Sometimes life presents us with such testing, we could hardly be expected. Not knowing what to do in certain circumstances, have to go to the all-knowing Internet, loved ones, offering experienced, or to seek a way out on their own, virtually "Blindly".
There are many means to remove the grease stain with paper effortlessly. In such a situation can get each and circumstances may be very different. Therefore, we must be ready for anything.
- Rules for working with paper products
- Chemical removal of smudges
- Physical impact on the traces of fat
Rules for working with paper products
Before proceeding to the removal of the dirty spots with a paper product, it is worth considering a few important rules that will help reduce the risk of damage to the product. Do not forget about that paper - a very fragile material and getting dirty. at improper breeding pollution can be achieved quite the opposite result - the product may irreversibly damage.
So, what should be remembered before removing greasy stains from the paper:
- In the event that greasy spot was planted on wallpaper, It is not recommended to resort to folk remedies. They can help not in all situations, so it is best to begin to consult with the manufacturer wallpaper, well, or in extreme cases, a shop assistant who needs to know about their structure and composition. Some wallpapers will bring the usual fat eraser, and others will require the use of other methods.
Getting stain removal, do not forget about the fact that paper products are quite fragile. This suggests that the mechanical impact on them should be minimized. In such situations, you need to rely on chemical or physical effects.
- Paper handling has its certain specifics related to the fragility and brittleness of the material. That is why it is strongly recommended not to use a variety of materials suitable for tissue. They not only will not be effective for these purposes, but can also cause serious damage to the product.
- The paper may be different. It should also be known to everyone. In situations with breeding spots with paper products it is recommended to start trying out a concrete way for products manufactured from the same material. It needs to take something unnecessary to the example of the reaction of certain material already make conclusions about the appropriateness or otherwise of the use of a particular method.
If the thing is delicate or expensive, it is better not to conduct independent experiments. In such cases it is better to resort to the help of professionals who are able to assess the degree of contamination, and then determine a way out of a difficult situation. Depending on the affected contaminated material it may be different specialists: from the dry cleaners, printing or photo lab.
Chemical removal of smudges
Undoubtedly, the most effective way to get the dirty stains from the surface of paper products are those that involve the use of chemical methods of influence. In such cases, certain chemicals are used. If we consider the matter, which can be found in the home, you should specify the following:
- White clay. To use a powder of white clay in the process of removing fat from the surface of the paper first need to dilute it with water. Moreover, the water must be pre-boiled and then cooled. Water and powder divorce in equal proportions. The resultant homogeneous mass of these manipulations need to be applied to the contaminated surface with a thin layer, and then leave them there until it dries. The result is a thin crust, which then need to simply print using a soft sponge. Treated this means sheet is required to impose a paper towel and leave to dry. If the stain has not displayed the first time, you can repeat the procedure.
Salt. In order to remove grease stain with paper, you can use ordinary salt, which is exactly there in every home. Contaminated surface is required simply sprinkle with salt, then cover with a paper towel. On top of all this you will need to pin down with something heavy. Fat simply will move to the paper surface in the crystals.
- Starch. There is not much difference, what will be the starch, will come down and potato, and corn. Would simply dissolve starch in water and the solution applied to the contaminated surface with a cotton pad. After treating the surface with this solution must leave a paper product for drying, the mixture can be removed with a soft cloth.
- Petrol. This substance can also help in the fight against dirty grease stains, which remained on paper. To its excretion via the gasoline required to put the dirty sheet on a paper towel, and then soaked in gasoline using a sponge, wet stain. Towels need to change several times.
It should be noted that in all you need to know when to stop. These techniques are effective and efficient, but careless use can cause the opposite effect - the ultimate deterioration of the material.
Physical impact on the traces of fat
The user can also use physical methods of removing oil stains from the paper surface. They are very effective, but it requires care and patience.
We are talking about the following ways:
Iron. A dirty piece of paper you just need to put on a flat surface and then cover with a blotter or a clean cloth. Iron is necessary to slightly warm. They will need to iron sheet soiled, covered with cloth. We should not forget that there is a risk of overexposing the iron on the spot, and then the fat from the tissue will go back to the paper. In this case, remove it from there will already be very difficult.
- a piece of chalk It can also become a tool in the fight with grease stains on the paper surface. It can be used for greater efficiency when using the previous method. Mel just need to sprinkle the soiled place in front of his iron ironed.
- Chalk can be successfully used in conjunction with the bread. It sounds pretty strange, but it's also one of the ways to remove grease from the surface of the paper. It should immediately be noted that this method requires more time, but it is the safest. Mel will need to grind to a powder. The resulting powder is applied to the soiled place and dirty sheet is removed to a safe place where it will not reach to the possible draft, for three days. During this time, the sheet is formed a crust, which should be removed, using breadcrumbs.
You can also use just bread. In this case, just need to put the crumb to the spot. Dirt will gradually move to the bread crumbs that during the process it will be necessary to change.