Long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews

To maintain comfortable temperature conditions inside the premises using different autonomous system. When considering the various engineering solutions it makes sense to examine carefully long burning boilers on the wood for the house, prices, reviews. This equipment has a number of pre-emptive options, which will be useful for calculating the owners get the desired result without the expense and hassle.

long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews
The modern equipment will help to economize energy resources

Read article

  • 1 basic definitions
    • 1.1 Why do we need such a technique
    • 1.2 Operating principle
    • 1.3 Features of different designs
    • 1.4 Comparison with alternative solutions
  • 2 heating wood boilers long burning factory production
  • 3 Homemade fired boilers long burning for heating homes
  • 4 Requirements for the heating system
  • 5 long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, market review
  • 6 Price long burning wood boilers for the home, additional recommendations, results

basic definitions

To make a decision on the important issue is not enough cursory exploring the beautiful catalogs in a specialized salon. Experienced vendors interested in implementing expensive, long stored in the warehouse of goods. To constructively discuss with them the technical parameters, use the material in this article. They will help to more precisely formulate the requirements for the composition and characteristics of the equipment.

Even specialized experts is necessary to regularly introduce novelties to maintain high qualification
Even specialized experts is necessary to regularly introduce novelties to maintain high qualification

Why do we need such a technique

Conventional furnaces, boilers with wood, for heating private houses ill-suited. They take up a lot of space. Necessary to control the combustion process. it is necessary regularly to maintain performance (too often) to add fuel. When using classical methods generates large quantities of waste. Indirectly, this confirms the not rational use of natural resources. Modern people prefer economical equipment that does not need special care.

Contemporary stove
Contemporary stove

This technique with decorative trim looks nice. It is set in interiorsRather, for decoration. occasionally fireplace used for local heating. It should be emphasized that many useful heat goes out together with the combustion products.

Operating principle

In order to exclude or minimize the disadvantages of the above, different solutions are used. development ideas easier to understand by the example of the type design.

Components of the water boiler continuous burning firewood
Components of the water boiler continuous burning firewood

This list shows the main elements of their purpose and principles of operation:

  • Firewood (1) is charged through the upper door (3). The large chamber is placed a large consignment of fuel. Here wood remove excess moisture. In this volume, the temperature rises to + 400 ° C.
  • Wood ignited bottom (2). The combustion process can be controlled amount of inlet air through the middle door (4). It is set at a level sufficient for pyrolysis - formation of inflammable gases. Therefore, the original fuel is consumed slowly.
  • In the lower part is supported by gas combustion process with a temperature of up to + 1200 ° C. Ash produced is not a lot. It is removed through a bottom door (6).
  • The exhaust air passes through the heat exchanger more complicated shape (7). Then the temperature is from + 140 ° C or higher, which is sufficient to further heat the fluid. AT chimney get cooled gases.
  • The outer door (5), insulating linings, insulation - these elements prevent the penetration of infrared radiation valuable outwardly.
Classical and pyrolysis technology
Classical and pyrolysis technology

Features of different designs

In these figures it is clear that the main camera can be mounted not only at the top but also at the bottom.

Two variants of firewood combustion
Two variants of firewood combustion

The first figure shows a complex system of forced exhaust of combustion products. Electric fan (4) is required, especially since the process is slowed down. In this mode, a natural draft is too small for efficient removal of exhaust gases.

heat exchanger
heat exchanger

To increase the heating efficiency coolant It carried out in different parts of the boiler. Fluid is fed from below. It rises inside the hollow walls. The escaping gases pass through a complex structure, inside which the water temperature also rises.

Comparison with alternative solutions

The following are examples of other types of heating equipment, marked advantages and disadvantages.

pellet boiler
pellet boiler

For the operation of this technology require a special solid fuel in the granules. Its movement is mechanized in the combustion chamber. To do this, use special transport screw device. The increasing complexity of design increases the likelihood of breakdowns.

Schematic diagram of a coal boiler
Schematic diagram of a coal boiler

This equipment uses fuel with a high calorific value. But we must understand that it costs more expensive. A lot of trouble to create a tag coal dust. She quickly contaminates the equipment and premises, and there are additional difficulties in the process of exploitation.

Coal-fired boiler is used for large-scale production problems
Coal-fired boiler is used for large-scale production problems
To maintain order and cleanliness in the premises with a diesel boiler is not difficult
To maintain order and cleanliness in the premises with a diesel boiler is not difficult

The only significant disadvantage of this fuel is its high cost. It should be taken into account in the comparative calculations that need to hold a special sealed container of a large volume. In the cold season it is necessary to heat the warehouse. Otherwise it is necessary to buy expensive diesel fuel with special winter fillers.

The powerful gas boiler for heating and hot water supply can be set in the kitchen
The powerful gas boiler for heating and hot water supply can be set in the kitchen

For such equipment required centralized communication. The use of liquefied natural gas for heating would involve excessive costs.

Perfect option
Perfect option

It - electric heater. With small size, it is able to completely solve the heating problem of a large private houses. Its cost is low, and the connection is not difficult for ordinary users. this technology control offers increased accuracy, minimum inertia. This technique is by all indicators better analogues. But the widespread transition to this type of equipment is not possible because of the high cost of energy resources.

So far, no electricity will be cheaper to heat with wood - profitable
So far, no electricity will be cheaper to heat with wood - profitable
Comparison of natural gas with other fuels on the calorific value
Comparison of natural gas with other fuels on the calorific value

heating wood boilers long burning factory production

This equipment features high-quality equipment will be useful in selecting suitable products:

  • In modern modifications long wood burning boilers installed with forced water circuit ventilation. This simplifies exact dosing of fresh air.
  • temperature sensors and pressure help automate the process of combustion. The signals from them arrive at the electronics unit, which performs corrective action without the need for additional configuration.
  • In some models of boilers can be used wood, coke and coal. Acquisition of such a technique extends the range of suitable fuels.
  • Integrated electronic and mechanical devices offer good protection against overheating.
  • Changing modes of software and electronic control unit based on the data about the room temperature optimizes the fuel consumption.
Controller for solid fuel boilers
Controller for solid fuel boilers

Using specialized electronic equipment is simplified management of continuous burning boilers with wood Housing without substantially increasing the price. Consumer reviews and experts confirm the improvement of the control and protection functions. In certain embodiments, acceptable kitting remote data acquisition feed control signals via standard GSM mobile connection.

Homemade fired boilers long burning for heating homes

the following structure may be used for creating self-heating technology.

Driving the piston
Driving the piston

Here, air is supplied through the pipe. Under its own weight piston moves downwards. If properly set the gaps between them and the walls, complex adjustments are needed.

boiler drawing
boiler drawing

Note! For lifting the piston after completion of the operating cycle, experts recommend to install a winch with electric drive. To adjust the air supply pipe is inserted into the central channel fan. Controlling the speed of its rotation should be done smoothly, to get an accurate dose.

High-quality long burning boiler on the wood with your hands to make a no-brainer. But even with strict observance of production technology and accurate copy of the sample home-made factory not be able to register officially. it fits heating garage. In a residential area allowed to be installed only certified equipment.

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long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tipsHousing furnace on continuous burning wood. Comfortable stay in a country house depends on the presence of a heating system. A better choice would be the continuous burning furnace. About her and talk in a special publication.

Requirements for the heating system

Approximately selected boiler capacity from 0.9 to 13 kW per 10 sq. M. the area of ​​the property. Profile experts also advised to pay attention to the following factors:

  • In some outbuildings can be set lower temperature regime compared to living rooms.
  • When equipped with a high-quality window and door blocks, improved insulated walls, gender, ceiling - the heat loss will be reduced.
  • The energy potential of fuel is better, if the equipment corresponds to the modern level of automation of the processes of combustion.
The parameters of the boiler equipment and parts are selected taking into account the specific characteristics of the heating system
The parameters of the boiler equipment and parts are selected taking into account the specific characteristics of the heating system

long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, market review

Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Stropuva / Mini S8
8/85Firewood, briquettes52000 — 73000Nonvolatile model with mechanical control. One circuit.
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3625938.html
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Buderus / Logano G221-20
20/78Wood, coke, coal95200 — 108920Overheat protection, pressure gauge, thermometer.
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
More on Ya.Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/12476480/reviews? track = tabs
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Stropuva / S40P
40/85Firewood, briquettes, pellets109800 — 111300When using pellets require additional equipment supply fan.
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1885856.html
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Aremikas / Candle S
18/-Wood, peat and wood briquettes81900 — 119100Automated adjustment of draft
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
More on IRecommend: http://irecommend.ru/content/chto-takoe-tverdotoplivnyi-kotel-dlitelnogo-goreniya-candle-time-svecha-ili-zhe-kendl-vse-ny
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
SMC Magnum / DRG-15 TE
15/75Coal from coal and briquettes28500 — 29300Thermometer, mechanical control
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
More on ForumHouse: https://www.forumhouse.ru/threads/342842/
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Radijator / FK4
40-50/85Wood, wood briquettes, coal163000 — 168000Electronic control, connection of external control units, automated diagnostics.
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Heiztechnik / Q HIT PLUS 25
8-25/82Firewood, briquettes from coal and wood, coal90200 — 94800Thermometer, display, electronic controls, control connection.
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Galmet / GT KWuZ 65
65/80Wood, coal, coke, briquettes from coal and wood275000 — 286000The electronic control and monitoring unit.
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
SAS / UWT 58
58/86Firewood, charcoal, peat briquettes249000 — 252800ON indication, display, electronic control unit.
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
More on ForumeHouse: https://www.forumhouse.ru/threads/199930/
Brand / modelThe power / efficiency, kW /%fuelsprice, rub.Note, accessories
long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tips
Heiztechnik / Q PLUS KOMFORT 75
26-75/86Firewood, briquettes from coal and wood, coal192300 — 198900Connecting to thermostat Inside, the external control unit.

Note! This section presents the boilers long burning wood burning for home prices, reviews, related the current situation in the market. it is necessary to check the actual data before purchasing the equipment.

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long burning wood boilers for the home: price, reviews, useful tipsIn this publication, we consider that such long burning solid fuel with a water circuitWhy they are so rarely need to heat, how much are boilers, advantages and disadvantages, the operating principle, the rating models and manufacturers, how to make their own hands.

Price long burning wood boilers for the home, additional recommendations, results

Independent production only makes sense if you have experience of creation of similar structures on complexity. But in this case it is necessary to remember that the use of such equipment in accordance with the applicable law is limited to the narrow limits.

If we calculate all real costs, not difficult to understand the benefits of the acquisition of finished goods in specialized stores. Then buy a boiler for combustion of wood can be extended based on the property size, its insulating properties, and personal preferences.

At the factory the product manufacturer provides official assurances
At the factory the product manufacturer provides official assurances