New Year - a favorite family holiday. Prepare for fun activities people begin to advance. One important element of the triumph of a decoration. It is impossible to imagine a magical night without the bright lights of the Christmas tree and fluffy. But sometimes there is no ability or desire to buy green beauty. In this case, the 10 creative ideas useful for the production of the Christmas tree with his hands.

Interesting holiday options
Available materials will be an excellent basis for the work. Who would have thought that the dramatic subject can do so easily.
Interesting idea of creating the main attribute of the New Year:

- glowing Christmas tree. An alternative to the usual decorating can become a shimmering artifact. She successfully fit into the interior of a small room. To produce useful colors wire, mesh, polyethylene, and Garland. The cone of cardboard needed to wrap in cellophane and then glue the pieces of mesh. The upper part of lock pin must carefully extract the solid base, and inside the obtained transparent preform to consolidate garland.
- Christmas tree from magazines. Old reading can be transformed into a work of art. Dense pages - appropriate material. The basis acts as cardboard, pasted on it twisted circles cut from unnecessary brochures. It is important to observe the density of the product to look harmonious.
- Creation of the wrapping paper. Gift material is appreciated by many craftsmen, because of multi-colored leaves can make a wonderful tree. From cardboard to fold the base with a sharp edge, and it is beautiful to reel paper. Optionally, you can use the lace or tinsel.
- A tree from the cones. This elegant hack is able to become an ornament to the table. Gently collected flakes glued on a cardboard cone in one direction, from the top. Magical views will add sparkles.
- Herringbone toy. For the manufacture of children's amusement need felt and padding polyester. The first stage - the pattern (you can draw a sketch of your own or use a ready-made template). Tissue blank should be stitched together, and through hole fill left beautiful soft synthetic padding.
Crafts from food
Make Christmas tree can be, and the ingredients that are always available in the kitchen.

Creator can become even a child.
What can be done:

- Herringbone pasta looks very unusual, its texture will surely attract attention. Needed for the manufacture of the cone of foam and pasta of different shapes. To the colored in green base paste horns, stars and shells. After 2 chasa product coated with several layers of acrylic, and is used as decor beads, rhinestones, or pebbles.
- Hack out of juice. Version will be up-to-school events. Plywood cut timber image beauties on it using double-sided tape is attached small boxes with a drink. Useful invention will appreciate even the parents.
- Biscuit tree. composition parts are cut from chocolate cakes. Blanks should be of different sizes to the cake was stable. Clay will cream decoration - white glaze.
- Fruit fantasy. Carrot become strong trunk, it must be secured on a plate. Skewers with pieces of fruits and berries - improvised bright sprigs. Top of sweetness to complement the spectacular pineapple star.
- Japanese motifs. Sushi lovers can indulge in the traditional diet in an unusual pitch. Rolls drawn pyramid, cause direct association with the Christmas tree, and therefore, it can be a festive dish.
New Year's time - a special time, when all are waiting for a miracle. Creativity will add a portion of good mood and allow pride to create art.