As we know, no country house will not do without water treatment systems, sewage and waste water treatment. Modern companies offer a variety of technology solutions that simplify the creation of these systems and allowing make your stay even in the summer, the suburban home not less comfortable than staying in an apartment, and sometimes even better. Today visiting HouseChief - Andrej Borodkin, founder and general director of OOO "Aqua Hold" - a company specializing in the creation of new ready-made systems and solutions for country houses - from classical septic tanks and caissons, to finished designs and fonts pools.
— Andrew, good afternoon! Aqua Hold on the market since 2008, that is, you are no longer novices. Tell our readers, how did the company and what are your main activities?
— Yes, the company began its history in 2008. First, all of our development has been the same all related industries engaged in the manufacture of caissons, septic tanks, cellars and other containers. In 2015, we seriously have upgraded our production, allowing us to make a major breakthrough in the development. Currently, the main activities for us are the production fonts and septic tanks, as well as containers made of plastic according to customer drawings.

- In which regions do you work? Do you plan to go with your products in foreign markets?
— Our company is located in Moscow. But the work is carried out in all regions of central Russia, are planning to enter the markets of Europe, we go in this direction. Showed our products to the Finns, they really liked it and the quality of manufacture, and the product itself. After all, we do fonts with additional equipment, not only with the stove and cover. I hope that the order is still followed.
- In recent years, the market has intensified quite a number of companies engaged in similar activities. Accordingly, it is increasing and the competition. Share, What is your unique selling proposition, allowing to compete in this industry?
— In my opinion, the main thing - it's the attention to detail. It starts from the appearance of the product, the quality of performance, the optional equipping of it and ends up costing the final result. Any product on the market must provide a certain human need. It is an axiom! Therefore, we conduct a close dialogue with suppliers, together decide what can and should be modified to the customer was convenient to operate the product. The important role played by customer feedback, due to which we are not only able to make adjustments in manufactured products but also to create new products. For example, for lids and holders floating table were precisely because such interaction with customers who have proposed a variant of retrofitting fonts.
- Do you have enough wide catalog of products. There is a septic tank, caissons, various tanks and grease traps. In addition to selling the devices themselves do you offer installation and assembly as an additional service?
— Yes, we are trying and in time to meet all customer needs, which can perform. If some of the work we can do, we recommend that those organizations that can help.
- At the heart of your production, as indicated on your site, based on the principles of "Toyota" system and CBT. The so-called "lean production". I would like to learn what it is and what it looks like?
— This is a separate issue, about which you can tell a very long time. As for the use of this system for the consumer, it is worth point out three main areas:
- that the product is always the same quality was obtained - all the operations and processes standardized;
- to the time of the payment and delivery of the product to be minimal, the production process is built in such a way as to prevent loss of time at different sites;
- philosophy of "kaizen" - continuous improvement. Constantly thinking about how to make the product so that it is even more consistent with the individual's needs and satisfy his needs.

- Let's talk a little bit about a specific product, namely the street fonts. Now it is growing in popularity gaining street Hot stove GoodWood your production company. Tell us a little about them: Who directed this product is that it is like?
— The product is aimed at all owners of suburban real estate, as well as for commercial bathhouses and recreation. Street font GoodWood - is, first of all, the emotion that gets people bathing on the street at any time of day or year.

- What is a constructive response to these fonts, from what materials they are carried out, whether there are any modifications, and sizes?
— Plastic cup made from polypropylene font 8 mm thick having a UV resistant additive. The service life of a bowl more than 50 years. For exterior cladding uses one of four kinds of wood: larch, cedar, oak or termoyasen. Sizes vary depending on the number of simultaneously taking water treatments. We produce fonts for 2, 4, 6 and 8 people.

- How is the delivery and installation of fonts, their connection to the water?
— Delivery of our products are made by truck or loader. Installation of fonts is not difficult. They brought in finished form. It remains only to put them in the right place on any flat surface of wood, concrete, tile, etc. Hot water supply is not connected. Its content is carried out by means of a hose which is connected to the existing communications.

- How long is warming the water in the baptismal font from the wood-burning stove? Is there a font problem with the heating in the winter?
— The stove has a water jacket when you light a fire inside of her, she gives heat to the water. That, in turn, begins to rise and go into the font, and the cold water from the font moves to the stove. Hot Oven and interconnected like communicating vessels. With warming issues do not arise even in winter water heating occurs at approximately 10 ° C per hour.
- What is the value of these fonts? Does the cost of delivery and installation?
— The cost of the font for six people in the spring of 2019 is about 120 thousand rubles. If we talk about complete with stove and a lid, then it is about 175 thousand rubles. Hot also possible to complete additional options: backlight, geyser, hydromassage, a temperature sensor, and so on. Shipping will be paid separately. It depends on the distance of the object from the Moscow Ring Road. Installation does not cause difficulties - the font you just need to put in the right place, so it is carried out independently.

- Do fonts delivery opportunities in the region? If delivery is possible, as this will affect the cost?
— Yes. Now transport companies are working quickly, and the prices for their services are quite affordable.
- Tell us in a few words. If I want to buy this font, any course of action? Where to order? How it looks?
— Everything is as follows. You call the office, and we'll agree on the details of the order, and then sign a contract. You, according to the contract, to carry out the payment. By the way, all this can be done without coming to the office. If the font is available, we will bring it immediately, and if not, then within 10 days of it we produce and deliver. If you do not see the font and want to look at it, some samples are in the office, as well as in the production in the Domodedovo district of Moscow region, "Industrial Area Zhitnevo" building 20.
- Thank you very much from our editorial staff for the interesting conversation! We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, ideas and implementations!
— You will also thank you very much!