βš’Banya a barrel: Do so practical?

Barrel, as well as the wheel - one of the oldest inventions of man. And I must say, not less valuable. Without barrel it was hard to imagine the economy. Now, however, the subject was replaced plastic containers. But somewhere in the depths of our genetic memory lies a love of the subject cooper works, and perhaps for this reason that a bath in a barrel so pleasing to the eye and causes sincere interest. The theme of this material in HouseShief.ru - a study of such structures. The more attractive they are, how to install them on your site, and whether or not they can work full bath?

Not in vain as Diogenes lived in a barrel - can, and you will come brilliant ideas?
Not in vain as Diogenes lived in a barrel - can, and you will come brilliant ideas?

Read article

  • 1 The look-barrel bath inside and out: real photo
  • 2 Forms round bath-barrels and ideas for their equipment
    • 2.1 Russian bathhouse
    • 2.2 Models Finnish bath-barrels
    • 2.3 barrel ofuro
    • 2.4 And we went to the river with a mobile bath-barrel!
  • 3 Versed in the design: the size of the equipment to
    • 3.1 Sauna-barrel: the appropriate size
    • 3.2 What makes bath-barrels
    • 3.3 The possible to heat the barrel
  • 4 Pros and cons of round bath-barrels
  • 5 Small course: how to make bath-barrel with his hands
    • 5.1 Algorithm bath assembly as barrels
  • 6 How to use wooden barrels for a bath
  • 7 Order sauna-barrel under the key: the price issue
  • 8 Reviews real buyers about the baths, barrels and video example design

The look-barrel bath inside and out: real photo

First of all, barrel-bath - this is an example of a compact placement of all necessary attributes bath. Also choose this type of design are those who for some reason have to save space Location on.

βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceβš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practice

But the compact does not interfere lovers enjoy steamy baths. Moreover, to heat a bath-house much easier. And if in your area or close to it there water, The best and you can not wish for: it is possible from the pair - yes immediately and cool Voditsa dive.

Since ancient times it is known that such contrasting procedure is very beneficial impact on health
Since ancient times it is known that such contrasting procedure is very beneficial impact on health

Forms round bath-barrels and ideas for their equipment

Equip and adapt sauna-barrel It can be for any type of steam. In this context, universal design. Russian, Finnish, Japanese - anything you want. Want to go on nature with friends, and even in the bath to warm up? Imagine, and this is possible! But first things first.

Russian bathhouse

In baths in Russian There should be two spaces. Therefore, in the construction of large casks have to provide steam and washing. It was convenient, the room makes extended in length. In the regeneration bath-barrels with a shower is necessary to provide safe water drainage system.

Russian bath furnace should provide wet steam, and often outside the furnace of a bath
Russian bath furnace should provide wet steam, and often outside the furnace of a bath

Models Finnish bath-barrels

Sauna It differs from Russian bathhouses dry steam. You can do without pomyvochnaya. Instead, next to the bath put the font or placing the structure on the banks of the reservoir or basin.

βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practice
The Finnish baths of equipment - only oven, stove and benches

barrel ofuro

The Japanese are very philosophically related to bath procedures. They believe that the bath in the form of barrels is the concentration of power of the four elements: water, fire, earth and air. Ofuro is an upright structure - in fact, the barrel itself, which is heated from below the firebox.

Relax in a bathhouse does not work, but soak in warm water - quite
Relax in a bathhouse does not work, but soak in warm water - quite

And we went to the river with a mobile bath-barrel!

Take friends in the country under the skewer and bathhouse - what could be better than such a pastime? Only if you add to all this rybalochku and bathing in the river! All this is possible if you put a small bathhouse on trailer with wheels and go cheerful company for the nearest body of water.

This holiday you will not forget!
This holiday you will not forget!

Versed in the design: the size of the equipment to

Barrels as rooms may be structurally different depending on the tasks that have set themselves the owners. Consider the likely options.

Sauna-barrel: the appropriate size

If you are considering a mobile version of the bath-house, its size can not be more than two meters in length. The total weight of this design - about 1200-1500 kg. There is only one pair can be accommodated. Given the high location design for trailer axles, equipped with a removable entrance ladder.

For stationary structures can be increased up to a length of 6-7 meters and provided within to 3 rooms: a steam room, and locker room pomyvochnaya.

All of them, of course, will be located one behind the other and have common passages
All of them, of course, will be located one behind the other and have common passages

The length of each space, in this case - about 2 meters. The diameter of the barrel in this case - is not less than 2 meters. When at the height you will be uncomfortable to accept the procedure.

Alternatively, if you want roomier - oval bath-barrel
Alternatively, if you want roomier - oval bath-barrel

What makes bath-barrels

Material barrel - a very important detail design. Believe Mismatched tree will bring to naught all the efforts. From what we can round the pair:

  • oak - this dense and durable wood has always been a favorite material masters cooperage business. Now the oak - a rather expensive raw materials, and it is not easy to get;
  • basswood - if you want a therapeutic bath, lime is very good. But keep in mind that in such a structure need be watched, because this tree is very susceptible to external influences and often suffering from rot and insects;
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practice
A good substitute for lime tree - aspen, she is also a beneficial effect on the body, but fewer ports
  • larch - a good and durable material. The only caveat - the larch logs is not cheap;
  • Bath-barrel cedar - a royal and luxurious option. Durable, strong and incredibly useful cedar with an expressive structure - ideal, but expensive choice.

Experts do not recommend a bath of fir and pineBecause they secrete resin when heated, and alder and birch - because this timber is strongly heated by the furnace heat.

Given the sometimes indiscreet quotation for recommended materials, it would be reasonable to combine them in the construction of
Given the sometimes indiscreet quotation for recommended materials, it would be reasonable to combine them in the construction of

For example, the floors are made of larch, aspen walls, and furnish - cedar. Combining the wood you are using all of its useful properties, and at the same time cut the construction budget.

Note! Barrel construction involves the use of metal clamps, and fasteners. Given the specifics of operation of the finished product should be selected metal, protected from moisture special coating.

The possible to heat the barrel

Round pair may be heated by wood ovens, stoves or ovens with a water tank. You can put an electric furnace. If you prefer a Japanese bath, required immersion boiler.

The most common embodiment of such furnaces are paired homemade small stoves with the contour of the metal grid, which is filled with stones
The most common embodiment of such furnaces are paired homemade small stoves with the contour of the metal grid, which is filled with stones

Oven It can be mounted inside the barrel directly to the steam. Very popular option is to place the stove so that an inlet opening of the furnace was located outside.

Pros and cons of round bath-barrels

The main advantage of such structures - in their originality. Yes, be honest - it's just a beautiful and unusual, so damn attractive. What else is in the bank of advantages:

  • fast heating - for a steamy enough for all 10 pieces of firewood. By the way, most of the reviews of the bath-barrel mark in winter excellent heat saving design;
  • compact accommodation literally anywhere on the site and even inside of a large room - such as a hangar or garage;
  • the ability to use virtually all types of furnaces;
  • easy installation design, which can handle even an inexperienced master a couple of days;
  • light weight, does not require equipment foundation.

If you look at reviews of the owners bath-barrels, can be found and weaknesses - in a steam room cramped.

βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practice
Cheerful company it does not warm up, there are only 2 people can stay at the same time

Small course: how to make bath-barrel with his hands

If you do not have time and desire - you can order or buy a bath-barrel from the manufacturer. But make it with their own hands - very interesting, especially because it's not as difficult as it seems.

Algorithm bath assembly as barrels

What is required: High quality board for bath-barrel thickness not less than 2 cm, metal screws and steel screed.

IllustrationDescription of the action
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practicePrepare the basis for construction. It should include a rounded neckline front and back straight from the bottom support and the support.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceStacking boards start from the bottom, the floor bath-barrels, as in the picture. Ideally, use a profiled board. Compound tongue and groove will be tight and durable.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceThe front and rear of the drum set round parts with cutouts for window and doors.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceSequentially sew wall boards barrels, fixing them screws on the front and rear.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceSecure several steel ties around the circumference barrel and carefully pull off them.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceAt an average construction lines on both sides of screw guide rails for the soft roof.
Place the soft roof, fixing the details of staple gun or special fasteners. Warm up the details laid hairdryer construction, so that they stick together tightly.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceInstall the door box. If desired, the inlet can be made small shop to relax after a steam room.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceInstall the door to the bath.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practiceThe final step will be the installation of glass in windows and doors and be sure - installation ventilation.

How to use wooden barrels for a bath

In the bath-barrel, in principle, the same rules apply as in other wooden steam rooms:

  • you must regularly ventilate the room, so there was not wet;
  • Periodically dry bath, heating the furnace to a couple of hours at full power;
  • once a year should be treated with wood protective structures inside and outside;
  • for burning need to use only dry non-coniferous wood breed;
  • after bath treatment water from the tank to be drained;
  • once every six months should be cleaned chimney soot;
  • in the autumn it is necessary to slightly loosen the steel tie, because in raw time, the tree a bit swollen from atmospheric moisture.
βš’ Original bath in the form of barrels, from the basics to the practice
If you perform these simple recommendations, sauna-barrel will serve you faithfully for many years

Order sauna-barrel under the key: the price issue

The price of the design depends on the size, equipment, and remoteness of your site from the city. If you take the most modest two-meter version, the basic configuration of alder or basswood it will cost about 130 000 rubles. If you want a lightweight design for the trailer - it will cost 50 thousand, no less.

Bani barrel length of 3 meters can be bought for 160-300 thousand rubles. If you want to cedar - add to the cost of even a quarter of the amount.

Numerous positive comments deserve a bath - the quad-barrels
Numerous positive comments deserve a bath - the quad-barrels

Reviews real buyers about the baths, barrels and video example design

It's hard to meet someone who would not be pleased with such a bathhouse. The only thing that has come under criticism - fissuring boards after a few years of operation. The problem in most cases, can be eliminated by tightening the tie. And one more thing: if in the bath there pomyvochnaya - need to periodically change boards in place of the water drain.

We offer you a short video of a bath, a barrel of comments on its device:

Compact and neat bathhouse with a barrel-shaped can become an ornament to your suburban area. Use good quality wood, and do not forget to dry steam after use - and bath-barrel for garden will delight you and your family for years to come! If you have such a bath at the cottage - share your impressions in the comments, this is very interesting!