Greenhouse - a younger brother greenhousesAssistant, which will be indispensable for growing seedlings, and many whimsical plants. Compact and easy to use, it can be accommodated anywhere in your portionWhere the sun is enough. With this uncomplicated construction you can reap from early spring to late autumn. The theme of this material from Housechief - greenhouse "Breadbasket". This is one of the most popular versions, which you can buy or make your own hands.
None of the gardener is complete without a greenhouse, it will be claimed from the last to the first snow
Read article
1 What is the greenhouse "Breadbasket": photo designs
2 Dimensions and materials of greenhouses "Breadbasket"
3 On the pros and cons of the breadbaskets
4 Options greenhouse "Breadbasket"
5 How to choose a location for the greenhouse
6 How to assemble a factory set breadbaskets
7 What can be grown in the breadbaskets
8 How to make their own greenhouse "Breadbasket" polycarbonate
9 Options dimensional drawings greenhouse "Breadbasket" to build with their own hands
10 What will it take to work
11 The sequence of manufacturing Greenhouse "Breadbasket" with his own hands
12 Prices of factory model greenhouse "Breadbasket"
13 Customer reviews of the greenhouse "Breadbasket"
What is the greenhouse "Breadbasket": photo designs
The name itself speaks about its greenhouse device. Sonorous name he gave the similarity principle sash opening with normal household bread bins, which can be found in virtually every home.
Raising and lowering of the sash allows you to adjust the temperature and humidity inside
Flaps can be two: in this case, they open in opposite directions, completely freeing the access of air to the plants inside.
Dimensions and materials of greenhouses "Breadbasket"
In the greenhouse can not be any strict size in principle. Dimensions can be limited only by opening convenience. Too big and heavy to lift by hand sash uncomfortable, so everyone chooses for itself a convenient and feasible to control the size.
The maximum length of the greenhouse, which can be controlled without extra lifting mechanisms - 4 m, a mini-greenhouse "Hlebnitsa" may be approximately 100 cm in length
Height greenhouse It is also connected with the possibilities of its owner. The most convenient are considered hotbeds performed independently under its growth. On this topic you will find a lot of videos. Too low a greenhouse inconvenient to maintain, because they would interfere with the sash, and too tall to be a lot of weight. Optimal height - 1-1.3 m.
Now the width. It is clear that we can not do without assessing their capabilities. Width should not be too large to be able to reach all parts of the greenhouse, without taking their feet inside. If the flap in one greenhouse, the width is limited to 130 cm. If the two - that can increase up to 2-2.4 m.
With regard to the manufacture of structural materials - is frame made of metal profiles or a plastic film or tube and polycarbonate as a coating.
Design of plastic and film - time, light and collapsible.
Models of metal sheets and polycarbonate - stationary options for long-term use
On the pros and cons of the breadbaskets
If you choose a model greenhouse, Each of the options you need to carefully consider all viewpoints. What about Breadbasket:
Possibility to install in any place and displacement.
Lightweight models are easily transferred to a new location. Collapsible design of polycarbonate and metal sheets also can be moved if necessary.
Rational use of the area.
The semicircular shape of the flaps enables full use of the area under the greenhouse.
Ease of management.
Doors open quite easily. If necessary, quickly cut greens on a salad so as not to freeze the entire contents of the greenhouse, you will easily cope with the task.
Resistance to wind gusts.
In breadbaskets semicircular streamlined shape, which is not afraid of strong wind or snow load. Such a structure can be left in the winter on the site.
Protecting plantings from the sun.
Greenhouse will come in handy not only in early spring and autumn, but in the hot summer, when the salad greens literally "burns" from the scorching sun. Greenhouse is easy to obscure, and indeed the polycarbonate scatters harmful UV rays.
The possibility of self-assembling structures.
This model has a very simple and intuitive device, so you can easily put together a factory set or make the design completely independently.
Periodic maintenance of rotating mechanism.
We should not forget from time to time to lubricate hinges components so that they work properly. Only in this case, the mechanism will not stick and squeak.
Need help installing.
The peculiarity is that it is difficult to establish a breadbox alone. You will need at least one assistant.
Not all plants can be planted.
Greenhouse is not suitable for tall and climbing plants.
Options greenhouse "Breadbasket"
Breadbaskets We have two versions:
Single-wing or greenhouse Fedorov - a simple model with reliable fixation wingsTwo-leaf, the leaf in the open position are fixed props
How to choose a location for the greenhouse
This is a very important question, on which depends the result of your subsequent work. Wrong choose place - and all efforts will be in vain. If greenhouse will obscure the trees or bushes, or it will fall the shadow of the house - the soil inside will not be warm, and the plants do not get enough sunlight.
It is for this reason consider a place away from buildings. According to generally accepted standards, the distance from the buildings should not be less than five meters
The second important point in the choice of site - smooth surface. Do not let the slope or unevenness. This prevents hotbeds normally open, and the design may simply warp over time. Before installation, in addition to level the site and check out all levels.
How to assemble a factory set breadbaskets
If you bought a greenhouse ready, it is delivered unassembled. The assembly will have no difficulty. Here is the video example of how make greenhouse "Breadbasket" of factory designer with his own hands:
What can be grown in the breadbaskets
In this greenhouse, you can grow all low plants. He will provide you with an early spring and autumn fresh radish and salad greens. There can be grown seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and other vegetables, which are then planted in open ground.
The breadbox can be grown root vegetables: onion, carrot, garlic
If not well growing strawberries, try to plant it in a greenhouse in your area.
In principle, in a breadbox and tomatoes can be grown to fruiting, but low grade.
How to make their own greenhouse "Breadbasket" polycarbonate
Breadbaskets design is rather primitive, so that it can be made with your own hands from metal profiles and polycarbonate sheet.
Options dimensional drawings greenhouse "Breadbasket" to build with their own hands
Drawing can be ready to take such options are abundant there in the public domain, or to prepare it yourself, based on your own preferences.
The base design - rectangular frame. Top Greenhouse consists of half-archesForming mutually independent flaps. Semiarc are mounted on the tops of the lateral triangles, fixed to the base. Here are the options greenhouse drawings "Breadbasket", which can be done with his own hands made of polycarbonate:
Please note that the half-arches have diameters vary the thickness of the polycarbonate sheet. This will allow construction to open freely. The more precisely you resize it, the tightness will be a greenhouse.
Polycarbonate sheets have standard dimensions - width of 210 cm, and the length -. 3.6 or 12 m Therefore, developing drawing, think for cutting so that scraps remained slightly.
What will it take to work
If you're wondering what to make of the frame - stop your choice on the metal. Wood and plastic - not the most practical and durable options.
Greenhouse of the shaped tube is durable and will last for decades. For mounting on the pipe casing need screws with sealing rubber gaskets. In addition, it will be useful for the hinges and rotating mechanism for the nuts and bolts of their fastening.
Prepare the tool grinders, Drill, screwdriver and welding machine.
The sequence of manufacturing Greenhouse "Breadbasket" with his own hands
Now, small workshop with the drawings for the production of a small greenhouse for seedlings. First, consider the drawings, which are required for producing greenhouse "Breadbasket" with his own hands:
assembly sequence:
Description of the action
Prepare the mold and bend the pipe in an arc. When the arc is ready, cut it into two parts, one more second - less as in the drawing.
Weld of the arc to the corner of the pipes.
Two ready-made parts are connected by cross members.
Boil Greenhouse basis of two rectangular parts and struts.
In the place where the leaf to be attached greenhouse, make a rectangular propyl.
Prepare through holes in the corners of both wings.
By width of openings in the base metal segments cook and prepare them in the installation hole.
Insert the metal sections of the drilled hole, weld them and fix them with a sash bolt.
Please note that the flaps may have three positions: fully closed, and an open position for ventilation, when because of the change at the top of the valves seats formed large gap.
That leaf was easy to open, welded to the frame screws and screw the handles on them.
Before attaching the trim necessarily paint over all the details. This will keep them from rust.
Make marks on the polycarbonate. Be very careful, the error can ruin the entire sheet.
Polycarbonate is well cut with a knife in the usual construction.
Secure the parts of polycarbonate based on greenhouse and wings.
For fixing furniture is better to use bolts with a wide hat. They are not much to speak and to cling to other details.
To fix the greenhouse on the spot weld to the base pieces fittings. Their score in the ground, and they will firmly hold a greenhouse in a selected area.
As you can see, the design is working. It is very easy to use. Three flaps position allow you to adjust the temperature and luminosity inside the greenhouse.
Prices of factory model greenhouse "Breadbasket"
Greenhouse "Breadbasket" standard length of 210 cm and a height of about 90 cm, complete with polycarbonate sheet can be bought for about 6000 rubles. It cost without delivery. Hotbeds of the same size, consisting of a single frame disassembled, will cost about 4000 rubles.
In the store you can offer a model with a more solid and durable polycarbonate pinkish color. He does not increase yields as traders advertise, but it is much longer
Customer reviews of the greenhouse "Breadbasket"
Everyone who used to practice such a construction, were very satisfied. Here are some reviews of the greenhouse "Breadbasket":
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Bread bin is really very simple and easy to manage, and if you use the version which we have described in the master class, it will help you to grow a great crop. We have shown the best projects of greenhouses "Breadbasket", made with his own hands. Have you used a breadbox? We will be glad to see your feedback in the comments!