Everyone in the household will be found unnecessary things, which is a pity to throw. They take up a lot of space in the attic, and sometimes very annoying. Do not be in a hurry to part with them. What at first glance seems to be garbage, it can become a very necessary and ergonomic object. There are at least 12 functional things that can be made from trash.

Useful things from scrap materials
To home is not turned into a warehouse, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of interesting ideas.

- Convenient shelves. If your home library has books, which only collect dust, they can be used as the original storage location. This requires brackets. They should be attached to the wall, and on top put a book. On these shelves can be put figurines, picture frames and other decorative objects.
- Unusual Aquarium. Old Soviet TV, speaking as a frame dwelling fish, become a significant interior zest. Enough free "box" of the picture tube and internal parts.
- Design ceiling. Old fashioned and dusty hats will be the spectacular shades for lamps. At the same role can perform plastic flower pots or cups. Bright decor give the subject an additional functional chic.
- Clock. Waste tire of the bike will dial for ordinary clocks. They fit perfectly in the interior room of a teenager or a room decorated in the industrial or Scandinavian style.
- Magnets. Metal bottle caps from soda handy for creating nice gizmos. refrigerator doors are often decorated with magnets, but monotonous image stale. Dilute help cover picture. One only has to glue the back of the small magnet - and a holder for notes and family photos ready.
- Hooks. Steel and aluminum utensils can be used as a variety of carriers. For example, spoons, attached to a wall or façade of the cabinet, for storage will fit pins or threads. Yet they can become a hanger for towels and oven gloves.
- Bench for a pet. Pet clothing gradually loses appearance, or simply out of fashion. Rather than include an old sweater in the trash, you can make a bed for a cat or small dog. It must be filled with synthetic padding thing I ask from the bottom, and then wrap the resulting cushion sleeves. Then connect the cuff and take the form of couches.
- The original poof. From an old washing machine drum at a minimum cost obtained designer chairs. need foam, smooth fabric and a bright paint to create a masterpiece.
- Spectacular candlesticks. Many owners in the cabinets of kitchen units are carefully kept empty cans. They can put a candle and create exclusive decoration for a romantic evening.
- Handy organizer. Of plastic butylkov from shower gels and shampoos can be made bright device for storing the school office. It is enough to cut the top of a clean tube and attach it to the workplace.
- Adornments for garden. Old tires can become a beautiful flower bed or a bird figure. In addition, the craftsmen are building out your old rubber tables and chairs. It needs only a knife, fasteners and fantasy.
- Kids toys. Alternative to expensive doll houses can become ordinary cardboard boxes. Cots and lockers easy to make matchboxes. And the family budget is maintained, and imagination of children develop.
A reasonable approach to saving

To talk about the new life of old things can be infinite.
In many cities in Russia are regularly held competitions, where craftsmen demonstrate products made from trash.
Decrepit clothes, broken glass, papers, synthetic materials acquires a suitable appearance. People do not dry out the desire to surround themselves with comfortable things, while spending a minimum of means. To turn rubbish into ergonomic items - a sign of a competent economy.
To create an out of the ordinary garbage something worthwhile, you need quite a bit - idea, courage and determination.