Long before the New Year in the shops there is a large number of greeting cards. But for those who like to do everything with their hands always wider choice, because they can create an exclusive New Year's card. For example, according to the master class can be produced with herringbone original card from threads and beads.

Materials for
To create such Christmas cards we have prepared:
- white cardboard;
- Knitting Green;
- scissors;
- colored beads with a big hole;
- red pen;
- thick needle;
- line;
- pencil.

stages of work
The basis for our cards to be sheet of white cardboard, folded in half. After that, on the face of its side should make a layout for future Christmas trees. For this we need a pencil and a ruler mark the outer contours Christmas trees. Then, at its sides do markup 1 cm.

Now take a thick needle and carefully provided with holes at the marked locations. Through them in the future we'll thread the green thread, creating a Christmas tree.

Further, the needle vdevaem green thread and passes it through the lower opening on the reverse side.

Thereafter, the needle strung beads (the number can be varied as you wish). Pre unwind from the roll should be a sufficient amount of yarn (enough will be about 2 meters).

Then skip the needle through another hole in the reverse direction (from the front side to the underside).

We begin to form a second series of threads, here we are stringing beads 2.

And so we continue to shape our Christmas tree from threads and beads to the very top.

On the wrong side of the assembly fasten thread beginning and its end.

At the bottom of the card will perform an inscription in red felt-tip pen.

Our Christmas card with Christmas tree from threads and beads is ready.