Today Editorial HouseChief met with well-known in certain circles, the head of the construction company "Kolosov House" Vladimir Kolosov and asked him a number of interesting questions.
Help HouseChief. "Kolosov House" company exists on the market for over 12 years. Raises finished houses "turnkey" in Moscow and the Moscow region on its own technology.
- Dear Vladimir, very nice to see the whole process from the inside. We heard a lot of good reviews about your work. You can call your carcass stewards?
- Such a separate profession officially I do not know and I do not remember that this is a separate specialty taught in universities. The Russian regulations have a document SP 31.105.2002. This set of rules. In fact, anyone who wants to master the frame construction, should first read this regulation. I started more years ago with the repair and construction of apartments. Then at some point, one of my friends in St. Petersburg, who was involved at the time of frame construction, proposed to develop such a course in Moscow. I originally started here just as a representative of the St. Petersburg company. My task was to find customers for the St. Petersburg company, which, in turn, will bring here the materials and the brigade commander. Here, everything is built. So I have been a minimum of responsibilities, but in order to sell these services are high quality, I began to study the specifics of frame construction. Within a few months, until everything is studied, I saw that the Russian market is absolutely not ready for frame construction. Everything is done not by technology, carelessly, often with absolutely care attitude. We stopped quickly enough to cooperate with the company, and I started an independent voyage.

- Do you consider yourself an expert in the Frame-house construction?
- Well, if you open the Youtube, then, in principle, in the comments on my roller experts much more. Every second there is the expert. In fact, the more I work, the more I realize that something I do not know. At first it seems that you know everything, then you start to delve into the details. And, it turns out, it is in them lies the devil.
- How many houses should be built, to consider yourself an expert?
- I probably never will consider myself 100% expert, because there is always something to learn.
- How much do you have built houses?
- For all the time I think about a hundred.
- Has it ever happened to you, so that taking the work order you originally thought it was just another simple project, but in fact had difficulties?
- There was an interesting episode in my work. He came to us by the customer. He just wanted to build a house, and as he was about to sign a contract, part of its budget for the construction of it is accidentally lost. I made a bad bet, and when it came up by the clearance of all documentation had to be urgently cut the budget. As a result, squeezed, and here and there, somewhere trying to play with the material. Again we began to think about how to choose a brigade to invest in this budget. We then paid off with the team, change it, for some reason, again, not guessed... As a result, we have built this house. But I will say this, that it is not proud of what we have done. In any case, in this house then some nuances surfaced. We were with the customer in touch, so I came, corrected. But this experience, I believe, is still useful. But, I stress, it is a bitter experience.

- What conclusions did you do?
- Only one conclusion: we do not save more. If the customer says that he has no money, then we suggest either just build a smaller house, or to reduce the amount of material inside. For example, do not just build a house "turnkey", and only the walls without finishing. No more trying to save on the teams. If the budget is limited, we simply do not work with this house.
- What is the average check for the construction of a frame house?
- In "Kolosov House" average check in the area of 2.5 million rubles.
- How many earn frame stewards in Moscow?
- I can say, I have already said before that he spoke with frame builders in different regions. Due to the fact that I have a channel on YouTube, it has the ability to communicate with children, do I also write. There, they earn about twice as much, than we get at hand here. Despite the fact that the house they have two times cheaper. They do not bother about the quality of the material, on the workforce. The higher the value, the respectively smaller customers. If I start selling frame houses 300 thousand rubles, then I am sure that I will have 10 times more orders in a month than they do now.
- Do I need a frame house in Moscow?
- In my opinion, a frame house today - it's the best solution. It is especially true for those who live in Moscow. People who live in the city, often want to move out of town to his own house and the budget they have, as a rule, it is limited. Or a loan, or they sell the apartment and the money to build himself a good home. There are myths that if build a house of aerated concrete, everything just comes out quick and relatively inexpensive. I'm talking about situations where people are turning to the company. when building their own hands brick by brick, of course, there are other budgets, and other terms and other conditions. People forget about factors such as shrinking the house, it is necessary to wait a certain time. Then, there is a separate finishing of the buildings. That is, it is almost a full apartment: it is necessary to plaster walls, screed to fill and so on. As a result, time and budgets are comparable to urban housing. It is clear that the whole house will be greater, but the complexity of a similar story. In Frame-house construction, everything is much easier. The house is built in a few months. This is a very energy-efficient buildings. People then incomparably lower heating costs.
- Why do I need a house outside the city, then to get to work 1.5 hours?
- I think it's just a matter of human nature. If a person was born and raised in Moscow, he lived all his life only and other ways of life do not know. Only on weekends or trips to the country as a child to her grandmother in the village. Given the fact that it is precisely in the 90s massively went to hire American films, where all families live in suburban homes, people, who spent his whole life in the apartments relatively small square with mikrokuhonkami and mikrokomnatkami, want of space. It lives in a big house with land. You can stay in there as a family, relax in the large living room, each with its own bathroom.
- After watching a video on YouTube, whether you can build a house by yourself?
- I think that, with due diligence, it's real. In general, any thing real. You can even theoretically learn to do surgery on a video on YouTube. The question is how much time it will take and how much to motivate this person to do everything yourself. I know a lot of stories, when people began to build themselves, in the end, on all spit and contact the company.

- It happens that the man had built the house and decided to open a construction company?
- Yes, this also happens.
- There is an opinion that if a person built the house himself, then he is a bad manager, what do you think?
- In my opinion, there is no single answer. It depends on each person individually. Someone who works well with hands, but could not run, and someone hands and works well, and manages skillfully. Someone intelligently manages, but can not do anything with his hands. How many people, so many opportunities for everyone. Relatively speaking, there are now 100 people who have decided to build a house with his own hands, of which 10 have tried to do in this business, and only 10 of these only one is fully turned. All people are different.
- your client, what is it?
- Good question. Recently, just on planorke with leaders discussed it. We came to the conclusion that, for the most part, people who come to us want an individual approach. They are not prepared simply to typical solutions. Of course, there are clients who see the project and nothing else do not wish to. Still, the majority - the people who are engaged in an active process of creation. They come up with us this house, or take a ready and modify for themselves, and we here offer the fruit to turn their creativity into reality.
- Where can be creative in the frame houses?
- Yes, everywhere. Starting from planning and ending with the selection of materials. It often happens that in the process of building clients offer: let's stenochku little move, and let's move over the door, and let's change the box. This creates some difficulties in the process. You become like a runner who constantly put footrests. At some point we decided, since it is very common in our history, on the contrary, to give it the maximum attention. If things go according to plan, it is also part of the plan. We simply systematized the process of making these changes and realize that now our work is similar to the studios. People come, and we are under a separate project do.
- What is the most common objection with the purchase of a frame house?
- In our company, most people say, "But I was in another office, there are cheaper." Why other company can offer the house for 500 thousand less than I do, there are lots of options, ranging from the number of personnel who engaged in this. We - this is, firstly, superintendent, director of construction there, which solves all the technical issues. That is to say, how to make these or other components. With him constantly connected customers. They advise that the best way to do. We have a manager who deals with logistics, to on-site there was no downtime, and all the material was delivered on time. And, accordingly, after we made the decision to build, here's what I told you to make changes in the course of work, we have introduced a separate post - project manager. This officer, who is always in touch with the client for the accounting and the implementation of its newly emerging requirements. In addition, we are very carefully trying to select teams. Those that work for us - it is really very good, proven guys that I am fully confident. And I figure that at the time of practically every home, says the customer separately and said: "I do not know how you do on other sites, but I was very lucky with the team." For this many thanks to all builders. I am glad that we have provided the conditions for such luck. In addition, the materials that we use, I know that they are all at a price cheaper than that offered by other companies. I conclude that the material that we use, applied technological solutions often require additional costs. For example, additional kontrobreshotka in for the construction of communications, is also the additional materials. We are now further insulate the walls at the bottom, the angles are not blown, we do not save on the material or, for example, we are sizing the entire insulation tape "delta". He, too, is more expensive than conventional tape. I think that due to such trifles we get the sum is greater than in other companies. Apparently, there is something to save, for us at the forefront of the house is worth the quality.
- How many objects per month can be carried out in parallel?
- So far, we have had the experience, at the same time, we have built 11 houses. Simply, we have become more intense and faster to order materials they supply. With all the suppliers agreed that the calculations were conducted at an accelerated pace, without delay, all it brings, it is best to check the quality of materials. The fact is that when conducted three objects, and brought low-quality material, it is possible to sit on it, to understand, to send back to agree a replacement. And then the time is very limited. As a result, we have taught our suppliers themselves to select the necessary according to our criteria. I think that 10 objects, we can already conduct calmly, without any loss of quality. We are not streaming company. I know the big players on the market who are building 300 houses a month. There numbers are not that level. We are, on average, build 5 houses, and I know the situation for each object. I demand of daily Photos from objects. I know what customers want, what they want Brigade. I have the opportunity to take part in this all.
- What kind of development Kolosov House for the next 3 years?
- I prefer not particularly about the plans to spread. Usually as a result of action is clear - the plan was a success or not.
- If a customer will order a home from a bar, built?
- If the profiled timber is unlikely. I have it on a separate video channel. I believe that the profiled beam - the worst material for building a house.

- Are you adequately Write comments?
- As a rule, adequate sensible things like "Thank you" and all. That is to say, thank you for the channel, everything is cool, all right, here I had built the frame house and everything's great. For the most part, people want to speak only when they have something do not agree. Basically, it is some inner belief in the spirit of: "what you tell us about some documents, in life everything is different, and we know how to." Everyone has their right. If you think that this documentation Filkin charter and should be built in such a way as you see fit you personally, it makes no sense to discuss here. That is his opinion. And he is entitled to it.
- Do yourself often departs from the regulations?
- No. For example, if the harness homes on piles directly in the rulebook was nowhere stated that the need to use a one-piece timber. Everywhere there is a speech about the lumber, and this board. Accordingly, in theory, if strictly follow each letter a set of rules, the harness right thing to do from a downed each other boards. But it has become a tradition in Russia that make it from the timber, and this technology is justified.
- Thank you very much for the interview. It was very interesting. Good luck to you and your company.
- Thank you very much mutual.