There is something magical in the old traditions. Not for nothing because they were preserved for centuries and have survived to the present day. Perhaps this is the magic and pulled the townspeople to rest in a cozy village with their ancestral way of life. Not many people can boast that they know what the smoke sauna. But the culture of true Russian bath gradually revived, surely displacing victuals saunas and hammams. The theme of this material from Housechief devoted to native Russian revered rite, which is still alive in Siberia and the Far East.

Read article
- 1 What Russian well, the German death
- 2 What is a traditional smoke sauna
- 3 What is the difference modern baths in black
- 4 The pros and cons of a traditional bath in black
- 5 How to construct a bath for black-
- 6 How to equip a furnace
- 6.1 Mounting base
- 6.2 Laying stones
- 7 Secrets kindling bath in black
What Russian well, the German death
Arrogant nickname "unwashed Russia" no more than an expression of insulting, apparently invented by foreigners. Meanwhile, in the culture of Western European tradition bathe regularly appeared much later than in Russia. Well, foreigners could not understand why the Russian beat themselves with brooms and doused with hot water, and even came up with for this stand-alone building. For their lack of understanding they have suffered in the Middle Ages from the plague, which is known to have carried the parasites. A washed clean, smelling birch spirit of Russia spared this trouble.

Why such a name in the black? The thing is that it is been heated oven, Lined with stones, without chimney. Smoke and soot under stone penetrated into the room banki and this wall covered with a black coating.
On hot stones for the aroma put needles and herbs. A floor lining dry hay. Spirit in such the bathhouse It was just wonderful, and he can heal many ailments. To retain heat very hut dig in the ground to the windows. In the old days with a dip once washed and dried clothes here. Smoke and heat kill all parasites and harmful bacteria. A soot that settled on the walls, not afforded to breed mold and mildew.

What is a traditional smoke sauna
The traditional Russian bath - it pyatistenok with a pair of small windows. Inside the log home is located stove, Built of stones. The most good for this purpose are considered igneous rocks such as quartzite or jadeite.

Stove placed closer to the door to kindling in the process could quickly get out of the room. Hearth furnace was located directly on the ground. Stones are heated by the fire for a long time to retain heat. This location is convenient by the fact that it is easy to throw up the wood and gently lifts the DoorThe smoke to go outside.
Everything else bath in black has a conventional arrangement: a wooden floor with slits for drainage, benches and shelves for high hover.

Note! Kindling baths used in black birch wood. They are not only fragrant smell of tar, but also into the air disinfectant formaldehyde.
What is the difference modern baths in black
modern banki not much different from those used by more thousand years ago. Probably just because in this perfect process difficult to come up with something radically new.
However, there are small changes that characterize modern buildings.

Furnaces They were made of heat-resistant cast iron and to equip them with shutters to prevent accidental ingress of coal on the floor. The stones on the stove no longer simply fold and fasten the clay.
In the old days for heating water heated stones thrown into the vats, tanks are now suspended above the heater warmup.

The pros and cons of a traditional bath in black
Steam treatments themselves are the indications and contraindications. There are diseases in which the hot treatments simply forbidden. But first, the advantages of a Man in black:
- this pair has a strong disinfecting effect. Disinfection exposed not only the skin and the respiratory tract of bathers, but also the entire space. Harmful bacteria, parasites and bacteria can not withstand such procedures;
- in Russian bath soft glow that's easy even children suffer;
- if in the process of guy to use herbs and tinctures, it is possible to cure many diseases.

But be careful: if used improperly, this bath can pluck your eyes and burn the mucous membranes. Not everyone will like the special surroundings of steam and soot-covered walls and benches. In addition, the stove must be periodically to take care of: to clean it from soot to accumulate too much weight.
How to construct a bath for black-
If you decide to put a bathhouse on your site, pick the right place. Kindling process forms a lot of smoke, so it is best to position away from the open frame window houses.

Carefully review the status of the soil to the desired location: it is necessary to determine the depth of groundwater and soil. It is reasonable to put bathhouse on a small hill, so it will not wash away during floods. If floods and raising the ground water in your area frequent - you can put bathhouse on the columnar foundation.
When planning placement of this building, just contemplate carrying out of communications: water and sewerageAt least local.

If you plan to use the bathhouse rarely, you can do a simple drainage under the floor, but to operate all year round is better to arrange the drain hole in the side or septic tank.
As a material for the construction of a bath is better to choose larch, and ideally - cedar. It is because of him are centuries old bathhouse in Siberia. If this is not possible, it will fit and pine. Smoke sauna - a log cabin. As a budget option, you can use a frame structure, but it will not be as durable as chopped.
The inner part of the steam room is not finished with nothing. This is understandable: under the soot and grime, you will not see any finishing materials.

This bath is not necessary to make chimney, this fact greatly simplifies the task from the ceiling and furnishing roof. Quite simply sutured tree and the roof is put any roofing material: metal profile even though shingles.
Furnace size is adjusted for the dimensions of the pair. For 12m² steam oven should be folded about 1 × 1 m. And remember, in this embodiment, the furnace is placed as close as possible to the entrance.
Important! From time to time the shelves, walls and floor of the pair will have to be cleaned of soot. Use for the manufacture of durable larch.
How to equip a furnace
The furnace black for steam - rather primitive design. In fact, it's just a fireplace, on which are stacked on top of the stones. The stones do not fall into the fire, they put on an iron grate and bonded with clay mortar.

Note! The cheapest one for bath can be gabbro, diabase, but keep in mind that it specifically smells when heated. A marble and flint may burst during heating. Do not use for this purpose and limestone - it produces toxins and is destroyed by heat.
The dimensions of the oven for a little steam:. 1,5 × 1 m and height - 0.5 m focal shape is not critical, you can lay out the stones circle, oval or rectangle - as you wish.

Mounting base
Fireplace spread on solid non-combustible base. For him to dig a recess in the floor no less than half a meter deep, cover its bottom sand and crushed stone mixture install metal fittings and pour concrete.

Laying stones
you need for uploading refractory hearth brick. On the concrete base is laid waterproofingAnd to it - a continuous layer of two rows of bricks, fastened with clay. Then laid itself furnace with a wall thickness of one brick. The height of the furnace - half a meter. Completes the furnace grate of thick rebar.
At the bars, you must first put the largest stones, then small and large again.

Note! You can put the furnace in the form of an arch made of refractory bricks.
A more modern alternative is to use the furnace with the door. For this design, you will need a door frame, which is installed in the process of laying.

And one more variant of the furnace for a bath in the black: the back wall can be replaced by a cast-iron pot with water. This modification will provide heating large quantities of water, which is important if you have a large family.
Secrets kindling bath in black
In the traditional Russian banya has its own characteristics, and compliance with regulations is a guarantee of success.
An important point - the right fuel. Use of birch and aspen firewood. Highly undesirable flushing pine - from it a lot of pitches, and oak - kindling process can be very delayed, this dense wood burns very long. Firewood sure to dry well. If the bath has a dressing room - it just laid in the logs for the next batch furnace.

If you hesitated, leave the room on all fours, the smoke will rise upwards. Before starting the furnace, remove from the bath sponges, brooms and other things that they were not covered with soot.

After the stones are heated up, burn through and a fire has started, close the door, and the flame will be extinguished. It is not necessary to force to put out the fire. ventilate the steam room and get to bath procedures. In order not to get dirty of soot on the benches, their Cover the material or, conversely, the bed curtains of time kindling, and then remove them during steaming.

To smoke completely out before the guy, splash some water on the stones - pairs forces the remaining smoke. Do not worry if not zatushennyh golovoshkah - can be poisoned by fumes.
That's all the secrets baths in black. Believe me, it will give you and your friends a lot of fun, give health and good mood. In conclusion - a small video on this topic. And we look forward to your comments!