Any contamination, which is available on the surface of the wallpaper looks ridiculous. This is especially true of the ink, which left the children in the game. To not constantly think about how to wash the children's arts from the surface of the wall, experts advise to give the baby section of the wall, protecting it baguettes. This site can be updated as necessary pieces of paper, thus avoiding major repair. If already painted, you should not rush to contrive repairs.
- Purification vinyl surface
- Non-standard methods
- Traces of markers
- Tips & tricks
Purification vinyl surface
With vinyl surface can wash not only gel or a pen, but also traces of markers. Depending on the duration and extent of pollution, as well as existing suitable components, you can choose one of the options for removal of ink:
- At 7% acetic solution of potassium permanganate crystals must dissolve. A saturated violet composition. In this fluid is necessary to moisten the cotton wool and process it contaminated surface. After cleaning to remain on the surface only stains that are necessary to wash with hydrogen peroxide, until they had dried. If the trace of the paste is thin and slight, it is best to use a brush to draw, not wool.
- dilute 10 grams of citric acid and oxalic acid in 100 ml of water (Cool). Stir until until all the crystals are dissolved. Apply the solution on the sponge and treat spot blotting movements until the complete disappearance.
- If the paste is very stable, it will bring it hydrochloric acid. To do this in a glass of water necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrochloric acid and 1 teaspoon table salt shallow. Nanestipoluchenny solution with a sponge on the stain and wait until the dirt is completely dissolved. After that, the remnants of the solution wash with a wet rag.
- With little pollution, you can use dishwashing liquid. In 1/2 cup of water is necessary to dissolve 2 teaspoons of detergent and stir it (it is not necessary to foam). Apply to the contaminated site and wait until the stain is dissolved.
- you can cook chicken egg boiled, cut it in half and attach to the surface of the contaminated areas. Wait until the ink to soak into the egg, and then wash the surface with a cloth moistened.
- You can still try to remove the ink from vinyl with a new melamine sponge. But this method has one caveat: this method are washed only fresh ink traces.
Can be used lemon juice Removal of gel from the surface of the handle. The juice is necessary to moisten the gauze and gradually moving in one direction, to treat her tracks. Material must constantly refresh and change.
- With help white You can delete tracks from the handle on the bright monochrome and white wallpaper. To do this in 1/2 glass of water (warm) have to dissolve 1 tablespoon of white spoon. Dampen a sponge and the resulting composition blotting movements to put structure on the problem areas. Then you have to wait a while until the traces disappear from the surface.
- Contamination of a minor nature can be cleaned with no difficulty nail polish remover, Within which no acetone. If the stains are fresh, then this type of purifier will remove the contaminated surface with a felt tip pen marker, Gel ampoule and conventional inks.
If the method does not yield any result, do not proceed immediately to the next. Wait until the paper coating completely dries. Otherwise there is a risk to remove from the walls not only paintings, but also the wallpaper.
Non-standard methods
If wallpaper that can be painted, a new layer is applied to the coloring material, and a laminated paper products, this method will not work. In this case, everything is much more complicated. To clean, experts offer these ways to bring the handle to the wallpaper:
- To launder the fresh tracks from the handle to the wallpaper need a bread crumb. Knead with his hands, it is necessary to press the crumb to the track of the ink. Repeat the procedure to achieve the desired result.
- A small footprint on the surface of the light ink can be removed by means of shaving foam. Well shaking the can of foam to squeeze it on the palm and, using a cotton pad or brush, apply it on the contaminated surface. Leave the foam on the wall to dry completely, and then remove residues with a soft cloth.
- The cool water add starch (1: 1) and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mass. On the traces from the handle and apply the mixture to wait drying. Thereafter gently with a dry cloth to remove the remnants of the mixture.
- White wallpaper can scrub, toothpaste, in which a part is not available dyes. To do this smear brush paste and rub her spot. Remains must be removed with a cloth.
- Ballpoint pen, which is deeply ingrained in the material, in some cases a carefully removed using an eraser. With the active influence of the light spot can be formed at this point.
- You can take an iron and heat it until almost hot state. the steam must be deactivated. By the contaminated surface to attach a sheet of white paper and ironed her. In this procedure, the ink will have to go on a substrate. It is worth remembering that the act must be gradual.
Traces of markers
Young children love to draw not only the ball and gel pens, but also markers. Very often in the apartment, where there are small shalunishki, you can find traces of the markers throughout. Before attempting to clean the surface, you need to determine on what basis was the pen to completely remove this kind of child of art - an alcohol or water. It depends on the purification method.
For markers that have water-basedYou can use these methods:
- Often when soiling water-based felt-tip helps 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It is necessary to put it on the swab or cotton ball and clean the stain until it disappears completely.
- You can use the oxygen stain remover for fabrics - put it on the place where is located the spot and leave for 25 minutes. After this time the well wipe the surface with a clean cloth.
- You can try to clean the soiled surface with a wet wipe or soap solution. They sometimes bring unexpected positive result.
For markers that have alcohol base, Cleaning methods are as follows:
- The easiest way is the use of rubbing alcohol. It is necessary to put on a cotton swab or clean cloth and gently wipe the surface polluted them on the wall.
- You can also use a specialized stain remover for markers, which can be bought at a hardware store.
Tips & tricks
Spsobami all these can be easily withdrawn from the surface of the felt-tip pen or a pen. If you need to remove other pollutants, the solution to this problem must be sought separately. The price of all these funds is low, the main thing - to work correctly and accurately. Otherwise you will have to glue the wallpaper on the entire surface.