Every woman wants to look attractive and compelling that it becomes particularly relevant at the time of the forthcoming meeting of the guests visiting celebration or a romantic dinner. The rhythm of modern life often leaves no time for the possibility of visiting the salon and the use of the professional master of Service. In such situations, the aid of 8 variants festive hairstyle for 10 minutes, which can be a lifesaver.

What is the secret of transformation
The secret festive hairstyle often is to create a version that is radically different from the everyday image. When choosing a hair styling is also important to take into account age features and clothing style, or you can substitute the image of "fatal" beauty become an object for the mocking looks. For rapid transformation often enough:

- stab a lock, but it is unusual to do;
- add emphasis to a graceful curl or beautiful hair clips;
- straighten curly hair;
- fix the hair in a bun, making it strict or allowing the hair to stand out, giving the image a raid playfulness;
- collect hair in a ponytail or create interesting weaving.

An advantage of any of these options is low cost, the possibility of self-fulfillment and time savingBecause they do not require time to visit the salon. Helping to create a festive styling will have a traditional comb, curling iron or curling, erasers and hairpins.
The choice of tools depends on personal preference, hair length and mood of the fair sex.
Choosing and creating holiday options
To create a quick holiday hairstyles You can use the two "artful" receiving professional masters. The first is to give hair volume in the form of fleece, and the second - in an unusual fixation strands, including by means of fastening pins or interesting weave.
The following stacking options are worth considering:

- low ponytail with the formation of bundles - the hair collected in the area of the neck, divided into 2 parts, is formed fleece, and then successively separated strands with stacking and fixation by means of studs on the right and left side;
- Spit volume - high tail is formed, is divided into three parts, the central lower strand twists, and each turn secured with rubber bands, bulking braid elements are stretched and fixed varnish;
- high tail with fleece - is formed in the area just above the nape of the neck a little bundle on the rest of the hair is fleece, then gently bushy tail is formed so that the upper strand is completely hidden lower;
- Netting for "princess" - the side strands are separated on the right and left sides are joined together by means of elastic bands in the area occiput further each of them is passed into and fixed in the middle, whereby figure takes the shape of the hair heart;
- asymmetrical tail - the hair fixed on the one side, they form a loose knot volume or braid;
- original flower - a small bunch going, twisted in a tight tourniquet is placed around and then secured the ends of the pin, "petals" are stretched and fixed with varnish;
- the shape of a bow - hair collected in a ponytail, strands are stretched, carefully handled by varnish or other means for fixing, and then stacked in the form of parts "bow" on the sides;
- beam of the braid - on the sides of the head 2 is formed pigtails, each of which is divided into two parts for the formation of braid harnesses, then they entwine with each other, and the result is a beautiful volume hair in the form of baskets.
Any of these options may be more or less during festive decoration hairstyles pins with decorative elements in the form of pastes, flowers or stones.
In some circumstances an obstacle to create a festive hairstyle can be a women's inability to leave work to visit the salon.
Sometimes a young mother forced to spend time with kids and dive into the routine daily chores.
In such circumstances, should adopt simple and fast, but beautiful styling options to create them at home.