The cast-iron frying pan - it is rather a functional thing in the kitchen. It is a favorite of many housewives, because this kind of coverage does not provide food for frying, burnt. This type of cookware is used not only at home, but it is actively used well-known chef in popular restaurants. Cast iron is very low heat conductivity and therefore the capacity of it long enough to warm up, but at the same time and for a long time keep warm.
Most often used for cooking, which must be heat-treated for a long time.
They are durable and practical. The disadvantages of using such utensils include its heavy weight, with the impact can split manifestation rust if misused. Also, there is another drawback - it is the appearance of a thick layer of soot or black plaque on the outside, which is in contact with the plate. Many housewives do not know how to clean household utensils of this type of pollution, and therefore it is easier to just throw it away. But it is very wasteful, because there are many ways to return the old pan of its original appearance.
With most stubborn dirt can be dealt penny means that already have at home.
1 Methods for cleaning iron pans from black soot at home
- 1.1 Mechanical cleaning of utensils made of cast iron
- 1.2 Use of metal brushes
- 1.3 Processing sandpaper
- 1.4 The use of thermal purification
- 1.5 Roasting on an open fire
- 1.6 The calcination in the oven
- 1.7 Cleaning cast iron utensils by chemical means
- 1.8 The use of folk methods
- 1.9 Cleaning with activated carbon
- 1.10 Obrabatyvanii detergent
- 1.11 The use of baking soda
- 1.12 Use vinegar essence
2 Other methods of purification contaminants on the pan of iron
- 2.1 Preparation of mortar
- 2.2 The use of boiling
- 3 Preventive actions
- 4 Proper care of iron objects
- 5 VIDEO: Proper care of cast-iron cookware.
Methods for cleaning iron pans from black soot at home
Articles made of cast iron quite durable and practical, but also they are not cheap. Therefore, whether it is advisable to such extravagance enough?
Many people want to have their favorite dishes and continue to serve.
There are several kinds of iron pans - is coated dishes (special for this type of metal enamel) and uncoated. There are other types of non-stick, but they are hardly available and are quite rare. Most containers are thermally treated iron in producing special machine oil using high temperatures, which prevent the appearance of rust on the surface.
The main thing - to choose the way that is right for your pans.
How to clean a cast-iron frying pan from years of fouling in the home? This question is raised by many housewives for whom it is important that this kind of dishes and then serve them in the kitchen.
There are several ways to clean kitchen utensils at home with improvised means.
Mechanical cleaning of utensils made of cast iron
On the outer side of a cast iron pan constantly acts flame or other thermal effect and gradually formed a black carbon deposit, which can not cope even proven detergents. But there are some simple ways to remove this pollution and how to clean a cast-iron frying pan on a thick layer of soot?
Just select the recipe that suits you.
You can apply these tools.
- Mechanical cleaning.
- Thermal cleaning of utensils.
- Cleaning chemical means.
- People's Councils.
- Other ways to remove carbon deposits.
For the application of mechanical impact on the utensils necessary to make reasonable efforts, so we need male support. Use of a wire brush, abrasive paper - this requires strong effects of these objects on an outer surface sooty pan.
Carried out in a clean room is highly undesirable, as the spread of soot particles can severely contaminate everything.
Very important! In the application whether any public funds to clean dishes from the burning, it is necessary to use protective equipment for the hands and face, namely, gloves and a respirator.
Use of metal brushes
Cast Iron Cookware is both robust and is not afraid of any mechanical action, so the use of Metal brush for removing soot layer on the outside of the cooking utensil not bring it tangible harm.
Clear the pan from the soot and grease is often very difficult, especially if it is old or badly burned.
How to clean the pan from the thick layer of black soot?
- To do this, go outside or on the balcony.
- Wear protective gear on your hands and face.
- Prepare the drill and put on her wire brush.
- If possible, secure in the grip of a frying pan.
- Apply mechanical action on the side, which is heavily polluted.
- After processing the workpiece surface to wash, warm water.
Ideal to use a special grinder or drill, which have the necessary arsenal-brush attachment.
Processing sandpaper
Preparation works for the application of sand paper to clean of deposits at the surface of the cookware must be the same as for removing metallic contamination brush. To do so, wear protection and fixing the subject of processing applied nazhdachku with coarse or fine grain.
Upon reaching the final result, the dishes must be rinsed with running water.
By mechanical action for removal of coke can also use a brush of metal wires. With this method, the formation of scratches, but they do not get any significant damage to the surface of the pan.
The use of thermal purification
The following cleaning methods are a fire hazard and therefore should be used outdoors with all the security measures needed for this type of treatment.
Pan, to which applies a similar effect should be without any coating.
For thermal cleaning include: roasting on the fire or coals, and calcination in the oven.
Roasting on an open fire
This method leads to a softening of coke and subsequent possibility of easy removal of it with the brushes.
Important! This method requires accuracy and lack of plastic handle on the subject to be treated, which is simply oplavitsya when exposed to fire.
Pans purification methods dictate the degree of contamination and the material from which it is made.
Calcination should be conducted at a fire, coals, using a blowtorch or gas. Heating to hold dishes until soot layer begins to detach itself from the wall of cast iron cookware.
Purification was then produce brush and rinse water pan.
The calcination in the oven
This method is also suitable for conventional cast-iron pans and provides no plastic handles. For this it is necessary to place dishes in the oven, pre-turning of its top and bottom anneal it at high temperature.
Then the removal of soot will not be difficult.
Cleaning cast iron utensils by chemical means
If housewives no time or desire to clean such an unsafe way, you can use purchased chemicals. This method is not complicated. But also requires protection for the hands, namely putting on rubber gloves and ventilation of the room after the end of treatment.
Clear the pan heavily contaminated it may be necessary not only after quenching baking or frying, and after the usual warming food.
These means have such properties.
- The presence of alkali acids, which are designed for splitting nagarnogo layer.
- Ability to spray onto the surface of the treated object.
- Some funds do not contain pungent odor.
But there is a lack of such effects - is the financial costs when purchasing this product.
The use of folk methods
How to clean a cast-iron frying pan from years of fouling in the home? From time immemorial people have tried to housewives to clean your dirty dishes available and inexpensive ways. its funds were used for different levels of plaque. Some were quite effective, while others - not.
Such methods of neutralization black plaque layer include: cleaning of activated charcoal, washing powder, baking soda, vinegar.
Cleaning with activated carbon
To apply this method it is necessary to grind any method charcoal tablets. Sprinkle it the surface to be cleaned, leave the coal there for a while, and then rinse with water with detergent.
This technique is suitable for cleaning pans outside and inside.
Obrabatyvanii detergent
Another one of the benign processes of kitchen items pollution treatment - is the processing of their usual low-cost detergent. This can put it on the soiled surface and rinse with water or boiled in a large vessel. To do this you need to mix a few tablespoons of the tool and sunflower oil, put on fire and boil for 5-10 minutes.
After that, get and wash in the usual way.
The use of baking soda
When this method is also necessary to place the object to be treated in a container with water and with the addition of about 100-150 grams of soda boil for a few minutes. Continue cleaning with water and detergent.
It is also possible to mix the soda and salt, the composition applied to the surface of the cleaning object, and leave for several minutes (10-20 min.).
Then wipe stiff brush or sponge these components and rinse with water. Such methods are used in a mild pollution cookware.
Use vinegar essence
This method does not require heat treatment. It is necessary to fill in the contaminated area with a small amount of baking soda and dilute it with vinegar. There will be a reaction, which will be followed by a hiss.
Leave the dishes for 30-50 minutes and then brush the pan with a stiff brush.
Other methods of purification contaminants on the pan of iron
Possible treatment of the tableware in cola citric acid with vinegar. Dishes can be filled with this mixture and leave on time or boil. It is also possible in the boiling pans iron salt solution.
For this it is necessary to prepare a saturated, concentrate and hold therein the heat treatment dishes within 1 hour.
Preparation of mortar
For this it is necessary to mix 150 grams of PVAc + 1 piece of commercial, pre-milled soap. All the ingredients are placed in a large container and boil. Put to the subject of cleaning and keep on low heat for about two hours.
It is necessary to continuously add water to the extent of evaporation.
The use of boiling
When digestion is possible to use a large container with water, which fits comfortably treated object. It is possible to prepare such a solution: 1 a piece of soap + 1 glass of soda ash + 1 vial silicate adhesive. Soap grate or chop the other way.
Thereafter, dissolve it in hot water, which is necessary to further add other ingredients.
Preventive actions
After the cleaning was carried out by any selected method, you need to be prevented in order to prevent new plaque formation.
The methods are simple and do not require physical effort.
- Wash after every cooking pan of food.
- Use normal detergent for dishes and abrasive - it is not used.
- Wash the dishes, not only inside but also outside.
- Wait cooling frying object.
Proper care of iron objects
The cast iron cookware are obtained very tasty and healthy dishes, and it is therefore important to monitor the state of the pan, which is used for its preparation. No need to throw the old kitchen utensils, if there are methods of treatment and the possibility of the return of the former well-groomed appearance of the product.
Subject to all rules of prevention, it is possible to extend the operation of the subject for a long time.