Sweet design - this kind of needlework, art, create and execute original packaging for confectionery products and other sweets, using a variety of decorative materials (the English word «sweet» means "sweet").
The roots are from the distant past, from the time when people first learned how to make the first piece of candy, and then wrap it.

- Story
- Description of technology
- Advantages of the technique in the present Sweet Design
In Europe, this work appeared in the XX century and was popular in America, and then gradually came to Russia. We no longer known as "a bunch of chocolates" or "sweet bouquet." The focus of such works are flowers, handmade, where candy - is the heart of the flower. Can be added to artificial or fresh flowers. Therefore, this kind of creativity is also called "suites florist."

Russian craftswomen design suites are very fond of. Interest in it is growing every year. Needlewoman, creating a bouquet, put all his love, kindness, warmth, soul and skill. So getting exciting work. For many, it became a favorite hobby and means of decent earnings.
Description of technology
Sweet masterpieces are created not only in the form of the usual flowers, but also in the form of interesting shapes and compositions. These may include: ships, dolls, cakes, hearts, balloons, trees, figures and... .spisok infinite as the imagination of skilled workers.

Can serve as an original gift for any occasion and event. For both adults and children alike. Can give for a wedding, birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, to be discharged to the hospital on New Year's Eve and any professional holiday. Or just - please a loved one!
Buy sweet bouquets can personally masters in confectionery shops (not all), the Internet, in shopping malls. And you can make your own. This is an exciting and interesting process.
Advantages of the technique in the present Sweet Design
- Individuality (ordered from the master and discussed the needs and nuances, it is created for a specific person; will take into account the composition of chocolates, quantity, color, bouquet, size, subject, age of the person, life and others.).
- The uniqueness (originality, an exact copy is not found anywhere else, and no one).
- Durability (live bouquet quickly wither, emissions owner and forgotten, and a bunch of chocolates can please long as it allows you to get sweets, without damaging the packaging and keep the look of the whole products).
- Unconventional (interesting and unusual gift made by hand, always getting nicer).
- Emotionality (sweet composition intrigue, and will enjoy long remembered).
- Efficiency or "3 in 1" (one combined gift of beauty, utility originality).