Polymer clay called one of the most popular materials for creativity. From it made a variety of beautiful jewelry, souvenirs, and other crafts. In order to understand how this remarkable and resilient material, it is necessary to work with him. And this will help 7 golden rules for working with polymer clay to be used in practice.

- What is polymer clay
- What crafts can be created
- work rules
What is polymer clay
This plastic mass, also known as plastics, plastic, intended for modeling all possible craft solidified in air or in the heating process (depending on the type of plastic). It looks and feels like it is on clayBut more elastic, less cling to the hands. It has an inherent grassy smell. The basis for such a material is PVC (polyvinyl chloride). During the firing at high temperatures it loses the ability to change its shape. Hardened plastic article is a something between a ceramic and a plastic.
Among the advantages inherent in the plastic, may be mentioned:

- Availability, ease of use. It's suitable for beginners creativity.
- A large variety of color palettes. These materials are colorless or colored, may have special effects: metallic, glow in the dark, shiny, translucent.
- Create sophisticated craft with subtle details.
- The ability to form excellent preservation in plastic, frozen form.
- It can be a long time not to expose the product to roasting.
- Long-term storage under normal conditions does not lead to a loss of its properties.
What crafts can be created
Products derived from plastics, are arts and crafts. Among such craft should be called:
- souvenirs, jewelry;
- Decorations on the Christmas tree;
- figurines and other home furnishings;
- dolls.
This mimics the various clay materials and structures. Molding of plastics has become for some women a profitable hobby.
work rules
When working with polymer clay needed to apply the 7 golden rules that are necessary for the creative process. They are as follows:

- You can not use the tools that are used for the manufacture of articles made from plastics for eating.
- So that while working with this material on the distributions had no fingerprints, you need to use latex gloves.
- During the working process is better in the first place to work with light colors, because this material is painted. The dye remains on the hands, and dark colors can stain light parts of the product.
- To obtain good articles made from plastic, to be observed on the packaging material baking temperature behavior.
- The room where the oven baked articles made of polymer clay, should be thoroughly ventilated by opening windows in the room.
- This material is very fond attract the wool than spoils the appearance of the craft. Therefore, when you are in the house domestic animals must be covered with clay, so the fur on it has not got.
- If you get uncomfortable while working with this material, it should be for some time to postpone it, and then again to continue working.
If you follow these rules, they will make the creative process for the production of handicrafts made it easier and safer.