Heating garage: the most economical way possible option

For many men, a garage - a place of rest, where you can not think about the current issues and concerns. This is not just a place for parking cars, but also the opportunity to work a little hands. Therefore, heating a garage, many are paying special significance. After all, in the winter in a room with no heating will not sit. But here arises another question, which relates to a method of heating, but rather, benefit from it in terms of financial costs. Therefore, in this review we will look at options for garage heating. The most economical method can be selected after a detailed analysis of each.

Heating garage: the most economical way
Garage for men - a second home

Read article

  • 1 What to consider when choosing a garage heating system
    • 1.1 Fire safety requirements
  • 2 Garage heating methods
    • 2.1 Gas heating
    • 2.2 electrical heating
      • 2.2.1 The most economical way of heating the garage with electricity
    • 2.3 Solid fuel
    • 2.4 Heating with working out
    • 2.5 Water heating in the garage without electricity
      • 2.5.1 Heating garage a bourgeois with a water circuit
  • 3 Criteria garage heating in the winter with his own hands
  • 4 How to make a cheap and quick heating of the garage with his hands
  • 5 Today offers industry - review of efficient stoves for garage

What to consider when choosing a garage heating system

So, if for heating Garage decision is made, it is not necessary to rush to the store to buy a particular type of heating equipment. From it will not make any sense, if not to take into account some points about the room itself.

First we need to do insulation construction. If this metal structure, it is necessary to impose brick lay outside or inside insulation, sheathing top plywood or OSB. The first option is better. In this case, it is necessary to insulate not only walls, but also roof, And possibly floors. Although the latest in running in the garage have a problem. Second - it is necessary to eliminate all possible leaks, especially the gate and window. Because through them, not only will take place inside the cold air, but also to escape the warm.

Insulation of the inside of the garage
Insulation of the inside of the garage

The second thing you should pay attention to, starting to think about heating - is ventilation. Many will say that through it, the heat will go out into the street, and they will be right. But remember that inside the garage stores various lubricants, sometimes fuel, which was isolated as dangerous for the person placing the pair, and it is necessary to dispose of them is required. In addition, if the boiler is to be installed for the garage, working on solid fuel or working out, what he quality was, no matter how well he worked chimney, carbon monoxide gases in small quantities will still enter the room where will accumulate. And this is a bad thing.

Sergei Kharitonov


Sergei Kharitonov

Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "

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"I should add that in the function ventilation will include lowering humidity. Vehicle winter or rainy weather with the water will enter and snow that will create a high humidity inside the garage. From her car will start faster rust. So from all sides ventilation - necessary engineering network. "

Fire safety requirements

By itself, the car is already subject to increased fire danger. So when the question is how heat the garage, You must adhere to strict rules of fire safety. Namely:

  • Fuel must not be stored in the garage for more than 20 liters, and the Oil - 5. Their storage should be organized in a special container with a well-fitting lid. Sami cans should be stored in a metal cabinet.
  • You can not clutter up the room old things, because they are a source of support flame.
The fire in the garage - do not uncommon to observe the rules and requirements of fire safety
The fire in the garage - do not uncommon to observe the rules and requirements of fire safety
  • It is impossible to fill the car inside the garage, this is only done in the street.
  • The same applies for the oil change.
  • Prohibited turn construction in the wash for cleaning a gasoline vehicle parts and assemblies.
  • Used rags should be disposed of immediately.
  • Clothing store in a closet or another room.
  • No hot work in the garage.
  • It is impossible to kindle in torches, fires, blowtorches or gas burners.
  • Smoking is also strictly prohibited here.
  • Can not be used for heating appliances homemade.
  • The garage must be a fire extinguisher, it should be placed on the inside of the plane of the gate leaves. Next to the building you need to arrange a sand box, a barrel of water and a few tools: shovel, Buckets and ax.
Store fuel in large quantities in the garage is forbidden
Store fuel in large quantities in the garage is forbidden

As you can see, the question of how to heat a garage in the winter with their hands - it's not just the task of the heating and heater technology. It is a whole set of requirements from the firefighters. Although these are the rules relating to safety in the garage is located. So that you should not argue with the fire safetyIf they require you to strictly adhere to these standards.

Garage heating methods

In the first place it is necessary to take into account the question of how to heat a garage in the winter. Therefore, consider a postulate: the more expensive the fuel, the easier it is to organize heating. Therefore, we consider each and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Gas heating

Let's just say, if there is a question as to heat the garage is cheap, then this is the option. Natural gas is more expensive than wood and mining, and it is not such a high heat. But with gas problems never arise. And here it does not matter to which the heating element you connect the gas pipe. If done correctly, it is first of all a complete operational safety. Secondly, it is almost complete automation of the process, which frees one from the present. In this case, a huge variety of gas heaters It makes it possible to choose a suitable under dimensions of the garage.

Gas heating using bottles
Gas heating using bottles

But the problem lies in the fact that the garages are not always carried out the gas pipe. And if it is a cooperative free-standing buildings, then there it never hold. About this could only dream of the car owner, who has a garage attached to a private home.

That is, referring to the gas heating system, you can designate it as a cheaper version of a pipe dream. Therefore, it is many people do not consider initially. Although it is possible to organize a balloon heating. But this is not the cheapest option.

electrical heating

In this case, a low cost is not worth saying. Although if you choose the right electric heater for the garage, then we can talk about some savings. But, in terms of comfort and economy of the initial investment, this option is cost-effective. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of electric heating garage:

Electric heating - it is convenient and safe.The high price of electricity.
There is no need to mess with laying wood or pouring liquid fuel.
It can be combined with water-heating Electric heaters.
The heat begins to flow into the room immediately, as soon as the heater has been included in the mains supply. Gaining heat garage just a half hour.If the garage is converted into a workshopWhere the owner spends much of the time, you have to pay for the electricity consumption of a significant amount.
A wide range of heating appliances.
Electric convector - simple, efficient, but expensive
Electric convector - simple, efficient, but expensive

The most economical way of heating the garage with electricity

In the category of heating appliances have infrared heaters. They themselves are no thermal energy does not produce. They simply radiate infrared rays, which heat a surrounding objects. And those, in turn, exude warmth.

At once it is necessary to mention that this is the most cost-effective option in terms of energy consumption. Here the most important thing - the right to direct the radiation flux. It is better if it is a material that quickly heats up and begins to generate heat. Optimal - metal. Therefore, in the garage, you can do so - to make a metal screen that hung on the wall or the floor is laid. In fact, the screen - this is an ordinary steel sheet. IR heater suspended from the ceiling or on the wall and is directed toward the stacked or suspended screen. All heating system is ready.

Infrared ceiling heater - cheap embodiment of electrical heating
Infrared ceiling heater - cheap embodiment of electrical heating

Attention! People should not be under IR radiation. From him there and then it heats the skin and body parts, which is not always good. Especially protect your head.

Solid fuel

Waste wood and wood themselves - be the cheapest fuel, which often goes to waste. But before you give your preference to this method of heating the garage, you have to solve several serious problems:

  1. purchase the stove or boiler. You can do with your hands, if you have skills and experience.
  2. Perform the installation and a chimney connected to it, the heater itself. There is also a fire safety requirements.
  3. Perform fuel workpiece.
  4. Organize its storage place outside the garage premises.

At the same time it will have a further process of operating this equipment to engage in cleaning it from soot. But the benefits of this method explicit. In any case, it concerns finances. However, it should be noted that melts boiler or wood burning stove for a long time. It may take more than an hour. This refers to the heating of the premises. Therefore, if the car owner plans to stay in the garage for 5-6 hours, the oven should ignite. Instead, it produces a large amount of heat energy, which is enough to warm even the large garage.

Wood stove in the garage
Wood stove in the garage

Heating with working out

Heating of this type is not the cheapest. But it can be considered seriously, if there is an opportunity to buy the used oil at a low price. There is in this process a lot of problems, which again relate to fire safety requirements. In all other respects it is a great option to heat the premises garage. Therefore, we consider the pros and cons of this technology:

Price-dropper stove running on working out, is not very high. She made many welders, and make their own hands furnace is not very difficult. The main thing - to understand its structure and mode of operation. Such ovens comply with fire safety requirements.Required sealing device chimney.
Fast ignition.Refinement before use will have to strain or filter.
High heat.Always present in the garage and the smell of dirt.
The small size of the unit, which means that little footprint.The capacity of the fuel must be taken out of the garage space and connect it with a stove hard steel pipe. No hoses.
Oil takes up less space than firewood.If there is a small amount of moisture as water or antifreeze in the fuel, the unit works poorly.

Attention! Many producers of liquid-fuel heating units offer enough cost-effective items that run on diesel fuel. For example, an air heater fan type "Planar". Its most economical model with consumption of 250 ml / h generates 2 kW of heat energy.

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Choose the most economical way of heating the garage of all possible optionsOven at working off their own hands. Drawings, videos, and charts, the recommendations of experts, which you will find in this publication will help to create a quality design for any heating oil with flammable properties with their own hands and easily simply.

Water heating in the garage without electricity

What is meant by this term? In fact, it boiler, radiators and piping. Should I do it in the garage? How effective is this system, and cost-effective? If the garage is attached to a private home, in which operated hot-water heatingThen it effectively and economically justified. Because it is necessary in the garage just to hang two or three radiator, Depending on the area of ​​heating, and attach them to the existing home heating systems.

Water heating - large financial investments, which is disadvantageous for the garage
Water heating - large financial investments, which is disadvantageous for the garage

If settling this type of heating system in a separate building, this large upfront investment. Plus the inability to control the temperature regime coolant at night, if the solid-set or oil boiler. And that could lead to the freezing of the entire system. Of course, you can organize your own hands heating in the garage for antifreeze, its bay in the heating pipe layout, but it again comes to the choice of fuel. That is, in this case it is not the best way. Although there are options.

Heating garage a bourgeois with a water circuit

So this scheme is simple. Collect her own hands is not difficult, if have the skills to work with electric welding. Primarily need stove, which cuts into the coil. It will burn up in warmed oven fuel, and the inside will move water as a coolant.

Made with their own hands, such an oven in the garage can be very small in size, because its purpose - not to heat the room and heating water. Although some of its heat energy it will give exactly through the housing into the air. That is, a double benefit.

One form of coil (heat exchanger) for burzhujki
One form of coil (heat exchanger) for burzhujki

Stove is installed near the exit, the upper pipe coil is connected to the supply circuit, the bottom - with a return line. A pair of radiators are installed, and that it is necessary to tie the tubes. The simplest water heating circuit in a garage hands - one-pipe system in the form of a ring at which coolant moves penetrate alternately into each radiator. piped minimum costs, labor costs are small. It is in such a system and it is necessary to pour antifreeze, because wood-burning stove will work only during the day. A pour and pour coolant each time will be unprofitable and inconvenient.

Criteria garage heating in the winter with his own hands

Probably talk about economical heater for the garage, as such, it makes no sense. Because it is necessary to take into account a lot of positions associated with the power of the heating unit, and with the volume of the heated space, and with the cost of fuel, plus the time that people spend in the garage. Therefore, a few tips regarding all this taking into account the pros and cons of each method of heating:

  • Generally the heating choice depends on how much time it spends in the garage of the owner.
  • If the vehicle is operated constantly in the winter, it must always be ready for departure. This means that the temperature conditions within buildings must be within at least + 5 ° C. For these purposes it is better to choose the type of heating, which does not need constant supervision. This gas, electric or infrared.
  • If the vehicle is operated from time to time, then the optimal solution - electric gun, which quickly heats the room and will warm the car itself. If the heating speed is not the main criterion, it can be installed in a garage or a solid-liquid-unit, even if the stove-burzhujku or drip.
Electric gun in the garage - a quick and efficient heating of the room, but a large power consumption
Electric gun in the garage - a quick and efficient heating of the room, but a large power consumption
  • If the garage the owner spends a lot of time, then heating it to make better use of the combined version. For example, a day may be operated under the supervision of wood stoves or furnaces for working out. At night, leave the IR emitters. By the way, it probably will be the cheapest option. If there is a possibility to connect the boiler to the gas pipe, the day he is working at full speed, and at night decreases its capacity for heating to maintain + 5 ° C.

That is, before making heating in the garage with his hands, it is necessary to take into account just these moments.

How to make a cheap and quick heating of the garage with his hands

Let us give a few options of heaters for the garage, which can be done by hand:

  • The simplest of them - the stove, which is usually stoked with wood. It can be any configuration oven, made of any of the finished container. For example, a 200 liter drum, which was cut in half crosswise. Of the half and made oven. Although you can drum positioned horizontally, not cutting it. The main thing - to make a connection for chimney, furnace, which is inserted into the partition of the lattice, welded of rebar, and the door for closing the combustion chamber. As practice shows, for three or four hours to produce a heating device is not a problem.
Wood-burning stove from dvuhsotlitrovoy barrels
Wood-burning stove from dvuhsotlitrovoy barrels
  • Not a bad option associated with electricity. But this water heating system. To do this, cook out several pipes heating register. The larger the pipe design, the larger the diameter, the higher the heat transfer device. At the bottom of the tube is welded to the end of a normal household water heater capacity of 1-1.5 kW. A tube with the upper end face is welded vertically mounted a small surge tank open type. Through the system will be filled with water or antifreeze. Last better. Register is filled with coolant, the heater is included in the socket. Literally in half an hour heater is already hot and starts to heat the garage.
Water heating register with a boiler as a heating element
Water heating register with a boiler as a heating element
  • Another option with air heating elements. It will have to use burzhujku with a water circuit. Only instead of a complete heating system using a conventional radiator of the vehicle together with the fan. The radiator is hung on the wall so as to fit the fan for him. Last connected to the mains through a step-down transformer. The radiator is connected to the coil hoses or plastic pipes. The compound should be carried out as follows: the upper serpentine pipes and radiator are connected with one hose - a coolant supply circuit is formed between the lower circuit return flow. The effectiveness of this method of heating of the garage is such that for the assembly of small size boiler is required which can rapidly heat the coolant. The fan efficiently removes heat by lowering the water temperature to the maximum. That is, the ring system is running on all thermo-laws. By the way, you can replace the boiler burzhujku.
Automotive radiator as a source of thermal energy
Automotive radiator as a source of thermal energy

See the video, which shows one of the heating options in the garage, made with his own hands.

Today offers industry - review of efficient stoves for garage

ModelCharacteristicsprice, rub.
Cinderella Light
Cinderella Light
  • Type of heating - air.
  • Fuel - wood.
  • The volume of heated space - 50 m³.
  • Power - 4 kW.
  • Dimensions - 465 × 300 × 460 mm.
  • Weight - 27 kg.
  • The volume of the combustion chamber - 41 liters.
5 700
  • Type of heating - air.
  • Fuel - wood.
  • The volume of heated space - 60 m³.
  • Power - 5 kW.
  • Dimensions: 540h325h550 mm.
  • Weight - 38 kg.
5 100
stove CMD
stove CMD
  • Fuel - cleaved maximum length - 35 cm.
  • The volume of heated space - 50 m³.
  • Power - 4 kW.
  • Dimensions: 450h300h500 mm.
  • Weight - 20 kg.
3 000
IN-1 Rainbow
IN-1 Rainbow
  • Fuel - firewood, the maximum length - 50 cm.
  • The volume of heated space - 30 m³.
  • Dimensions: 530h360h490 mm.
  • Weight - 20 kg.
3 900
Automotive radiator as a heat source, connected with a wood burning stove
Automotive radiator as a heat source, connected with a wood burning stove

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