It sometimes happens that when cooking the hostess briefly distracted, and during this time the pan burns. What to do in this case? Burnt utensils made of stainless steel is easy to clean a variety of ways. You need to pay attention to the fact that stainless steel is not desirable to clean aggressive chemicals, including chlorine and ammonia. You should not rub the surface of the pan coarse abrasives, for example, a sponge and a brush for washing dishes. As a result of these actions are scratches and stains, and utensils completely spoiled.
- General recommendations
- Purification pots inside a deposit
- Activated carbon and whey
- fresh apple
- Vinegar, and citric acid
- external cleansing
- Baking soda
- Ammonia and mint toothpaste
General recommendations
To a stainless steel pot lasts as long as possible, you need to adhere to the general rules of care for her:
utensils should be washed immediately after use, preventing drying of grease and dirt;
- clean it can only be the hands and use the dishwasher for this purpose is undesirable;
- after washing the pan it is necessary to wipe dry with a towel to remove water droplets;
- forbidden to clean the dishes made of stainless steel sponge, brush or a hard sponge with a metal surface, as they contribute to the destruction of the non-stick layer;
- to give it luster ware can be cleaned with raw potatoes, it is perfectly safe for stainless steel.
Purification pots inside a deposit
Selection purification process depends not only on how badly burned tableware but also on the foods that scorched. Highly heavily burnt milk is removed or jam. In order to wash the Burnt pan, you can use the means at hand.
Activated carbon and whey
Clear the pan from the burnt food can be as follows: grind the package activated charcoal tablets mortar and the resultant powder to sprinkle the stain in the container. After 30 minutes, it was added cold water and wait for another 40 minutes. Then, the dishes need to be cleaned with a sponge and rinse with water.
To clean the Burnt pan made of stainless steel, You can use the serum, Which contains acid that can remove baked-on food. To this end, the capacity to fill in such a way to close the burnt land, and leave it overnight. Whey is not as aggressive as chemicals, so the effect of its use does not occur too quickly. But this remedy is completely safe.
fresh apple
The question of how to clean the Burnt pan, helps peel the apple, as part of which contains a large amount of nutrients. Acid contained in it is an excellent cleaning agent, helping to clear the dishes from the metal penetration. Wherein Polishing is not sufferingAnd on the metal surface does not appear patches or darkening.
To cleanse the burnt pots need apple slices or peel thrown into the container, add water to cover the burnt place, and put on fire. Dishes covered with a lid and heated for 10 - 15 minutes. Then turn off the fire and leave to cool container. After this time, remove baked-cake with a wooden blade. Then, the pan is rinsed with cold water, to prevent the appearance of spots.
Vinegar, and citric acid
If the bottom of the pan heavily burnt, then used9% vinegar. For this purpose, it is poured on 2 - 3 hours, and then washed in a conventional manner. If the bottom in dishwashing is burnt very hard, the following method is used: it is poured into water, soap shavings added and heated to boiling. Once the solution begins to boil, pour into it half a cup of vinegar and leave to cool on a plate. Once the pan is cleaned, it is washed by water to remove residual soap and vinegar.
Try to wash the pan from the jam of burnt by using crystalline citric acid. In bowl pour a small amount of water so that it covered metal penetration, and two tablespoons of added acid. Capacity cover with a lid and boil for 20 minutes. After it has cooled, the crust moves well from the bottom, and the remainder is laundered in the usual way. Citric acid removes fine:
- scale;
- chronic fat.
external cleansing
Nagar able to be formed not only on the inner side of the pan, but also to the external. This problem help manage simple ingredients.
Baking soda
To clean the pan off of burnt jam, use soda and baking soda, which is only suitable for stainless steel and enamel. It is prohibited to use aluminum cookware, as soda in contact with it darkens. By this means the container is easy to clean, both inside and outside. soda ash much better food, but still need to observe safety rules and rubber gloves should be worn to work.
Small spot scour sponge and brush pre asleep his soda moistened with water. If the stain is not removed, it is necessary in a saucepan pour a liter of water, cover with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and place it over medium heat. Bring water to the boil, and after 10 minutes, removed from the plate capacitance. In this case, the inner surface and the bottom cleaned much easier.
If the pan is burnt very badly, both outside and inside, then it is better to completely boil. To do this in advance remove all plastic parts and prepared soda solutionAdding a liter of water three tablespoons. The resulting solution was poured into a large capacity, there is lowered the burnt pan so that it completely covered with water. Bring to the boil and boiled for a few minutes.
Ammonia and mint toothpaste
Before the work necessary to wear gloves to protect your hands, since the remedy is quite aggressive. Take a napkin and squeezed her toothpaste, add two drops of ammoniaAnd then proceed to cleanse the pan from the spot. If it moves hard, you need to rub the mixture on the surface contamination of toothpaste and liquid ammonia and leave for 30 minutes. It is important not to make circular and point movement.
Thus, if you suddenly scorched pan made of stainless steel, it is not necessary to be upset. There are many ways to help get rid of burnt jam, milk and other food. caution should be exercised, using rubber gloves with some aggressive means.