Blood stains on clothes, clothing or furniture upholstery are among the most difficult to remove. There are many popular recipes and shop tools to deal with the problem. So, how to wash the blood from the tissue?
- 1 How to get rid of fresh stains
- 2 The display dried blood?
- 3 How to clean upholstery
- 4 How to clean carpet
- 5 mattress cleaning
- 6 Traditional recipes for cleaning clothes
- 7 How to wash in the washing machine
- 8 Video: life hacking, How to wash bloodstains (How to Remove Blood Stains), life hacking
How to get rid of fresh stains
No one is immune from minor troubles - accidental cuts, scrapes, suddenly began menstruation. What to do with a broken bed linen or garments? Regardless of further action is necessary to moisten soiled in cold water from the wrong side.

Improper application of chemical or folk remedies at home can only increase the resistance of the formation
At high temperatures, the protein has a property to curl, because of which blood is difficult to wash off. Things are soaked in cold water for 5-10 minutes, then it was decanted and repeat operation again.

Soak soiled clothes in a basin of cold water
Then you can use the following.
- Peroxide. To remove blood stains fill it with hydrogen peroxide and leave as 20-25 minutes, then it should be wiped dry with paper towel or handkerchiefs. To peroxide was more effective in the fight against pollution, treated her to a place you need to cover up with a towel or an opaque film from sunlight. Not recommended for colored textiles - peroxide can discolor it, leaving unsightly stains.
Hydrogen peroxide is in every house and copes with the excretion of blood stains on white cloth
- Cleaner for glass. Simply spray on the cloth and hold for 15 minutes. Then thing rinse in cold water.
Cleaning agent for glass is also quite effective in combating spots
- Ammonia. Good help in the fight against large amounts of dirt. For the manufacture of household stain remover in dilute atomiser 1 spoonful (tablespoon) of alcohol per 250 ml of cold water. Spray the soiled portion and leave for 1 hour, no more, then excess liquid pat dry with a towel. It remains to rinse the laundry in cold water and hang to dry. This method is not suitable for colored textiles, ammonia can discolor the fabric.
Ammonia - a simple means of kits that can be applied in everyday life
- Baking soda. For the preparation of a cleaning paste stir soda water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Apply the resulting slurry on the blood spot and wait until the fabric is dry, then erase the remnants of soda mixture and rinse thing.
Baking soda can be used not only in cooking but also in the economy
- Cleanser. Mix ordinary table salt and gel dishwashing in a proportion of 1 to 2 and thoroughly rub into the pre-soaked in cold water stain. After 30 min. wash the sheets in a familiar way.
Dishwashing detergent can also be used for washing and soaking
If you can not do everything at one time, the operation will have to be repeated as long as necessary.
The display dried blood?
If crimson marks on bedding or clothing chronic, you can use the methods listed above. For better efficiency of cleaning compositions combined with each other for phase cleaning. You can make a stain remover by mixing the following components:
- Soda (1 hr.);
- hydrogen peroxide (1 hr.);
- vinegar (1 hr.);
- cold water (2 h.).

Vinegar, peroxide and baking soda mixed with water and make homemade stain removers
If home remedies do not help to bring a spot of blood from textiles can be applied professional stain removers.
- «Vanish». A good stain remover for colored textiles. To be most effective, it is added not only in the washing machine, but also applied to the soiled place before washing.
Series Vanish stain removers for household and domestic use
- «Frau Schmidt». Liquid Powder Austrian production, biliary active component is soap. Well washes not only the old blood stains, but also fat, oil, wine and so on.
Efficient and gentle stain remover Frau Schmidt Classic is suitable for all kinds of white and colored fabrics
- «Udalix Ultra». Stain remover is available in several forms: powder, dry stick, spray, liquid concentrate. Suitable for colored and white fabrics.
Universal Udalix remover capable of outputting any household stains
- "Ecover". Natural means of non-polluting components. Displays traces left of the blood, herbs, oils and so on.
Ecover Ecological stain remover is very effective at removing stains of grass, blood, dirt, etc.
If stain removers could not cope with the scourge, not necessarily to throw a thing or converted into a doormat. Small speck can be hidden under the embroidery or applique.
How to clean upholstery
How to wash off the blood, if the stained upholstery on the couch? This is difficult to do, because in most cases the upholstery can not be removed. Speck have repeatedly wipe the cleaning staff and get wet with a dry towel or cloth. What should be taken into account:
- Do not clean the upholstery against the nap;
- cleaning agent is first applied to a sponge, and then to the contaminated area;
- any formulation before use should check on an inconspicuous section of upholstery;
- You can not use too much hot water, blood vestsya into the fabric even stronger.
The easiest way to get rid of traces of red with hydrogen peroxide. To clean a sofa or chair just moisten a cotton swab with a solution and gently proceed to pollution treatment. That it is not the sprawling, increasing in size, this should be done in the direction of from the edges toward the center. After 5-10 minutes the treated portion blot dry with a towel and repeat the operation.
How to clean carpet
Bloody footprints lead the carpet is difficult due to porous surfaces. In addition, the carpet often has a variegated coloring, against which is not immediately possible to see a drop of claret.

Easier to remove blood from carpet as she did not have time to dry
Here are two versions of the carpet cleaning.
- Aspirin. To get the cleaning solution, drop an aspirin in soda and mix thoroughly. The resulting composition soak contaminated area, and twenty minutes later, a good wipe it up with a stiff sponge. Then rinse the dirt residues and dry the carpet hairdryer.
Making the cleaning solution of aspirin and carbonated water
- Laundry soap. A good tool if maroon drops on the carpet fresh. Wipe the soiled place a well soaped rigid sponge. Foam should cover all spot on for 5-10 minutes, after which the remains of just washed away.
Foam of soap to help cope with a fresh spot
We can also make a solution of 0.5 liters of cold water and 1 tablespoon. l of ammonia for laundering stains from carpet
If these methods did not work, use the store or contact stain removers to the dry cleaners.
mattress cleaning
If during menstruation hygiene summed up the night, traces may remain not only bedding but also on the mattress. How to wash the blood in this case:
- Thoroughly soak the stained portion of the mattress and blot with a dry cloth.
Promakivat blot damp cloth soaked in cold water
- Process dirty region brine (ratio 1 to 1). It is not necessary to rub the mattress, simply gently wet.
Then carefully treated with brine and dry towel vymakivaem
- After 15-20 minutes, remove the salt residue with a clean cloth and blot the treated area of the mattress dry towel.
Wipe the stain to remove particles of blood, it must pale and disappear
Clean cloth moistened with cold water, wring out excess water, place blotted purified to remove residues from the mattress means and blood
This technique works well if the bloody footprints fresh. On old stains, it is best to deal with the help of professional stain removers.

Dried cleaned the place a clean towel
Traditional recipes for cleaning clothes
It's a shame if the blood stains left on clothes. Personal injury, it falls, bleeding from the nose - all this is impossible to predict. Red drops can be removed, if you know how to wash the blood from different tissues:
- White clothes. Well cleaned with an aqueous solution of ammonia or salts thereof. For sufficiently soak laundry white clothes in cold water with an alcohol for about 20 minutes. After soaking the wipe contaminants place with a cotton swab dipped in the cleaning solution, and then wash in the machine as usual.
We are making a solution of ammonia and salts for the white linen
- Jeans. To remove traces of red with your favorite jeans, use common baking soda (25 g to 2 cups). Pour the liquid into the contaminated area and wait for half an hour. Then carefully rub the stain and wash jeans by hand or machine.
Baking soda can be used to remove stains from denim
- White shirts and blouses. As a rule, they are made of rather thin fabric, most of blouses and shirts should be washed in a delicate operation, and therefore stain remover should choose carefully. With breeding bloody drops cope starch, it does not spoil the bright fabric. Make a uniform slurry and apply to dry completely. starch residues can be removed usual cloth and wash the shirt in the machine.
Normal potato starch will help cope with the white spots on delicate fabrics
- Outerwear. Blood stains on the sleeves of the jacket or coat is not a reason to "banish" them to the country or disposed of. You can try to remove them with the help of glycerin, which is there at any drugstore or cosmetic store. Moisten a cotton pad or swab in a heated glycerin and clean the jacket. This tool will help to get rid of even the old pollution.
The heated glycerin will help clean your favorite garments
- Wool. There is one exotic method to remove blood stains from your favorite cardigan. Laundry softener is required for meat, the powder breaks down protein compounds, which in the case of hemoglobin that is necessary. Dissolve the powder to obtain a homogeneous paste, and apply to the contaminated area. Keep the softener on the coat no more than half an hour and rinse. Further sweater soak in cold water by the addition of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. An hour later, it can be washed as usual.
Softener for the meat will help to wash woolen clothes with stains
- Linen and cotton. Linen or cotton clothes before washing with hot water (90 degrees Celsius) temperature should be soaked in a cold solution of peroxide.
If at first you did not work entirely to wash clothes, it is worth to try it.
How to wash in the washing machine
Print the bloody footprints from the textile using conventional washing machine is difficult primarily because of the high temperatures. Therefore, it is important to set the mode and to know what is possible to add washing powder. Wash need at minimum temperatures, and use paint thinners. If not, can be added to the powder a little salt, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or vinegar.