Can anyone imagine that a couple of months you can build floors, a warm, comfortable house for a large family. The statement seems unreal. Firstly, the term is too small. Second, money is needed the car. But in fact there is a certain technology that allows you to build a house quickly and relatively inexpensively. In this case, the house will be environmentally friendly and warm. Editorial HouseChief and Lyudmila Chuevskaya interviewed the head of the Novosibirsk Plant of production of polyurethane products Maxim Markov, who says in reality so fast construction of the house.
Help HouseChief: Maxim Markov - head of the Novosibirsk Plant of polyurethane foam products. In 2012 he organized the production of SIP-panels on new technologies using as a polyurethane foam filler. Due to its unique properties, the material is widely used in low-rise buildings and is popular in the private house building.
- Hello, Maxim Vladimirovich!
- Hello!
- Maxim, tell us what SIP-panels? I understand that it is not "NIB", from the word "Siberia", namely "SIP"?
- If you take a clear transcript of this abbreviation, then it sounds like - the structural insulating panels consisting of two water-resistant plates OSB and heater. In this case, we use polyurethane foam.
- That is, there is some basis, there stuffing, and on top of stacked another plate that covers it all?
- That's right.
- And this filling, that inside, is a polyurethane foam? What is it?
- Polyurethane - is one of the varieties of plastic having a honeycomb structure, which is filled with air.
- That is, the plastic here as aerated chocolate?
- Yes, very much like chocolate with a very large amount of bubbles.
- Production SIP-panels engaged in a lot of plants. The difference is only in the production of filler used. Here is this very filling, which we discussed with you. I would like to learn this fundamental difference. The polyurethane foam in comparison with some other materials, better or worse?
- First, let's concentrate on the heater. To date, of SIP-panels in our city are made using Styrofoam. Styrofoam - comes from other businesses units, there napilivaetsya in size, using a polyurethane adhesive, these blocks are bonded to the OSB panels on both sides. In our case the process is more technologically more complex. Our insulation is poured in the liquid state. Then the foaming process takes place. The pressure and the expense of adhesion it already adheres to these plates.
- That is, the adhesive is not used?
- Not used. Polyurethane - this is the very glue that is more durable. Area bonding it greater, respectively, to tear apart the two plates enshrined using polyurethane filler, is virtually impossible.
- So, it eliminates the additional adhesive layer, which is a chemical?
- Absolutely right.
- Let's talk about the properties of the polyurethane foam in more detail. The owner of the house said that the house is warm in the winter. Tell me, due to what? When you look at a picture, there is a sense that the material is fairly easy. How he will behave in a frost?
- Let's go back a bit in the prehistory of the material itself. In fact, this filler was originally used for cold roomsTo keep cold. The same thermos. In our case, we do vice versa. We retain heat, not letting it to the external environment - the cold or frost. Due to which the material is by far the warmest in front of all the proposed heaters? Due to the cellular structure. A huge number of air bubbles create a serious barrier to the cold path.
- They keep the air. And the air - a bad conductor of heat.
- And yet, Maxim, the question to what extent these SIP-panels sturdy? Would not it be so, that someone threw a brick into the wall and suddenly a hole formed?
- If we consider both individual polyurethane material at the plant, we, firstly, Asking the density, depending on the task pane where it will be in the project of this house. The higher the density, the more the mechanical properties will be higher. This allows variation due to the density of the material to give the panel the desired properties.
- People also love to hang on the wall pictures, Lockers, shelves. Retain whether these objects are the walls?
- It does not hold polyurethane. We use OSB plates, whose characteristics can withstand the weight of about 72 kg, is fixed by conventional samoreza.
- Tell me what the properties of the material relating to fire.
- Polyurethane today is self-extinguishing insulating material. That is, when exposed to an open flame, it just charred, but burning does not continue. Moreover, it is used in the tanks of combat aircraft to prevent fire from entering destruction means.
- Does this stuff really is 100% eco-friendly?
- I told you that the material used in refrigerators. This is the first thing. Secondly, all automotive uses polyurethane for the driver and passenger seats of equipment. the instrument panel is also made of polyurethane. To date, the industry has gone further and produces polyurethane already mattressesand pillow.
- Due to what is provided by the high rate of construction? Due to the plates of such a large size?
- Yes, it is, above all, the components of the house are made blocks that have a large area. And going directly to the construction site.
- Disadvantages are. Each material has its drawbacks.
- Tell us, people still need to understand and decide whether it is worth buying or not.
- One of the shortcomings of this material - bad soundproofing. We are trying to do something, consider options, conduct experiments, but to date the decision is of sound quality yet.
- Maybe it's not such a big trouble. But maybe for someone important. Tell me, what is the economic benefit compared to the use of some other building materials?
- Compared with the same brick, The construction of houses using the polyurethane of SIP-panels, firstly, does not require heavy machinery. Second, the high speed of installation. Third, I would say one of the main advantages is that you can at any time of construction, or already, add some extra after installation openings (Windows, doors, adjustment, extension). It's all easy to do. The main thing - do it yourself. We must turn to our factory and we are making the appropriate calculations, we can place on it all to implement.
- Tell me, what is the guarantee of quality?
- The construction of the houses, we give a guarantee of 5 years. This installation. On the material itself, we guarantee the order of 50 years.
- Your plant has there any more services, or it is only the sale of the material?
- We provide a full range of services.
- What part?
- Firstly, we provide design documentation. She's free. Each client can send your suggestions by e-mail. Designers of our plant design and sends a response, which is already available and estimates, and visualization that turns out well, and the very design documentation, with which they can go to, if necessary, in the project organization and order project.
- We always take full "maternity capital". We work in social programs for the resettlement of dilapidated housing.
- Let's denote the coordinates of where people can go to consult, or to order, or maybe just go and buy stuff.
- Of course, we are in the town of Iskitim (factory direct), Bridge Street 1a. Our phone: 8 (383) 291-75-97. By calling this number, you will get the email address where you can send your comments and, subsequently, to obtain the design documentation and cost estimates. By calling, you can order a travel specialist in place to assess the construction site. It's free. Again, we can not entirely be ordered home, but only an extension or make some design changes.
- Well, the construction season is in full swing. I think this summer you will have a lot of work. Not only in summer but also in the future. Thanks for the conversation.
After the interview, I interviewed editors HouseChief happy occupants of the houses of SIP-panels with insulation.
Mikhail Solovyov erected frame house last spring. conducted drains, Electricity and made architectural cladding sandwich panels. Before the construction of Mikhail long chose from which to build a future family estate. After painstaking analysis and comparison, decided that the best option - a panel of polyurethane foam.
— Mikhail Solovyov:The advantage of this material is that it is very warm. In terms of interior decoration it is quite easy. Not required stuccoingYou can chat on the tie of SIP-panels gypsum plasterboard and a smooth, smooth, finished surface. Polyurethane foam has a number of qualities and properties that allow you to say with confidence - "in a house, like a stone wall." Despite the fact that this is a very lightweight material, the panels retain heat in the room, even in the harsh Siberian winter.
— Igor Stepanov: There is a saying like "dew point." So this is how this or that insulation allows moisture to pass through it. In this product, the dew point is almost outside. And it's great. The design does not rot, mold and fungus.
— Nikolai Konkin:Ease of assembly and light weight sandwich panels allows to build structure as quickly as possible without the use of technology. mounting technology enables year-round operation in all climate zones. Easy assembly allows for the construction of their own.