In today's review we HouseChief asked to talk about their experiences of designing kitchens representative Sosnovskaya factory Konstantin Simonov furniture. This material will help our readers avoid common mistakes.
Welcome readers to master! In this review, I have tried to analyze his experience Kitchen design. In addition, I studied a lot of different articles and viewed by a bunch of forums on the theme of furniture. As a result, I have brought your top 18 mistakes made by people when ordering kitchen sets. This experience will help you create the perfect space for cooking and practical recommendations will not fill their cones, which allows the bulk of the buyers kitchen sets.

So, number one mistake - to do repairsAnd only then proceed to choose the kitchen. We often encounter such situations, when a person goes to buy furniture with already made repairs. That is, it has already been done wiring, Installed drainage, withdrawn sockets. And here he is now wanted order kitchen the island or make wash under windowsill. In most cases, it is practically impossible to implement. You can certainly come up with something, but it will have to defeat the entire floor granite and cut back all the cabinets in order to pave the communication to the kitchen sink. So, my friends, when repairs in the kitchen, Turn his head or turn to professionals. The fact that all kitchen furniture and devices have certain rules of location: sockets, water and gas pipes, hood and so on. Most probably, the classic mistakes - it is placed on hob outlets and fridgeWho put on heating floor.
The second common mistake - is to buy equipment before the order of kitchen units and not to consult with a specialist who will design the kitchen. In this case, you will automatically limit yourself in kitchen design, layout modules, and so on. I often faced with a similar situation. I arrive on the measurement to the client, and he has acquired a fixed gas fire and the dome hood. I explain that it is now built-in kitchen will not work, because in these areas will have to be cut kitchen countertop. Therefore, all the dirt will fall between the gas stove and behind it. The same situation with the dome hood. Can be installed built-in, and the upper space above it for use pots and pans.
At the time of buying wash you should also consult with a specialist, because there are different versions: invoice, Flush, underbench installation. It can also limit the functionality of your kitchen units.
The third mistake - is uncomfortable location technology. Very often it is too high or low. Let's say, microwave under the table top or in the upper cupboard. It is very uncomfortable. My recommendation - place technique by itself or in accordance with an average growth of living in the apartment. Remember, there are no standards. All furniture is made individually.

The fourth mistake - postpone the purchase dishwasher for later. When installed in kitchen, dishwasher, built-in the kitchen, you do not put there just a free-standing. Why? Because it is designed for a special cabinet width of 450 mm without side walls and carried out certain manipulations with the cap, so keep that in mind.
The fifth error - illiterate location work areas in the kitchen. About the work triangle will not tell, I have a separate video about proper layout of kitchen sets. Just give you advice. When you build a chain of cooking in the kitchen, then you do it in a certain sequence: Washed product, butchered, prepared for the heat treatment and then is ready for submission. Between these areas should ideally be a distance of 600 mm or less, it will depend on the size of your kitchen.
sixth - incorrect choice pens. I will handle about a separate video. Here to tell you three simple rules. First - they must be proportionate, that is proportional to the modules of kitchen units. Second - they must be ergonomic and for them to be convenient to take. The third rule - they should match the style kitchen units.
seventh error - the creation of open shelving in the kitchen and a variety of open niches. During the operation they are converted into a dust collector and storage of unnecessary junk that constantly falls out.
eighth error - failure lighting and his desire to establish yourself in the future. Keep in mind that all the lights are Power supplies and install them in boxes must be provided in advance. Firstly, all drank at the outlet and power to do in the workplace, rather than on the knee. Second, you must consider how you will pull in the wiring closet. Third, the light does not happen much, especially over cooking zone and sink. Finally, the fourth - the practice shows that in the future, when the kitchen is installed, you do not set the backlight will.

The ninth error - the standard height of the shelves in the closets. Do they fit your needs. No standards exist. Consider that you will keep them, and what it needs height.
tenth error - the use of transparent glass in the kitchen headset. They are now almost no one uses. If you want to add ease of kitchen, make a simple white facades. In my opinion, a kitchen with transparent glasses looks like a grandmother's cupboard.
Eleventh error - not enough outlets. Friends, no room in your apartment does not need so many outlets as the kitchen. Do the math, what they need: kettle, toaster, microwave, coffee maker, meat grinder, Dishwasher, refrigerator and so on. List can list almost indefinitely.

Twelfth error - the use of gas lift on the kitchen headset. Firstly, it is very difficult to pick up these mechanisms by weight of the facade. The likelihood that they will get you to fall on your head 50 to 50. Second, we come up with a modern lift system, the same as the Aventas from Blum. A gas lift is best left under the hood of a car.
Thirteenth error - saving on fittings. Often naive buyers trying to buy the little things: baskets, sliding systems, pivoting mechanisms, dampers, hinges with closers, believing that all this can be purchased later. Buy more then anything is possible. But that is all that you can. Install bought succeed unlikely, because under the system of special cabinets designed originally. As a result, we get the clap doors, drawers bad and uncomfortable placed shelves.
Fourteenth error - savings in sliding systems. Based on their own operational experience of kitchen units, it can be concluded that the use of the lower opening cupboards very uncomfortable, because that it is necessary to bend "in three deaths," digging out there between the shelves in the dark, so there is a reason to overpay and put full extension system. After all, we are talking about thousands of daily openings.

Fifteenth error - himself a designer. Many people, when buying and planning kitchen furniture, want to display their talents. My recommendation - to work here in tandem with professionals. That is not just to say that I want a nice and trendy cuisine, and discuss with the designer composition, overall your family members, their way of life. To express their preferences for the layout cuisine, based on their own experience of the last operation of kitchen units. In this case, the result of work is predictable, and you will not have any claims to the executor. The fact that you are in the process of creating the kitchen, discuss with a designer all the nuances.
Sixteenth common mistake - a hastily signed contract. The question is not even in his offices, where a delay because they are typical. The most important - is the kitchen equipment, color facades, body color, accessories, who the manufacturer, the order opening the facades, the model handles, and so on. This is very important because of the fact you can bring China and you ordered Germany. And if it is not specified in the contract, then there is nothing you can not prove. Of course, in the contract you will not paint the smallest details the formation of the cost, but more complete set with the name of the manufacturer of fittings, body wash, oven, Household appliances, if that comes in the kit, be sure to indicate in the annex to the treaty. Keep this in mind.
Seventeenth error - assembly. Friends, the question is not even that you somehow crooked collect food and do not soak all the regulations for its assembly. It is possible to survive. But if you hitch at the upper cabinets to drop the hammer on acrylic countertop cost 150-200 thousand, here it will be embarrassing. Miser pays twice. The saying is always running.

Well, the final - eighteenth. The biggest mistake - in the first place, it does not subscribe to our newsletter, and the second - is not Like, the third - not write a good comment. Friends, and, of course, in the comments, as I said earlier, you need to write their own mistakes in the kitchen order.