Combined heating method - it is a great opportunity to conserve resources while private house heating. Along with the gas stove can be operated or fireplace, which stoked with wood. Installed according to the rules of the chimney system is not as dirty quickly, and you can not look into the pipe for several years. But over time, it becomes necessary to apply methods of cleaning chimneys stoves and fireplaces with soot with his own hands at home.
- The causes of clogging of the chimney
- The importance of the purification tube
- folk ways
- Combustion of soot
- potato skins
- mechanical accessories
- chemical agents
- Czech "Kominichek"
- Log "Chimney"
- "PCC" powder
- accident prevention
The causes of clogging of the chimney
To determine that the chimney is clogged, it is easy. When the smoke is light and white, then clean the pipe. If the smoke has a pungent odor and black, passed with difficulty, the chimney is clogged and needs to be cleaned. Check that the tube should be cleaned, and can be of the flame in the fireplace or stove.
It depends on the quality of the fuel used for heating. In order not to clog the chimney is not necessary to throw in the oven:
- plastic;
- tree with tar;
- waste and other substances.
You need to light the stove with firewood, which is already dry well. When using high-quality raw materials, it is no problem to the chimney will not be a long time to heat your home.
In the normal state chimney flame color and is weakly expressed orange. If the clogged pipe and combustion products appear weak, the fire becomes bright and saturated colors. But sometimes these symptoms may not be the key.
In order to prevent a chimney needed cleaned several times a year regardless of the level of clogging of the tube. If you do not perform, you can one day suffocate from carbon vapor, which will be assembled in the room. To clean the optional recourse to experts. It is possible to clean the flue pipe into the home on their own.
The importance of the purification tube
It is no secret that the chimney is going black, so it must be cleaned regularly. Speech in this case is not just about aesthetics. When the pipe is weak thrust, there is accumulated smoke. As part of the smoke a lot of harmful substances and toxins, making it toxic.
Once in the room, he gets into the human respiratory organs and cause various diseases. If smoke is a lot, and this incident happened at night, there is a the risk of dying from asphyxiation directly into the bed.
But the danger is not just that. Settling on the wall of the pipe, soot adheres firmly to them because of the remnants of oil falling into the chimney with smoke at the same time. Essential oils are practically in every type of timber, particularly conifers.
If the fuel is sold by the principle of economy, it is not necessary to speak about quality. Clogged pipe heats smoke and soot can be ignited by increased temperature. Particles flying out of the pipe, vosplamenonnaya soot can ignite the dry leaves that the wind fell on the roof, or to become a cause of fire wooden buildings in the vicinity.
Through the tube may crack from time to significant heating. Toxic smoke through the cracks will get into the house and into the attic. Save on cleaning pipes - it is quite unwise decision.
If there is no money for a challenge to master, you can do the job yourself. Any of the options to help deal with this problem. If you suddenly do not become better, then you should not hesitate to call professionals.
folk ways
There are several options how to clean the flue folk ways, e.g., sodium salt. But this method is only used for prophylaxis. When the tube a lot of soot, salt will not be able to cope with this task.
To clean the chimney should just throw in the oven a handful of salt. When it appears burning chemical reaction, which prevents the appearance of soot in the chimney. A single event can not show results. But if use salt for the prevention of a couple of times a month, the soot on the walls will produce much less.
Combustion of soot
You can choose another option and burn the soot that has accumulated in the pipe. To do this, carefully heat the oven, throw it into the wood of aspen, alder and sink until the chimney will not go white smoke.
The idea that black - it is fine particles of fuelWho failed to fire and deposited on the walls of the pipe. Due to the content of essential oil and stickiness these residues to itself attract dustLayer on the flue increases and the bad smoke passes.
The pipe may be birds' nests, spider webs or sheets. It happens when in the house for a long time no one lived. Before you burn the soot, need to check, Is not there something in the pipe. Otherwise, fire or all the smoke starts to go into the house can begin.
stove need heat with wood alderUntil the pipe is not a "buzz." All the time the flame has to be strong. Thus it is necessary to make sure that the temperature in the chimney did not rise much:
- flakes of soot, which are emitted from the chimney can ignite the roof of the building or neighboring buildings.
- not any chimney can withstand the high temperature load.
It is forbidden to accelerate the use of gasoline or other flammable substances. You can mess up the chimney or start a fire. But if this option soot burning did not help, you should try other ways.
potato skins
Clear chimney soot helps potatoes or cleaning. During the combustion of starch goes up the chimney and soot permeates remains on the walls. Because of this structure is changed fouling which begins to move away from the wall and fall off.
When that happens, you can stick to knock on the pipe to help keep up with soot from the walls. To clean the chimney by this method it is necessary to thoroughly melt the stove or fireplace and Pour about 8 kg of potato or her purifications. The volume of material will depend on the furnace size.
Potatoes need to burn to the ground, but do not forget that it can cope with only a small amount of varnish. When the chimney is clogged thoroughly, it is better to clean the chimney mechanically or chemically.
mechanical accessories
The above embodiments of cleaning flue folk ways help as prophylaxis and small amounts of carbon black.
If there is an assumption that a deposit has gathered more than 2 mm, the mechanical cleaning of the chimney - it is the best way to get rid of it.
One of the methods - cleaningusing cargo and brushes. If the pipe is rounded, the cleaning of the chimney is possible to use a brush-like porcupine. It is suspended on a strong and long rope, which end is fixed load, the pull-down structure.
The brush has a long steel bars, and she cleans them black if to drive it up and down. At the same time it allows the load to break and get rid of traffic jams inside the tube from a major blockage.
Perfectly still and that brush assembled and disassembled in a sequence that is required for a particular purpose. Such a device should be kept in a private house.
If there is a suspicion that the chimney has accumulated a lot of soot, it is desirable to use a scraper, and then to clean the brush. The scraper is similar in appearance to a chisel with a long handle, is assembled from sections, so you can adjust the length so that the tool can reach the most distant corners of the chimney.
Scraper cleans from the walls soot and soot. Even significant pollution of the pipe cleaned off at once, if the scraper while working a little press. When he begins to easily "pass" through the pipe, it is possible to take a brush and use it.
Upon completion, the soot from the chimney cleaned by a hole that is designed for this purpose. The furnace is cleaned in the last instance, as it was here it falls bulk of the soot during cleaning. Clear bottom tube furnace and It can be a special cleaner.
As is evident, clean the chimney soot can be their own hands, if there are extras in the economy. a certain time, but it will save money will be spent.
chemical agents
It is no secret that the best solution to the problem - is prevention. If you periodically use chemicals for cleaning, the carbon deposits and soot will not form. As a result, there is no need to clean the flue pipe.
Pipe cleaning furnaces operating principle of the following chemicals: During combustion these preparations isolated special gas, which is a molecule splits the oil soot and carbon deposits.
On the human performance of these funds is not reflected. Chemistry should be added to the fuel during the kindling fireplace or stove burner.
Czech "Kominichek"
Agent is in the form of small bags of 14 pieces in a pack. The drug is enough for three months of regular maintenance.
The principle of operation is very simple: getting into the chimney, causing a chemical catalytic reaction which splits nagar and converts it into an oxide, burning at low temperature and does not create a fire during combustion. By this means one can get rid of the soot in the chimney layer up to 2 mm. Work with drug easy: cut package pour the contents into the furnace for firewood and close it.
Log "Chimney"
The drug is sold in blocks, which resemble wood. Working with this tool easily as described above. you need only throw it into the fire, and tightly close the furnace.
Material during combustion allocates special gas. Inside the tube, it dries and black scurf while they are moving away from the chimney walls and crumble.
When a rare visit to the garden stove heating chimney cleaned in this way need to once every six months. If the furnace is fired every day, the chimney need to be cleaned twice during the heating season.
In operation, the tool removed from the packaging, but leave the pack. effectively log laid on top of hot coals. It is necessary to see to it that means completely burned. Chemical activity is maintained for several weeks. At this time, soot will actively move away from the wall and fall into the furnace.
Then it is necessary to inspect the pipe for the presence of soot and residues remove them with a brush. Before working with a log, you need to check whether the chimney bird nests or debris. They may cause a fire. In general, the tool allows you to get rid of the soot in the pipe without the help of professionals.
"PCC" powder
This powder, which is thrown into the furnace, the furnace tightly closed and allowed to burn down to ashes. The drug can be used simultaneously or firewood, or separately. The calculation means is performed in such a way that per ton of fuel accounted for approximately 200 grams.
Before using chemical cleaning pipes, it is necessary to carefully read what is stated in the instructions to the drug, t. To. Some funds are used only for cleaning the stove or wood stoves. The above drugs are used for universal cleaning tubes.
accident prevention
Although cleaning the chimney and simple thing, but safety must be observed. What you need to know before breaching this work:
You need to take care of the insurance. If there is no special insurance system, it is possible to belt tightly bind a solid rope.
- You can not perform work on the roof on a rainy day, with strong gusts of wind or excessive humidity.
- Before cleaning, you should not take any medication drugs that affect the reduction reaction. You do not need to drink alcohol before that, as all this may adversely affect the stability of the performance of work on the roof.
To the stove or fireplace working well, and in the chimney did not appear much, it is recommended soot perform all of the above rules. This will help to clean the chimney only occasionally and without any significant problems. A reasonable approach chimney cleaning their own hands will not cause too much difficulty.