of the system. To decrease it may require additional insulation. Can domestic and industrial;
insulated. Devices used to shared systems. The presence of insulation significantly increases the aerodynamic characteristics of the system. Can be connected to the boiler with natural and forced smoke removal system.
Attention! stainless steel chimney is able to serve at least 30 years.
Stainless system has a long service life
Advantages and disadvantages of coaxial flues
The main advantages are:
localization of the combustion process. Design eliminates air from the room. Combustion products are discharged outside the home;
heating air supplied into the gas boiler to a certain temperature, which increases the efficiency of the process;
cooling the combustion products outside air, thereby increasing safety during operation heating systems. For wood structures, this advantage is important;
increase the percentage of fuel burned, which helps to improve the environmental situation;
more compact size, compared with the system comprising a separate pipe for supplying air and discharging combustion products.
The main drawback - high cost. For coaxial conduit have to pay almost 1.5 times more than for a system comprising a separate pipe. The structural features of the system air supply to provoke the appearance of a condensate channel. In winter, it provokes the ice channel. This disadvantage is eliminated by the inclusion of the element of the system to drain condensate. It may also need warmingWhich increases the cost of the pipeline.
There is a risk of icing
In some boilers give it a coaxial tube
Coaxial chimney acquire if will install the equipment with forced draft. The structure of the boiler must be a member fanIntended for discharging combustion products. Those. Equipment should be turbocharged. Such a device to stabilize the combustion process in a closed chamber. high tightness joints should be achieved by installing a chimney for a condensation boiler.
The boiler must be turbocharged
Top manufacturers of coaxial chimney
When choosing an appropriate model, in addition to performance, it is necessary to pay attention to the company's products. Under well-known trademarks of manufactured coaxial chimneys, the quality of which has no complaints. We offer to meet with the most popular trademarks of their distinctive features.
Select the appropriate option can be difficult
Coaxial chimney Navien
Production of the Korean company, well-proven in the domestic market. It is easy to pick up a coaxial chimney Navien for any type of equipment, power which does not exceed 75 kW. Featuring a high quality product, produced under the trademark, are acceptable for most buyers cost.
Boiler Navien to choose components of the same brand
Coaxial chimney for a gas boiler Baxi
Among directories are products made from high-strength polymer and stainless steel. The composition of standard package includes meter pipe, elbow 90 °, the nozzle providing the desired level of protection from the wind, and decorative ring. If for a coaxial flue gas boiler Baxi has a length less than a meter, is installed on the boiler duct narrows diaphragm. With its help it is possible to compensate for traction. Absence of a diaphragm will reduce the efficiency of the gas boiler because the combustor Incoming larger volume of air than is required.
Before you buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler Baxi, should define its size. The manufacturer offers plastic products that can be installed in the southern and northern regions. Elongated structure and having a special protective structure ensures smooth operation heating systems at -50 ° C.
Baxi - consistently high quality manufacturing
Why buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler Proterm
When designing the heating system is desirable to acquire the equipment of the same manufacturer. It is worth to buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler Proterm if purchased boilers, released under the same trademark. Products manufactured in Slovakia are of high quality and long service life.
Proterm - everything you need included
Coaxial chimney Vaillant
When choosing a gas boiler Vaillant should definitely purchase the chimney of the same manufacturer. Value connecting dimensions will ensure stability for a long time system. Included in the heating equipment supplied and sold separately.
Coaxial kit Vaillant
In addition to these, you can consider buying the products of other manufacturers in the presence of positive feedback.
Feedback on chimney Royal Thermo:
More on ForumHouse:
Feedback on chimney Ferrum:
More on Otzovik:
Review of coaxial chimney:
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Quality and according to the rules established flues for gas boiler in a private house They are an important component of effective heating system. In this article we will talk about how to properly arrange the equipment based on established standards and requirements, it was not necessary to alter the chimney.
Orientation coaxial chimney during installation
Orientation of the pipe is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the building. Orientation can be:
horizontal. It allows for forced ventilation of the boiler. It is most prevalent. For horizontal outlet pipe is chosen location on the wall. In this case, be sure to take into account requirements for the minimum distance from the flue to the coaxial window neighboring house;
vertical. Used for the inability of the first type.
Output Options pipe
For vertical installation, there are two ways to connect:
cascade, Feasible for collective chimneys with simultaneous connection of several gas-fired boilers. The chimney can be located inside and outside the building;
individual. Vertical coaxial flue gas to the boiler is used to discharge the products of combustion to a height of 7 m. It can be implemented in one-and two-storey buildings.
Photo coaxial flues are presented below.
Rules for installation of a coaxial flue gas boiler
To avoid complications during the operation, it is necessary to observe the rules for the installation of a coaxial flue gas boiler. Attention should be paid:
output order structures through the wall;
especially the connection to the gas boiler;
possibility of increasing the length of the structure during a subsequent operation;
availability of protection from wind and icing.
The height of the tube depends on the design features of the boiler. For outdoor gas boiler with a coaxial flue pipe length is chosen minimum meter. Wall models, minimum height of two feet. You can not directly output outlet on the street.
The length of the horizontal portion is also limited by the design of the equipment and is typically 3-5 m, depending on the boiler model. Required bias is provided to the outer wall to allow flow of condensate. Tube can extend through a special coupling having a heat-resistant seals. An opening through which flue moved outwardly, should be positioned at a minimum height of 2 m above the ground and 1.5 m from the boiler. From the window, doors and any other of the opening should be retreat half a meter.
Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
Ask a Question
"Do not have the coaxial flue beneath the window. In the absence of other embodiments the distance between them should be at least m. "
Knowing the rules listed, you can perform the installation of coaxial flue gas boiler with his hands.
The requirements for Distance
At what price to buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler
Before you buy coaxial chimney for a gas boiler, you should definitely decide on the desired characteristics and to analyze the existing proposals. This will allow to become the owner of high-quality products at an affordable price. The average cost of the most popular models can be found below.
At the same characteristics of the cost can vary
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Gas-fired boilers for heating private houses. In the paper, we consider the criteria for choosing a gas boiler, varieties, peculiarities of application, the rating floor and wall units, correct installation of your own hands.
Price for a coaxial flue gas boiler
Average prices for coaxial flues for gas boilers are presented in the table.
The average price (as of April 2018), rub.
VAILLANT DN Ø60 / 100 - 1 M
Bosch horizontal output (knee 90, AZ 389)
STOUTDN Ø60 / 100 MW - 850 MW
PROTHERMDN Ø60 / 100 mM - 1 M
Viessmann 60/100, defrost
Thus, the coaxial chimney - the best solution for a gas boiler. Share in the comments of the design features of your heating system and the brand name of the installed equipment.