It valued not only beauty, but also a unique product in the world today. Many designers are reluctant to share their secrets, because their ideas are almost out of thin air. For example, the extraordinary beauty of the bowl made of polymer clay.

- polymer clay
- thick leaves tree
- scissors
- bead and mat
- aluminum foil and film
- intset

So first of all you need to prepare a working surface, wipe the table and put the film. after carefully roll out self-hardening clay, put a sheet on it. Do not forget to wash it and dry it well. Then the edges carefully pressed roller, then cut them with scissors to get the familiar shape of a leaf.

Now we shift the clay into a bowl and leave it on all night, making sure that the edges are slightly bent. The next day, we shift into the clay foil, so it dries quickly.

After that, remove the forceps sheet, and the cup is ready.

If it is your desire to create has not ended, the finished bowl can be painted, paying attention to detail in the form of streaks and unevenness.
Your guests will definitely be delighted.