Heating country house: options and price comparison systems

Modern technology offers many options for suburban housing heating from solid fuel boilers to cutting edge infrared instruments and thermal pumps. It is considered the cheapest fuel gas network, but do not always have the opportunity to connect gas heating country house. Prices and options of alternative fuels, particularly new systems - in this material.

Heating country house: Modifications
In his own house and grounds can be used, alternative heating options

Read article

  • 1 Alternative heating and traditional country house (price and options)
  • 2 What is a project of the heating system?
  • 3 What is better for heating private houses: compare different types of
    • 3.1 Solid fuel and its features
    • 3.2 Fuel oil boilers
    • 3.3 Electric heating of a country house: the prices and options instruments
    • 3.4 Network gas cylinders and gas tanks
    • 3.5 Geothermal heating as an alternative
  • 4 Operating costs of different heating systems
  • 5 findings

Alternative heating and traditional country house (price and options)

Consider the main types of fuel that can be used for heating of private home ownership in our latitudes:

  • firewood and coal;
  • fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, working off;
  • network and bottled gas;
  • Electricity (network, solar or wind);
  • geothermal energy.

Each of these types has its pros and cons. When choosing the type of heatingIt is important to take into account the family's financial resources for the acquisition and operation of the system, the availability of fuels and the possibility of combining different types of fuel.

It should be borne in mind that cheap equipment is usually short-lived
It should be borne in mind that cheap equipment is usually short-lived

Savings on skilled craftsmen can turn the system malfunctions. That is why it is important to think through all the details, write a good project and entrust the job to professionals.

What is a project of the heating system?

For the design takes into account the area of ​​heated space, power boiler and possible heat loss. count the number battery in every room and length pipe. What matters is the number of window, doors and character wall materials.

The circuit of the heating system of the private household
The circuit of the heating system of the private household

Detailed calculations optimally to spend money in the future to minimize the maintenance costs of the system. AT heating system you can turn on heating water.

Engaged in the design of the system, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region. For example, under extreme north oil fired boiler would not be effective because it loses the ability to ignite fuel even at minus thirty degrees.

What is better for heating private houses: compare different types of

So, before installing boiler, Should know:

  • whether there is a connection to the network pipeline;
  • which fuel most available in the place of residence;
  • whether enough power to the local power grid to connect heating appliances;
  • how much heat energy is required to heat the home.
After all the preliminary calculations, it is possible to consider different types of fuel
After all the preliminary calculations, it is possible to consider different types of fuel

Solid fuel and its features

The use of solid materials, coal and firewoodConsidered obsolete heating views. Although this assertion is debatable. In a situation where a house is located in a remote location for road transport, this type of fuel - no alternative option. A transmission line can not meet the required load, the pipeline network is not, and balloon or deliver the liquid fuel is difficult. That remains proven for centuries wood burning stove. Although she is not fired in the automatic mode, but it ensures the heat in the most severe frosts.

Note! The costs for heating solid fuel and a half times less than the cost for heating the gas installation.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the oven, if the house has children
It is necessary to carefully monitor the oven, if the house has children

Stove heating with a water circuit in a wooden house - one of the most common options. Firewood in a wooded area - the goods cheaper. The same can be said about the carbon in the coal-mining regions. Firewood and charcoal topped the list of the cheapest ways of heating a country house. So do not rush to dismiss this type of heating.

Consider the obvious advantages and disadvantages of coal-fired boiler

Economy. The cost of a cubic meter of firewood starts at 1 thousand rubles, coal - to 5000 per ton.The efficiency of solid fuel boilers is not more than seventy percent.
Solid fuel boiler can operate on two types of fuel, such as wood or gas.The formation of soot, soot and smoke.
The ability to use different types of solid fuel: coal, pellets, dung, wood.
Ease of installation and operation of heating water from the wood-fired ovensThe need for constant supervision and add fuel.
Stand-alone operation

It remains to specify only one question: what is the price of solid fuel boilers for heating private houses? Customer reviews of these plants show that it is better to pick up the instruments in the average price segment - from 30 to 70 thousand rubles. Their power is sufficient to heat a small country house with an area of ​​100-150 square meters.

Experts note the high quality products of domestic production
Experts note the high quality products of domestic production

Note! Simple wood furnace fuel addition needs about once every five to seven hours. Modern high-tech pyrolysis installation can operate continuously for twelve hours.

Fuel oil boilers

In gasoline, kerosene, diesel, lubricating oil (development) can be used as a liquid fuel. The latter option is often used owners of garages. Small oven on such fuel is able to qualitatively heat the room. For apartment building that option is not suitable, as the boiler operation process forms the oily soot, which is virtually impossible to clean.

Advantages and disadvantages of fuel oil system

It works in automation mode with minimal operator involvementThe cost of the boilers and their components (prices start at 40,000 rubles for low-power devices)
fuel availabilityThe price of fuel
autonomous systemThe need to install special fuel storage
High efficiency - to ninety-five percentThe short life of the equipment due to the formation of sulfur oxide

Note! Many people may not like the peculiar smell produced during the operation of the liquid fuel boiler.

To accommodate the liquid fuel heater is necessary to allocate a separate room
To accommodate the liquid fuel heater is necessary to allocate a separate room

Electric heating of a country house: the prices and options instruments

Electric boilers divided into induction and the electrode. If the system requires the presence of the water loop, the more efficient electrode considered model. They have a high efficiency. However, induction tools are safer.

On sale you can find other options heaters. First of all, it is the modern infrared systems. Warm floor plates or panels that emit infrared radiation quickly and efficiently heated room. Wave energy heats than air, and objects in the room. Those, in turn, give a warm air flow.

Infrared systems can be placed on the ceiling, walls and floor
Infrared systems can be placed on the ceiling, walls and floor

heaters - another type efficient heaters. Noiseless fan drives air through the heating elements. The power of modern batteries with convector allows you to heat large areas.

Advantages and disadvantages electrical heating houses

Easy installationThe cost of electricity
Relatively low cost devices
High efficiency
Mobility (the device can be rearranged if necessary)The dependence of the heating system of faults in the power system
High speed warm-up room
The availability of the energy source

Tip! Considering the electric heating of a country house, options and prices for appliances, look for one of the most aesthetic and modern system types - Heated plinth. He will not prevent arrange the furniture and thus will heat the room as effectively as conventional batteries.

Heated plinth saves space
Heated plinth saves space

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Network gas cylinders and gas tanks

The cheapest, with the exception of coal and wood, remains gas heating country house. Consider the options and setting their prices.

Mains gas available 67 percent of the population of our country. Where there is a gas pipeline, it is no longer used by other Ides of heating systems. Cheap natural gas does not require a storage for future use or billet continuous control over the heater. cost of gas-fired boiler comparatively high and starts from 20 thousand rubles.

From the gas boiler will not smoke and soot
From the gas boiler will not smoke and soot

If for some reason the mains gas is not available, alternatives may be used. You can connect to the boiler or install a few bottles gasholder - system with roomy storage of liquefied gas. Capacity filled in special machines. These alternatives are completely autonomous and depend only on the possibility of filling tanks with fuel. Such gas will cost little more than a network.

The capacity of the gas tank is located on the site under the ground
The capacity of the gas tank is located on the site under the ground

Advantages and disadvantages of gas heating

Cost-effective due to the low cost of fuelgas poisoning risk
No need to strictly control the system, gas boilers operate in automatic mode
Long service life of devicesThe impossibility of self-installation of the system
The ability to accurately regulate the temperature

Note! Gas heating - the most eco-friendly way of heating homes. With a gas boiler room will not be any foreign smell, fumes or soot.

Geothermal heating as an alternative

Is it possible to heating private houses without gas or electricity? New developments allow the use of thermal energy for heating homes. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to the principle of the refrigerator.

Geothermal plants are self-contained and can not only heat the house in winter but cool in summer
Geothermal plants are self-contained and can not only heat the house in winter but cool in summer

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Features of thermal plants

You can use the thermal installation in any regionThe high cost of installation and its mounting (200 thousand rubles)
Availability of unlimited free heat source
Environmentally friendly, no harmful to human health factorsLong payback device
Possibility of heating and cooling facilities

Note! Europeans are actively switching to thermal heating system. To date, approximately 70 percent of the homes in Western Europe are equipped with such facilities.

Operating costs of different heating systems

Consider heating a country house: options and prices for use of the appliance.

Spending on home heating
Spending on home heating

Tips for installing heating systems

  • Installation of the system begins with boiler installation. For it will need concrete pedestal height of not less than five centimeters. Instead concrete Pillows can be used iron sheet.
  • joint space chimney and air duct must be carefully sealed.
  • In the room where the boiler is located, you must make an additional ventilation with natural or forced air.
  • In any installation must be mounted thermometer for determining the temperature coolant.
  • When laying the heating system must ensure that the tube does not pass through supporting structures or contact with wiring.
If the choice is stopped on an electric boiler, it is necessary to choose a system with built-in pump, automatic control and volumetric tank
If the choice is stopped on an electric boiler, it is necessary to choose a system with built-in pump, automatic control and volumetric tank
  • coal-fired boiler temperature may reach one hundred degrees or more. It should therefore be used for installation of the system only metal pipes.
  • The first launch of a new heating system to carry out better in the presence of a professional mother. Otherwise, you can make mistakes, because of which the boiler will not be accepted for warranty service.
  • When first run excess air is discharged at the top point of the system. You may have to do it repeatedly.
It is necessary to monitor the water level in the expansion tank of the water circuit and to prevent its sharp decline. From time to time it is necessary to add water to the tank
It is necessary to monitor the water level in the expansion tank of the water circuit and to prevent its sharp decline. From time to time it is necessary to add water to the tank


We have considered the options and the price of heating a country house. The least expensive fuels are gas and coal. You can connect to the free geothermal heat source, but the cost of installation is not yet available to most consumers.

In any case, planning a home heating system, take into account the availability of energy sources and choose the best option
In any case, planning a home heating system, take into account the availability of energy sources and choose the best option

Take the time to thoroughly calculations and consult with experts on heating systems. Their professional opinion will make the right choice.