How to wash away old stains on children's clothes?

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  • Removing stains from sauces and ketchup
  • Removing contamination from blueberries
  • Removing traces of strawberries from clothes
  • Spots from mustard
  • Removing stains from sunscreen
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  • We remove traces of grease and oils from clothes

How to wash away old stains on children's clothes, not all mistresses know and rush to throw the spoiled thing. Children manage to diversify their clothes with the most unusual dirt. Coming home from the street, on panties and T-shirts you can find not only dirt, but also stains from grass, flower pollen, various foods. Sometimes it is not immediately possible to get rid of pollution, then the domestic matters occupy all the time, then did not notice the spot at all. What, then, should be done when the contamination had time to dry up and penetrate deeply into the fibers of the tissue? How to wash old stains on children's clothes and quickly remove hard-to-remove pollution, this article will tell.

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How to wash the earth off clothes?

First of all, the origin of the contamination should be determined. From this and on the type of tissue depends ways and means, than to wash away old stains on children's clothes. Consider the types of spots that most often appear on the clothing of small citizens, and the methods of eliminating them from various tissues.

Similar stains are even in the most accurate children, because even the adult is not insured against falling, let alone the little tomboys.


  1. First you need to dry clothes.
  2. Clean the product with a brush.
  3. Apply a stain remover to the contaminated area.
  4. If you use a dry tool in the form of a pencil, then after such a cleaning, you can swear a thing for another couple of days and then wash it.
  5. After cleaning with a liquid stain remover, until it is dry, the product should be washed in the usual way.
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Cleaning the grass stains

Herbal stains are considered hard to remove. They are constantly faced by the mothers of football players and almost always they cause a lot of trouble. But this is only if you do not know how to properly wash such old stains on children's clothes.


  1. To clean the grass trail, you need to rub into it a gel-liquid detergent with enzymes.

Important! Such powders are now produced by almost all manufacturers. You can read the contents of the enzyme on the package.

  1. After rinse the powder off the clothes with a jet of hot water.

Important! You can use bleach if the fabric allows.

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Removing stains from ice cream

Every child loves ice cream, so similar tracks appear on children's clothes quite often.


  1. These contaminants must be treated with a conventional stain remover.
  2. The second option - soak for half an hour in water with the addition of washing powder with enzymes.

Important! Old traces of ice cream should be soaked for a few hours.

  1. After washing the thing as usual.
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How to wash chocolate blots?

Chocolate stains that occur very quickly and often on children's clothing can easily be removed with strongly salted water.

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Than to erase old stains on children's clothes from blood?

Blood from clothes is taken out with a solution of table salt.


  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of cold water. Soak the soiled product in the solution for 20-30 minutes.
  2. After time, wash the thing in the usual way.
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Cleaning of flower pollen

In the flowering period, pollen is often found on clothing. How to deal with these contaminants and wash away old stains on children's clothes?


  1. Gently shake the clothes - so the pollen will fall off a little.

Important! You will only smear the stain more if you wash it with your hand.

  1. Stick to the contaminated area of ​​the adhesive tape and carefully remove it. Thus, using a sticky piece of scotch, you will clean out as much dust as possible.
  2. If the fabric allows, treat the soiled area with bleach and wash as usual.

Important! Colored tissues should be washed using a detergent with enzymes.

  1. If the stains are not washed in this way, you can try to leave a cloth for several hours in the sun. The problem can disappear under the influence of direct sunlight.
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Removing stains from sauces and ketchup

Picnics bring not only pleasure and good mood, but also an abundance of stains on clothing. Remove the blobs from sauce and ketchup by following the following algorithm:

  1. The first thing to do is turn the clothes inside out and rinse the contaminated area under a stream of cold water.

Important! To prevent the stain from spreading, place a paper towel or a dry cotton pad under the soiled area. So it will be absorbed into the substrate.

  1. Treat the area with a liquid detergent and gently clean the top layer of dirt that has been eaten with a brush.

Important! Do not rub it in any way.

  1. Let the medium soak, then rinse with water.
  2. Remove the usual vinegar and wash it off again.
  3. If the stain does not disappear, soak the clothes in warm water for half an hour, and repeat the entire procedure again.
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Removing contamination from blueberries

Blueberries are a very tasty and healthy berry, but in addition to its useful properties, it can cause big problems related to garbage. Quickly and without risk for the fabric to remove contamination from blueberries the following recommendations will help:

  1. Wash the place of contamination under a stream of cold water.
  2. Mix in 1 liter of cold water half a teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar. Soak in the resulting solution for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in cold water.
  4. If the stain remains, you can wipe it with alcohol, then, if the fabric allows, you should wash it with bleach.
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Removing traces of strawberries from clothing

Strawberries leave on the clothes sufficiently bright traces, which are not so easy to remove completely. Wash old stains on baby clothes of similar origin will help the vinegar solution.


  1. Wash off the trail under a stream of cold water.
  2. Mix in 1 liter of warm water half a teaspoon of liquid detergent and 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
  3. Soak the soiled item in the mortar for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product.
  5. If the traces are left, moisten the cotton swab in alcohol and rub it on the stain.
  6. If the fabric allows, wash clothes with chlorine bleach.
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Spots from mustard

Mustard soils do not often appear on children's clothing, but such situations do happen. Therefore, information on how to remove such spots will be useful for every mother.


  1. Gently scrape off the top layer of the blob.

Important! Do not rub the contaminated area, so the contamination will only get deeper absorbed into the fabric.

  1. Wash the stain under a stream of cold running water and treat it with a stain remover.
  2. If contamination is left, rub glycerin into it.

Important! Glycerin is sold in free access at the pharmacy.

  1. Let the glycerin soak into the tissue for a few minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
  2. Wash the item in hot water, adding bleach.
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Removing stains from sunscreen

Similar traces on children's clothes are not uncommon, as indeed for an adult. To wash off old stains on children's clothes from such cream, follow this procedure:

  1. To remove such contamination, it is necessary to gently scrape off the top layer of the cream, which was not absorbed from the fabric.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise - you rub the cream deep into the fabric, and removing it will be more difficult.

  1. Treat contaminated area with a stain remover.
  2. Wash things in very hot water.

Important! Before washing, be sure to check the product label for the maximum permissible water temperature when washing.

You can get rid of the traces of mayonnaise in the same way.

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How to deal with ink stains?

  • A trace of the ink from the garment can be removed with a 20% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Traces of the ballpoint pen are well removed with a solution of ammonia and vodka. Components should be mixed in equal parts. It is necessary to wipe gently with a cotton swab dirty place.
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How to remove rust stains from clothing?

This problem can be solved with lemon juice or vinegar.

Method number 1:

  1. The spot should be lightly moistened with lemon juice and ironed with a hot iron.
  2. This operation should be repeated several times, and then wash the tissue with water.

Important! Carrying out the above actions, make sure that the iron does not dry the fabric to the end, it should remain slightly damp.

Method # 2:

  1. With a strong solution of citric acid, you can remove rust from white clothing or bedding.
  2. After acid treatment, the soiled areas should be sprinkled with a thin layer of kitchen salt and left for a day.
  3. Rinse the area with water.
  4. Wash laundry in the usual way.

Method number 3:

  1. You can wash off old stains on children's clothes from rust with a solution of vinegar, having prepared it taking into account the proportion: 0.5 teaspoons of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
  2. Preheat the solution and for a few minutes, dip the contaminated clothing into it.
  3. Rinse product thoroughly in water.
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We remove traces of grease and oils from clothes

Fat traces are not uncommon, because almost every meal in children is marked by the appearance of a new stain. Similar pollution with the same frequency appear on clothing and in adults. The following tips will help to quickly deal with such problematic contaminants:

  • Once the fat has got on the clothes, the stained area should be sprinkled with salt and gently rubbed. So repeat a few times until the stain disappears.
  • If you get stained with fat when frying, this place should be immediately covered with flour. When the flour is impregnated, it is necessary to shake it and pour it in a new one. So repeat several times until the stain disappears.

Important! Instead of flour, you can use hot bread pulp.

  • Fat traces of silk things can be removed with the help of a pinch of salt dissolved in ammonia.
  • In order to facilitate the washing of stains from grease and lubricating oils, you need to soak up the water in the water, adding turpentine there at the rate of: for 5 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of turpentine.
  • In order to wash old stains on children's clothing of fatty origin with light woolen cloth, you need to mix potato starch with water and put this slurry on a problem place for several hours. If after that there are traces, remove them with gasoline or alcohol, after wiping a piece of stale bread.

Fruit traces and stains from juice

  • Fresh traces of juices and fruits can be removed with the help of boiling water. He is poured a thin trickle on the stain before it disappears.
  • To wash off old stains on children's clothing from fruits you will help a solution of vinegar, prepared in the following proportions: a glass of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

As you can see, you can remove from clothing pollution of any origin. Therefore, do not rush to chastise the child for his inaccuracy and throw the thing into the trash can, especially if you did not immediately notice the pollution. Useful tips from this article will help to solve the problem peacefully and without any special financial waste.