How to install Windows 7 step by step instructions describing the process of preparation

Windows 7 is a popular system that provides the user with the necessary functionality


  • 1 System requirements
  • 2 BIOS Setup
  • 3 installation Methods
  • 4 How to install Windows 7 already installed, or types of installations
  • 5 How to install Windows 7 on a HP Pavilion, or the installation process step by step
  • 6 Features Disk Configuration
  • 7 Settings

System requirements

To determine whether it is possible to carry out the installation of Windows 7 on your home PC, you need to know the system requirements "iron" for the system to work correctly.

With each new release of the operating system, Microsoft has significantly increases the requirements for the computer to work properly. In spite of this, windows 7 can be installed on almost any "machine" as the minimum requirements imposed developers include just 1 GB RAM and a 10 GB of disk space.

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In the presence of RAM to 512 MB to install the 32-bit version of the program work, but the work will be significant braking. Either the user will have to turn off the visual effects.

System requirements that should be considered in order to know how to install Window 7 on a laptop or desktop PC, are divided into two groups.


  1. The clock frequency of the central process must be 800 MHz.
  2. 512 MB RAM.
  3. At least 10 GB of free space. Note that the specified disk space is only required for the system.

If there is a desire to establish a version of 64 bits, then a set of requirements will be slightly different in terms of memory, which must be at least a gigabyte and hard disk size (minimum 20 GB).

If the user is not interested in the Aero user interface, creating an animation display desktop items, then to the graphics card is not presented significant requirements. Suitable any integrated graphics.

A prerequisite for the installation of Windows 7 is to format the hard drive in the NTFS file system.

Windows Aero offers an animated switching between windows


Recommended system requirements set includes configuration PC, providing a comfortable fit in the program.

For 32-bit version It requires the following set of parameters:

  • a process running on a "cycle" is not less than 1 GHz;
  • RAM - 1 GB;
  • 20 GB of available disk space;
  • a video card (integrated or discrete) from the RAM volume - at least 128 and GB support DirectX.

If you plan to install Windows 7 Ultimate x64, The PC must meet the following requirements:

  • processor frequency - 1 Hz above;
  • 2 GB of RAM;
  • 20 GB of available hard drive;
  • 128 RAM video card that supports Direct X. technology

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If your computer has more than 4 GB of RAM is to install the best choice 64bit Vindovs 7 because more primitive architecture is not able to use a larger amount memory. It turns out that when installed in such a complete 32-bit system will be idle excess strap.

For normal operation, the maximum version of the system requires high-quality discrete graphics card

In addition, in the process of elaboration of the issue, download and install Windows 7, you may encounter a number of options requirements for PC configuration, which is also required for full disclosure of the program and the potential to use all its functions.

Additional requirements include:

  1. The presence of the modem or router to connect to the Internet. This is required to download updates.
  2. If the monitor offers support for images in high resolution, then you need to purchase a more powerful graphics subsystem.
  3. To take full advantage of Microsoft's Media Center will need a TV tuner.
  4. "Seven," offers the opportunity to run the program in compatibility mode for Win XP. To implement this feature you need additional presence of gigabytes of RAM and a hard disk partition at least 15 GB. This is required because the principle of operation is to create a virtual machine that represents the image of XP. You also need a CPU that supports hardware virtualization.

Also, the question of how, after Windows XP to install Windows 7 (when the installation is not done on a "clean" computer), involves the preparation of a PC.

It is to create backup copies of important files or documents, especially those on the system drive (by default, this is drive C).

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It is desirable for the future do not save files in the system folders such as "My Documents" or "Desktop", because if you need to reinstall the system, all information will disappear.

It is also necessary puzzled drivers in advance by the network card because in the absence of those on the disk with the distribution of internet connection will be impossible.

BIOS Setup

Before installing the operating system requires a little tweaking BIOS. This term refers to the primary I / O device. For inexperienced users, this time on the issue of how to install a license of Windows 7, is the most difficult.

The difficulty lies in the fact that a separate button to enter the system initial configuration PC does not exist, and on different models of computers BIOS may be different. Although the algorithm of actions everywhere uniform.

The table below shows the keys or combinations for different manufacturers of computers or laptops.

AcerF1, F2, Ctrl + Alt + Esc
CompaqCtrl + Alt + Del
DellF1, F2, Del, Fn + F1
HPF1, F2
packard BellF1, F2, Del
SonyF2, F3
ToshibaEsc, F1

Usually, to get into the setup when installing the system using F2 key or Delete. At the beginning of the download on the service screen displays information on entering the BIOS.

Implementation settings required to select a boot apparatus (it can be CDROM or USB-stick). «Boot» item should be found after entering the settings. The menu item is hidden «Boot Device Priority» or "Boot Device Priority".

It contains the possible ways of loading the operating system, and is determined by the order of boot devices. Menu navigation takes place with the arrow keys or F5-F6 (for laptops). The particular embodiment is carried out using the Enter key.

Next, you need only exit the BIOS and save the settings made. Usually this is done by pressing the F10 key, always there is a window confirm the action.

In more recent versions of UEFI BIOS boot device selection is even more simple. The user simply drags with the mouse icons prioritize the devices to download and exit the setup.

installation Methods

The main method of installation on the computer system is booting from disk or flash drive that is to be bootable. It is possible to install the new system on the network, but this version is suitable even for professionals and requires a deep knowledge.

Flash Drive

To install windose 7 from USB-drive is required to make it bootable. This can be done by means of special programs. Boot status is determined by a special sector, which has the same name, where all the media attributes.

You can purchase a special USB-token with it are on the system installation image. But they are rare. Most of the users who decide to install Windows 7 from a flash drive, download ISO-images from torrents.

Installation of the system with the USB-token

The official website offers to download license version of the system in the form of images that can be placed on a flash drive or "slaughter" on the CD. Install Windows 7 for free from the official website does not work, because the download of the image will need to have an activation key that can be purchased separately.

How to install Windows 7 from a disk

A second embodiment of the installation is to load from disk. You can buy a licensed product that is distributed through computer stores or online retailers who sell digital products. Note that for the licensed product will have to give a tangible amount.

There is also the possibility of downloading the image via BitTorrent clients, but it is necessary to understand that the installation of such a version of the operating system is piracy. It is punishable by law and void the user's warranty on the official product and further technical support.

Acquisition of company disk with the system is a guarantee of the official version of the installation

To install from the disc you want to simply select the BIOS to CD-ROM as the boot device, and then follow the step by step instructions, which will be presented below.

How to install Windows 7 already installed, or types of installations

Microsoft has so far maintained its support for the product, and offers users the following versions of the system:

  1. Starting or Starter. This is the easiest option, which has a number of limitations: it supports only 32-bit processor architecture, the limit of 2 GB RAM, lack of support for the Aero interface and network groups.
  2. Home Premium, or Home Basic. Version, which differs from the previous one, not only cost, but also an increased memory limit.
  3. Home Premium. The version that during the lifetime of the operating system has become the most popular. They employ the principle of the ideal combination of price and quality.
  4. Professional, or Professional. The system, which is almost full functionality. It is no limit on the RAM, the number of CPU cores and available encryption file system.
  5. Ultimate, or Ultimate. The most expensive of the presented freely available versions of the operating system, which offers the user the greatest possible range of functions.
  6. Corporate, or Enterprise. Kind of OS, designed for large companies.

There exists many versions, which differ in functionality

Besides the version of the operating system, there is such a thing as the type of installation. Usually it offered two options - to upgrade the existing operating system or full installation.

In the second case there is a complete formatting of a disk or partition, article listed in the system and all the files and user settings are lost.

Also, this method if there is sufficient amount of free disk space will be a solution, both from Windows XP to install Windows 7. In the future, the user will be available to both systems, which are selected from the boot menu.

The first option is used when you want to install new OS version over the existing one. As may be required, if necessary, install Windows 7 instead of Windows 8. How will it look like? After you install Windows folder appears. Old, which contains the system files of the old version of the program. In this type of setup manages to retain all user settings.

How to install Windows 7 on a HP Pavilion, or the installation process step by step

If the user has performed the above steps correctly and set up the BIOS, then after starting the computer it appears a black screen that says "Press any key to boot from DVD or CD».

If you start the download does not happen, it is recommended to double-check the BIOS settings. If the error persists start the installation reason lies in the fact that the disk or flash drive is not bootable. In this case it is necessary to change the source of installation.

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During the installation of Windows 7, the computer restarts several times independently, and it is perfectly normal. When you reboot, you may receive the said label, but to press nothing more is needed, otherwise the user will create a cyclic unit, which will have no end.

After pressing any button starts the download in a special temporary partition on the main configuration files and drivers.

The culmination will be the appearance of a blue box titled "Installing Windows».

choice of languages

The first step is to select the installation language, format, currency, time, and keyboard layout. With the default system in the Russian Federation proposed to Russian.

click "Next" to choose to continue the installation process.

Start installation

The next step in the issue of how to install Windows 7 on the Samsung, is to run the installation. "Install" at this stage under a large Windows logo will read. Clicking on it will continue the process

License agreement

Next, the user will be prompted to read the license agreement, which almost no one reads, but in vain. In it, for example, it says that disabling the automatic update system is a violation of copyright law in terms of changes to the current program.

To continue the installation you want to tick the license agreement and click "Next".

Features Disk Configuration

After the license agreement window appears with the choice of the type of installation, what was said above. When the system is first installed, or it is the only, then you should choose a full installation.

The next step is to choose the disk partition to install the system. At this point, it should be more detail.

Especially older PCs

Usually obsolete computers are hard drives running on the IDE cable, which has a lower data rate. Also, these discs is small in size. Correct to hereinafter when marking space choose one section, which is installed systems.

To restore the system during its collapse in the use of the process will require the installation disk, which stores the system partition and the OS image.

Features new computers

Modern PCs are equipped with SATA hard drives that are smaller due to the higher density plates or inside the computer may be installed Solid State Drive SDD, representing the principle of a flash memory of a large work volume.

SATA is compact and higher speed

New wheels have a different division of the hard drive. This includes hidden from the user and the system service partition. This division is necessary to save the system image that is required when there is a problem, how to restore Windows 7. Also making the MSR partition is required for BitLocker encryption organization.

If you purchased a computer with pre-installed operating system, such a division drive is the default. In this case, even if you need to install Windows 7 on Windows 10 in the selection process complete type of installation, and in a sample, the change in the system partition remains inaccessible to user.

Features multiple disks

When installing the system in the presence of multiple physical disks is recommended to choose the location for the operating system is small in volume, or the fastest speed (if applicable Solid State Drive).

A second hard drive can be used for placing it on the programs and games that will provide a more stable operation of Windows 7.

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Before installing a second hard drive is best to turn off to prevent possible failures during the process. It can be attached after the installation of the system.

Customize disc

Next, we return to the unit. The next step, which will be offered to the user - the disk configuration. The screen will display the hard disk map showing the sections (if any) or the logical or physical disks.

It is not surprising that when the manufacturer claims a rate of 500 GB in reality this figure will be smaller (465.7 GB). This stems from the fact that the 1 GB provides 1024 MB.

To create a new partition or to spend manipulations with already available, select "Configure drive" you want to select.

On the new screen will be all possible actions are available:

  • delete the partition;
  • expand;
  • format;
  • create.

Usually with a clean installation of the system will need to select "Create a new partition". The bottom window will need to select its actual size. To get the 100 GB, you must enter 102 500 MB and click "Apply".

As a result, the screen displays the newly created partition and a small amount of disk space (100 MB) which is assigned to a reservation system.

If the hard drive is still free space, it is also recommended to turn into a partition parallel formatted during the installation process, so as not to be tormented with the administration in the future system.

The subtleties of working with large disks

Any disk contains a small section that is called MBR - Master Boot Record. It is located in the zero sector and is a kind of boot loader. But the disadvantage is the fact that the MBR only supports drives up to 2 TB.

The larger hard drives uses a new type of markup, which is called GPT, or GUID Partition Table. This table contains information on the hard disk partition.

The problem is that the Windows 7 boot loader can not always make the right layout. If an error is required in the BIOS section «Boot» to make devices that use the UEFI system priority.

There is one more trick, how to get around the restriction to work with large disks in the presence of the installation package windose 8. You have to start booting from it, but to interrupt it after the appearance of the disc setup menu. And then just download the Win 7. Hidden partition already exists.

Next, while continuing the installation will be carried out up windose files, their unpacking and installation.


The final step is the installation setting user parameters and the final system configuration.

Setting up a user name and password

In the resulting window you will be prompted to enter a user name that corresponds to the administrator computer and determine its name in the network environment. It is recommended to enter English letters, because this name will be assigned personal settings folder when the user is saved. And some programs may not save your saves in a folder with Russian letters in the title.

After clicking "Next" is prompted to enter a password and hint. If the computer will be used exclusively at home and without the inclusion of the local network, this step can be skipped.

If you need a recovery record login, then it is better to enter at the end of the installation process.

Activate Windows 7

The next step is the activation of the system, which will need to enter a 25-digit key. When you purchase a licensed version of it can be found on the box with the disc. Also need to tick the automatic activation of Windows 7 when connecting to the network.

If you skip this step, the system will give users 30 days trial period, after which require the input of a key or activation.

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Installation unlicensed copies of each assembly is equipped with an activator, which picks up by generating a working key.

Configuring updates

By default, the system proposes to hold an update. They include important "patch" security system or just fix small bugs. The user during the installation of Windows 7 on a netbook, there are three options:

  • install all updates;
  • install only critical updates;
  • refuse to download and install updates.

The decision is entirely up to the user, but do not forget, paragraph 8 of the license agreement. When qualitatively tuned system security and a rare visit to upgrade the Internet can be disabled. Otherwise, it is recommended to choose to install only important KB (patches).

date and time

The next phase of Windows 7 installation is to select the time zone, current time and date. You can make these settings after installation, being already in a running system.

SATA is compact and higher speed


After the installation process can be accomplished personalization system. This concept includes the following custom settings, such as:

  • screen background;
  • system sounds;
  • setup screen that appears when leaving the computer in hibernation;
  • window color and design boundaries.

Then everything will depend on the user's imagination. Windows 7 offers a wide choice of options to suit every taste and color.

Installing drivers

Another important event that should be performed after the installation of Windows 7, is the driver downloads. These are small programs that ensure the correct operation of all major devices.

Every PC manufacturer or notebook equips its products to drive with driver

drivers are usually located on the disk that came with your computer or laptop. If the disk was not included, it is required to download the necessary "wood" via the Internet by going to the site PC manufacturer and model of your computer and selecting the kind of the installed system.