Life hacking, which can save a life: methods of alternative medicine; solution with the mobile communication problems

Emergencies arise suddenly, without warning, and assumptions. Foresee all eventualities and to be technically prepared for a meeting with them is almost impossible. This does not mean that a development process is out of control and neutralization. But not everyone knows life hacking, which can save a life, be in danger. Some simple and effective tips and tricks will help avoid threatening consequences or minimize them.

First Aid


  1. If you happen to trouble
  2. Physician be optionally
  3. This can help

If you happen to trouble

Aware - means armed. It is possible that this ancient aphorism was first voiced in a different context, but that he does not lose relevance to this topic. Each person may be a witness or a participant in a contingency situation with the threat of death. Often, health and life threat arises at the wrong timeWhen people are on the road or relaxing in nature.

Physician be optionally

Intense rhythm of the work week is often the cause of chronic sleep deprivation and stress at work and in everyday life. But these factors, in turn,Predetermine the development of cardiovascular diseases. The sharp pressure spike can cause rupture of cerebral vessels - stroke.

No matter where it happens: at the machine, in the office, at home or on the street. In any case, the situation is aggravated when the victim transported to a medical facility, where forced movement and tremors lead to a massive brain hemorrhage.

The first signs of stroke: slurred speech, disorientation, impaired facial symmetry. Simple manipulation in place before the arrival of medical teams, will avoid not only death, but also severe, irreversible effects - partial or complete paralysis:

First aid for stroke
  1. Avoiding movements, it is convenient to lay or sit the patient.
  2. Any sharp object (needle from the syringe, pin) to make punctures on the balls of the fingers closer to the exit of the nail plate.
  3. If the blood does not appear, to squeeze out every drop of the puncture size of a pea.
  4. Pull the victim's ears, stimulating blood flow and making two punctures in each lobe so that out of every drop of blood made.

Typically, at this stage, the patient feels much better already and ready to be moved. For the procedure does not require knowledge of acupuncture and acupuncture experience. Side effects are excluded.

This can help

A few tips can be helpful for a person in a difficult situation, far from settlements:

Life hacking that will help save lives
  1. If you call for help over the cellular communications link that is bound to a mobile device, you can not, you should dial the emergency number - 112. The compound will be effected by any operator, in whose coverage area it gets into trouble.
  2. Restore working capacity discharged battery to a level sufficient to make life-saving call, you can, if you impose a phone with metal objects. Is fine bunch of keys or a coil of wire.
  3. Nokia owners can take advantage of energy reserve phone, typing on the keyboard - * 3370 #. After rebooting, the battery charge indicator device will increase by 50%.

Knowing these details can be a life-saving magic wand and prevent trouble.