Painting on fabric always attracted the attention of fans of the original objects and interior. Ways to decorate with a brush and paints a lot. However, femininity and fascination of products in cold batik technique is particularly striking. This way of painting can be used both adults and children.

Manufacturing technology

In today's world of handmade products are increasingly attracting attention. mass production of clothing is now sold at every step, and truly exquisite and spectacular wardrobe items are hard to find.
Technology for the production of the original scarves, hats, blouses and dresses are very different: they sew, knit, embroider and dumb wool. This labor-intensive processesRequiring long work. Batik in this respect it is more convenient, because the fabric paintings do not have much time. The main thing - to have all the necessary tools and imagination.
The basic material for the work in the technique of batik is a "reserve" - a special solution, which is applied to the fabric and does not let the paint. These unpainted portions and form a pattern, which gives the article of clothing or interior special gloss and originality. As a reserve are most commonly used wax and paraffin.
A method of staining and selecting the tools depend on the tissue type. For cotton fabrics used hot appliances, and for more delicate material (e.g., silk) - cold.
Cold batik and its features
cold batik technique is considered a classic. Historians believe that she appeared in the 13-14 centuries. It is also often referred to as "European". To require a stretcherAs well as the picture that you want to transfer to the fabric.
This is the first stage of the work, which is the same for both cold and for hot art. If imagination and artistic abilities are well developed, it is possible to work without a stencil.
The main features of the method of drawing cold:

- as a provision is not used usual wax, and special solutions or petroleum-based resin. These mixtures can be bought in a store products for hand-made, but do them yourself, too, is quite real;
- reserve itself is applied to the fabric using a special tool - a thin glass tube, which helps to put structure in the necessary places. There is also a reserve tank with a special elongated spout. So even more convenient, especially if you have no experience;
- paints for drawing in cold batik technique must contain aniline. They are easy to obtain. They are in almost every shop for handicrafts. Suitable for beginners paint "Batik Hobby" by Gamma.

Batik is created in a single layer, so it requires accuracy, care and diligence. However, this technique is often chosen for children's creativity. It really is more secure: no hot wax, no need to get rid of the reserve. You can also decorate the finished product is glitter, sequins, beads or sequins. It will be interesting to preschoolers.
Unlike standard hot process batik is more like a wet watercolor painting. Image more blurred, there is practically no clear lines, colors flow from one to another. This technique gives more opportunities for creativity, self-expression and realization of ideas.