At any time, you can make a bird feeder out of a plastic bottle. This design is easy to install and has a long service life. Due to the plastic matrix is provided to maintain the feed in dry condition. Birds given unimpeded access to the stern. Better equip the feeder perch and a plurality of through holes.

- Design features
- simple ideas
- universal house
- Using a 2 liter bottles
- Automatic system
Design features
Manger made with their own hands, should be beautiful and practical. The latter property is not only the material used, but also a way of fastening: on a branch with the help of ready-made handles, a loop of the lace. To house was strong, it is recommended pre-defined with its scheme.
If possible, prepared on paper of the future structure of the drawings. In the next stage, the choice of consumables. Raw materials used must have the following advantages:

- convenient replenishment of feed;
- ensure inaccessibility for cats;
- resistance to moisture and the sun;
- little weight;
- construction safety for birds.
To make a bird feeder out of a bottle of 1.5 or 5 liters, it is recommended to determine the type of structure: free access to the feed bunker system. In the first case, cut a window through which the birds take food. In the second case, the feed is poured into a special tank, where it comes in the tray or on the bottom of the trough. The second scheme is considered to be more convenient, because it does not require daily updating feed.
Methods of fixing the house for the birds:
- Vertical: fastening of twine through the cover;
- Horizontal: fixed with twine, but at the expense of such an arrangement over the birds will feed together.
simple ideas

To assemble the house for the birds need a five-liter bottle. You need to cut a window, making the indentation from the bottom 7 cm. The construction is suspended vertically by the handle. If there is a bottle of 1.5 liters, then made one big hole. The edges are processed colored plaster. To fix the bottle tape is used on wood, threaded through the neck.
Conveniently for this is considered to house with a perch. He permeates below the openings. Perches are needed to weight the structure. House can be protected from rain and snow, making visors. At the bottom make the holes for the purpose of condensate. The product is installed in a tree or under a canopy porch.
To make a simple bird feeder bunker need a bottle by 2 or 1.5 liters. Separately long spoon made of wood. The bottle performed corresponding diameter holes. It is a small hole on the tray with the aim of enabling the birds to take food. You can make a house with two trays at the bottom and one at the top. To protect the structure of the snow cover is mounted from the 5-liter bottle.

Fixing-feeder hopper is made via belt or twine, which is attached to the neck. May be completed with the dining room house, glued to the bottom of the plate. At the bottom is done a few holes to retrieve food.
Skeet performs the functions of the following elements:
- tray;
- perch.
For manufacturing plastic house using 5-liter canister of primers, liquid soap. Pre container is washed and dried, and then cut opening. If the canister is already a pen, then it is recommended to fix the tree. Otherwise, use the cord or wire.
universal house
You can make a bird feeder out of a plastic bottle to 5 liters and containers from under tea or juice. In addition, it needs to find a plastic cover on the respective diameter of the container. Step by step instructions of the master class:

- cut off the necks of the bottles;
- in dispensers cut off the excess plastic in order to obtain small craters;
- stationery knife on the neck of a circle is "skirt" to better secure and protect the structure from moisture;
- in covers with spout openings;
- using a drill need to make 2 holes below the metering device to let a wooden stick (perches are formed in this manner);
- plastic lid attached to the container bottom.
In the fabrication process it needs to house 20 minutes. You can collect a bird feeder from a five liter bottle of rectangular shape and commercial cord diameters up to 1 meter. The capacitance cut windows (each side) of 10 cm width and 15 cm in height. In this case, a minimum spacing from the edges of 2-3 cm. The windows should be done, departing from the bottom 2 cm.

Then holes glued over the edges of the insulating tape in order to prevent injury to birds. The resulting house is fixed on the branches. To do this, use a ready pen container or cord tied in a loop. If the pen is not recommended to use a hot nail or awl.
In the center of the lid is a hole that was able to pass a double rope. It runs a loop of cord. Its ends are tied in a knot. The loop is threaded through the opening. house decorated with decorative elements, if desired. A similar scheme is produced from a feeder 4-liter bottles.
Using a 2 liter bottles
When reassembling the house for the birds will need the capacity of two liters, cord, duct tape, 1 chopsticks, toothpick, sewing. Are cut from the bottle with the two sides of the window (width 7 cm, height 12 cm). Windows are performed with 3 sides. This method is formed visor. All edges are covered with insulating tape.

Carried out through a hole under the windows to sticks, which will take place through the vessel. In this way is formed perch. The holes can be made with an awl. The hole is stuck stick. At the next step is to make the visor:

- needle holes is done;
- cut windows bent upward;
- thread attached to one side of a match;
- thread is passed through a hole in the bottle;
- the other end of the thread in the threaded hole on the visor;
- customizable design, and then bound to a match.
Similar actions are carried out with other windows. The cover is done a hole through which is threaded a loop of string. House mounted on a branch of any height.
Automatic system
To assemble the original home for birds require bottle 5 liter, 1.5 liter capacity, lace 1 m long tape. Of large capacity is made the basis of the house. As used dispenser bottle of 1.5 liters. The capacity of 5 liters cut windows with small slits on the sides.
1.5 liter bottle will be within five liter container neck down. Her bottom should rest on the neck of a large bottle. To this vessel is cut at the bottom with the desired size, and the neck 2 threaded slotted window. They are necessary for the leakage of feed.
Of the cord and the lid from a bottle of 5 liters made mount. Cusp feeders:

- Through a window in a large container is inserted into a small bottle upside down.
- Turned in a window, and the design is mounted in the side slots. In this manner is obtained visor.
- The small bottle is filled with grain.
- Fixed cover.
- Set a house on a tree.
To feeder attracted the attention of birds, it can be decorated with different decor. By the plastic bottle well glued beads, aquarium pebbles and other products. If desired, the finished structure is painted in different colors, and then varnished.
Depending on your preferences external design house made for birds. Experts advise to pay due attention not only appearance, but also safety, comfort.