One of the most popular to date trends in handicrafts is considered scrapbooking. But in recent years, this art has a competitor - it is a subspecies called kardmeyking. More and more people on the planet covers a hobby entertaining and unusual form of needlework, even though it is not considered new. Understand what kardmeyking and what the beauty of this art, it is easy. Home information about subspecies scrapbooking hidden in his name.

- exclusive cards
- The history of occurrence
- Suitable materials of manufacture
exclusive cards

The name "kardmeyking" (eng. 'Cardmaking') is formed by two words - «card» and «make», which translated into Russian means "card" and "do", respectively. That is the whole point of this handmade art fully reflected in its name. Kardmeyking - a hand-made greeting cards.
The highlight of this art lies in the exclusivity of products. As with all things made by hand, for postcards, created by painstaking manual labor, characterized by uniqueness, originality and uniqueness. Congratulations written on this card will delight the recipient twice.
The history of occurrence
Despite the fact that now kardmeyking considered a relatively new and only gaining popularity trend of creativity, it is the art of needlework originated in ancient China. It was there that the tradition of congratulating each other Happy New Year beautiful card by the small size, but the main thing - handmade. Inspired example Chinese card making, and the Egyptians do.

The fashion for hand-made greeting cards reached European countries only in the XIV century, but immediately grabbed their entirety. Autographic manufacturing cards was go up to XIX-th century. However, afford a beautiful greeting card made by hand, could not all. This token was a symbol of well-being and security of the donor.
In the middle of the XIX-th century the situation changed. The development of the printing industry and running assembly-line production made greeting cards available to everyone, depriving them at the same time unique. Kardmeyking turned into a kind of stage of "hibernation" and woke up only in XXI-st century.
Suitable materials of manufacture

If before the creation of handwritten cards were very expensive process, but now their strength in this case is to try each, even having the meager opportunities. This masterpiece actually create and cheap materials. Important in kardmeykinge - it put his heart and soul in the process, that this is the secret of success. Without this main component, even with large cash costs of materials, nothing good will come of the work.
For DIY production of cards, in addition to heart and effort needed:
- The basis. This can be cardboard, paper, foil and so on.
- decoration. This category can include just about anything that is in the house, because the design of cards depends only on the imagination of the author. You can use the beads and ribbons, fabric and thread, buttons and rhinestones, sequins and stickers, feathers and lace - the list is endless. It may also be useful to pencils, paints and markers. Even tea and coffee (also for coloring).
- Instruments. You can do the most simple - a pair of scissors, glue, double-sided tape and the like. But, if you can, and you can resort to the delights - shaped punchers and others.
Currently, art kardmeykinga reborn. The popularity of this direction of needlework is increasing, but it is possible that the peak demand for handmade cards yet to come.