💬 What is WhatsApp (Vatsap) and how to use: simple instruction


  • 1 What is WhatsApp and what devices support
  • 2 How to install Messenger
  • 3 How to use WhatsApp on your phone or tablet
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp
  • 5 Answers to additional questions

What is WhatsApp and what devices support

Who would be more correct to call Vatsap not just a messenger and messaging system. Because the number of platforms has been growing steadily and there are more and more tools to work with.

two developers have developed an application - Jan Koum and Brian Acton in February 2009. And by April 2012 through messenger forwards 2 billion. messages every day. In 2014 Vatsap service was sold to Facebook for a fantastic sum - 19 billion dollars.

Within the system uses advanced messaging XMPP protocol, which the older generation remember the name of Jabber (Jabber) - the eponymous protocol client and a lot of it modifications. Interestingly, this same protocol used by many global brands to organize chats and user communication. Among them are Google, Apple, Classmates, League of Legends and Fortnite.

Vatsap supported by many modern operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Symbian, S40, Tizen and various implementations of the web version.

How to install Messenger

Many platforms have implemented excellent, simple tools to install any application. For iOS - it's AppStore, and for Android - Google Play. But to establish a computer Vatsap have little pokoldovat.

On phones and tablets

Statistics show that the devices on the Android platform in the world there are more than 2 billion. Therefore, we will talk based on this OS. In general, everything is done on iOS similar.

So, to set Vatsap on the tablet or smartphone, you need to open the Google Play Store. Then, in the search for and select the dial WhatsApp messenger page. "Install" once adorned the top button. And it is necessary to press. All are now WhatsApp installed on your smartphone or tablet.

After the transition from the Google Play store again, it is possible to remove or open the app here.

View application page on Google Play after installation

On the computer

Until quite recently Vatsap was not intended for use on the computer. There was only online web version. Now you can safely install the application on your computer by downloading it from the official page WhatsApp.com. While supported by the version of Mac OS X 10.9, as well as Windows 8 and above. Despite this, we've got to set Vatsap without problems on Windows 7 64 bit version.

The list of supported operating systems and download links

Installing little application is not much different from installing any other application. After the first start program prompts synchronized with a mobile version WhatsApp. To synchronize the need to scan a QR-code on the PC screen using a mobile.

The program displays a QR-code, which synchronizes the scanning of mobile and PC

To do this on the "Chats" tab, it is necessary to go to settings and select WhatsApp Web. A window will open with the viewfinder and "sight", which should bring in the QR-code.

The app has built-in functionality of the recognition of QR-codes

After that, the computer program is synchronized with the mobile version, and you can start working.

How to use WhatsApp on your phone or tablet

For a beginner the world Vatsap interface can be confusing and complicated. But it is only at first glance. In fact, everything inside is simple and thoroughly thought out by developers.

Getting Started

Immediately after the application is installed on your phone, it will ask for a phone number. Then, on a smartphone will receive a message, which will contain your verification code. It is necessary to link the account specifically for this phone number and automatically receive your contact list. Typically, the application automatically catches the incoming SMS and recognizes the one that was addressed to him. That is, it can activate itself and bind your account. If this does not happen, you can find the SMS Manual and enter the code in the application. On versions of Android higher than 5 will also need to give the application access to your contacts. Vatsap now ready for use.

Sending a written message

Start to send messages very easily. You just have tab "Logic" press the green icon, which opens a list of contacts.

Begins communicating with pressing the green button

Choosing the person to whom you want to send a message, you have to click on it and then open the window a set of messages with the keyboard.

message input window

After the message is typed, you can send it to the recipient the green arrow button on the right. It's pretty simple.

Sharing photos and videos

Perhaps this is due to its flexibility in sending messages Vatsap and gained its popularity. Send to another party can be almost anything - photos, videos, and documents SIFCO. Performing this procedure is similar to sending a text message. Only the more necessary media content is selected. This can be done using a paper clip at the bottom of the input field. You can then specify the type of the forwarded content, such as photos or videos from the gallery, document, audio or take a picture with the camera.

The clip opens a new menu with a choice of content type

In general, to send a photo or video is not more complicated than just write a message.

voice messages

One of the most interesting innovations of modern messengers and services for messaging is the integration of voice messaging. Vatsap too can do it. To this end, next to the message is there with a microphone icon. By clicking on it, you can dictate a message, which can then be send.

The button with the microphone icon to activate voice recording

This is a very convenient way to send messages if your hands are busy or simply a reluctance to write the text by hand.

Group chats and

First group were simply combining multiple users with a common theme, in which they can communicate with each other. Then the developers added the ability to convert the group to a channel - ie a community where only the administrator writes the message.

To create a group, you need to "Chats" tab, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select "New Group". After this operation, messenger immediately offer dial in a group of people from your contact list.

Create a new group

Then you need to specify the name of the group, and if it is necessary to establish a picture of the group. To do this, click on the icon to the left of the entry box and specify the file.

Create a new group

Then you need to click on the big green button with a check mark. Now the group has been created and selected people will be present in it. You can add new users and then.

Group can be converted into the channel. To do this in the chat group, you must click on the three dots and select "Info about the group." By the way, here are the settings of the group. We are interested in an item with the same name - "Group settings."

Going in a group setting

Here you can change the rights of the parties to the arrangement and send messages. There is also the possibility to appoint an administrator of the group.

group settings

Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp

Probably the most obvious advantage of the messenger - its simplicity and intuitive interface. Anyone can master it, even distant from the people of technology. The developers have tried to cover as many platforms for applications, with minimal changes, which makes it very easy to migrate from one operating system to another. The rich functionality can also be easily written in dignity. Groups, sending different versions of media and documents, voicemails and more.

Of the minuses can be noted the lack of versions for tablets. This also applies to Android devices and iPad. Well, not the most important, but a tangible difference - the lack of stickers, which have long acquired major competitors - Viber and Telegram. In general, WhatsApp - a great application for instant messaging.

Answers to additional questions

When using Vatsap invariably there are times when the user is faced with small difficulties. Some of which we will discuss today.

How to change your profile picture

A simple task that can make an inexperienced user to think about. But in fact, everything is simple. We need to go to the settings by clicking on the three dots in the upper right part of the messenger.

Here we are interested in the field, which has a gray icon and default profile name of the setup menu items. It is in this field and we need to push.

The field does not allocated, so sometimes guess where the press is not immediately clear.

By clicking on the profile, we get to set it up. There will be picture, username, status and number. All this data can be edited. And if the rest of the fields, everything is clear, the photo also does not explicitly dedicated button for editing. So click on the field with a gray icon of a default.

Golf photos

This action will send us to the choice of the type of photos - choose from the gallery or take a photo directly from this menu. Selecting a picture can be a bit of her otredakirovat - rotate or select a certain fragment.

Setting a photo fragment

By clicking "Finish" button, we get the desired profile photo

Set can be any picture

How to add friends

As such, friends Vatsap not, as it is found in most social networks. Messenger is designed so that pulls out all the contacts from the phonebook. That is simple logic - to add a new person to Vatsap, you need to add it to your phone contacts. It's simple. Of course, to write a new user of the messenger, you need to have it, he was also installed. Do not forget that the application has been given access to the phone contacts.

How to delete an account

Delete your account is very simple. Click on the three dots in the top of the messenger and go to "Settings". We are interested in the item "Account" - go into it. At the bottom is the line "Delete account". To complete the procedures necessary to confirm the number. Deleting an account means the removal of all chats and stories correspondences and removal of all groups. However, it is worth remembering that in Russia not so long ago is not the most intuitive package Spring, involving data storage on servers messenger company, at least 1 month.