The kid starts to develop from the very birth. In the first year of his life he learns to hear and recognize the voice of loved ones, to focus their attention, to recognize basic colors, identify objects by touch and respond to sounds. To acquaintance with the world was more interesting, you can make your own hands educational toys for infants. These things have a special energy.

Requirements for toy
Developing is any subject that teaches baby household and physiological skills. The main criteria for the choice of toys:

- Security. In the toy small parts or they are securely fastened should be absent. This is due to the fact that the child learns everything by touch, as a rule, try new things on the tooth.
- Bright colours. On subjects such child is sure to pay attention, and they are interested in it.
- Simplicity. The subject must have a simple shape such as a cube, a sphere.
Particular attention should be paid to the material of which will be made the subject. only recommended to use wood, cotton, cardboard.
"Razvivashki" with his own hands
Sometimes simple object brings much more benefit than expensive product from the store. Suffice it to recall, as the kids love to play with, the dishes, jars. Several options improvised educational games for infants:

- soft cube. Such a product can create any mom having initial sewing skills. To do this, cut out 6 squares pieces and stitch them in the form of a cube. The filler is selected natural, such as wool or chopped x / cotton fabric. For faces figure is better to choose bright colors, the surface should be varied to the touch: rough, smooth, soft, solid. As developing torque application can be used. If the inside of the cube to put a bell toy will play a role and rattles.
- Figurines made of different materials. Paper, fabric, felt, wood cut simple sun patterns, leaf, cloud, geometric shapes. A child up to a year with fun exploring the different textures. This game is best done under the supervision of adults, with a detailed explanation of the subject properties. For example, honey - yellow, soft, warm.
- Toys made of cardboard boxes. In every house you can find a lot of packages out of food, household appliances. Children love to play with the big boxes - this house and transport.
- Slingobusy. Quite popular in recent years beads made of fabric or crochet balls, animal figures. This toy - a great way to distract the baby in public places, such as in the clinic. Rag elements strung on a rope. Beads Mom wears around his neck, and grudnichok can always play with them.
- rag toy - it is a simple product that can be made even from conventional sock. The main thing in these "razvivashkah" - filling. As used printing various cereals: buckwheat, beans, peas. Thus toddler develop fine motor skills.
Before you give into the hands of the kid finished the toy, you should carefully check it for safety.