Progress does not stand still, the house filled with technical innovations. Most recently, on the shelves were videotapes, which came to replace the drives now store information on compact media. Exempt cluttered cabinets is only necessary to hurry you should not carry unnecessary in the trash. It is better to pay attention to the useful things for the home, for the production of which will require CDs.

- Interesting ideas for the budget
- Crafts for kids
- Making flower
Interesting ideas for the budget
Designers and craftsmen masters from scratched "blanks" wonderful crafts. Reincarnation surprise anyone who manages to evaluate a masterpiece.
Variants of using old drives:

- Stands for dishes. You can leave all item in its original form, covering the hole in the center of the paper, but much more interesting to look decorated versions. Suitable for decoration acrylic paint and parts cut from felt and fabric. The effect of antiquity can be achieved with the help of technology "decoupage".
- handy organizer. For the manufacture of stands for pens, pencils and other office of any item will need a cylindrical shape. You can trim the plastic bottle or use a cardboard basis of scotch. On the bottom of the prepared tube is glued disk. This invention will allow to restore order in the workplace.
- Napkin Holders. It requires three old custodian, one of which is a base, and the other two - panels. The side parts have to be shortened by a quarter, so that the product looked harmoniously. The final stage - bonding parts and the addition of the stand beads or shells.
- Decorating for a cot. Mobility of shiny circles has attracted the attention of any child, especially when the light is reflected from the surface. Work takes just 15 minutes. The discs are interconnected solid rope at a distance of a few centimeters and are suspended by means of a bent wire loop. If you mount the elements on the chain, the structure will be more attractive. Above and below the drilled holes and inserted rings.
- interesting clock. The central opening is mounted a mechanism that is attached to the back side of a strip of plastic or paperboard. The dial is made of colored paper or small buttons.
- A spectacular mosaic. To get the raw material for creativity, disks break into pieces. For this process, useful pliers. Fragments of different shapes can be pasted any subject, the most well look shimmering balls, "mirror" or vases shining Christmas-tree decorations.
Simple ideas inspire unique inventions. The main thing - to make sure that the experiment will succeed.
Crafts for kids
Often at school events are asked to bring the things made by hand. Discs will save from running around the shops in search of detail for creative work.
To create owls need:

- disk;
- 2 by cover glass jars;
- 2 Iron covers of soda;
- plastic bottle;
- nails;
- wire;
- scissors.
Plastic cut two semicircles which are wings of a bird. On the one hand cut fringes, imitating feathers. Small caps are attached with nails in the center more, get your eyes glued to the base.
The beak is cut out of a bottle or a plastic spoon in the widest part of which is a small incision. In prosverlonnye top hole disc is inserted into the wire, with the help of her toy suspended.
Making flower
Showy embodiment art will rose. Make it possible even to children, but always under the supervision of parents.
To work needed:
- CDs;
- candle;
- pliers.

The basis exactly cut along the length of the radius of the fire and heat over one edge. Hot plastic becomes very flexible. With a pair of pliers to gently wrap party. The disc must be rotated slowly over a candle and continue to work with supple fragments. The result will be a spiral, from which you can easily lay down a rose bud. Speak stem thick wire, which can be attached to the leaves from green felt or paper. Flower surprise anyone and be sure to take pride of place on the shelf.
Creativity of the old disks - a fascinating process, which has a number of advantages. It is accessible, interesting, develops motor skills of hands. The undeniable advantage is still the fact that the house will be a lot of ergonomic items.