Very often it is necessary to remove the old paint from metal. This issue occurs when the previous decorative layer comes into disrepair. Break down the coating may, for various reasons, but the main factor is the continuous contact surface with oxygen. Remove the old layer in several ways, but the method should take into account the specific situation and not time consuming.
- mechanical cleaning
- The chemical method
- burning method
- liquid composition for removing paint from metal
- universal remover
- Production fluids independently
mechanical cleaning
Aruchnuyu or produced by using various machines for cleaning. Do not forget that the process is very complex and time consuming.
To remove paint from metal tools are needed:
- sandpaper or abrasive wheels for cars;
- spatulas;
- bars (holders of sandpaper);
- metal brushes;
- Files;
- grinding and mesh t. d.
For removal of the first ink layer can use a metal knife or a brush. After removal of the paint from the metal layers are more coats and fillers. They are best cleaned sandpaper or other abrasive material. Clean, you can manually and using grinders. Removal via sander significantly accelerate the process. The farther removed the old coating, the grain emery material must become smaller. The largest grain in the abrasive - 80 - used for the initial clean-up, the final - 340-240.
Mechanical method - Sandblasting - removing paint from metal quartz sand jet or other abrasive material. Large air flow pushes the abrasive material on the surface to be cleaned. The thickness of the metal should be at least 2-3 centimeters, otherwise damage can not be avoided.
The chemical method
In this method purification chemical composition applied to the surface and remove old paint from metal (well suited for direct and corrugated surfaces).
Chemical compositions called stripper old paint from metal, but in appearance and consistency they may be in the form of gels, powders, sprays, ointments.
Cleaning fluid is applied to the surface of a previously prepared (thoroughly wash). The surface should be a certain temperature (from 9 to 25 degrees). After 30-40 minutes of action washes the surface bubbles. This is a sign that it is possible to remove old paint from metal. To remove use a metal spatula. Remover in a spray removes old paint much faster, in 1-2 minutes.
The disadvantage of this method - toxicity: you need to work in a special mask.
burning method
Metal is heated to a high temperature, and then the paint was removed. Cons lot: metal damage, fire hazard, parts can lose their properties. Plus - small time expenses.
The liquid composition for removing paint includes solvents, acids, thickeners, retardants.
The liquid must be selected under a specific material (an acrylic, oil and so on. D.)
Solvents play an important role in the wash. When you select a wash to stop on the vehicle to remove the paint, in which the composition has dichloromethane. He amenable to almost all modern paint.
Liquids based on 646-, 647-solvent copes with nitroemalyu. Gasoline can remove bitumen coating. Liquid is applied for half an hour, and then removed together with the unnecessary coating.
universal remover
Remover is used to remove old paint from almost all kinds of metal, wood, plastic, brick.
Apply a wash on the surface, from 2 to withstand up to 30 minutes (period of validity depends on the washing and surface).
- It does not contain phenol;
- removes the coating from the powder paint;
- long shelf life.
Do not flush water-dispersion, water-based, acrylic, latex materials. precautionary methods: work carried out in gloves and well-ventilated areas.
Types of washes:
- Cleaner for coating oil. The mode of action is the same as that of other means for removing paint from metal. It is applied to the painted surface and removed after some time. The composition includes organic solvents, thickeners and disintegrants. Before applying you need to shake to remover was more homogeneous. If it is stratified, it can be a bit of heat - the liquid will become normal consistency, which can be applied to the surface for cleaning metal and other materials.
Remover for water-based materials. In terms of composition is almost indistinguishable from the wash for oily surfaces. If the composition includes a hydrochloric acid, a stripper is not worth buying. Hydrochloric acid is harmful to health.
- universal remover. Its features described above.
- The liquid for removing the powder coating. Powder materials are the most durable of all types of coatings, respectively, and to remove this coating is much more difficult. Composition washes more toxic. Precautions: When work is necessary to protect eyes and skin from contact with chemicals. The processing is the same as in previous washes. A special feature is the presence in the methylene chloride.
- Express remover for paint. Different action time: 1-2 minutes.
When purchasing liquid can come across a wide variety of:
- Liquid (solvent) DM removes oil-based paint to the metal. We need approximately 200 g per 1 sq. M., But all depends on the thickness of the old paint.
- For removal of the oil material perfectly suitable ATP 1. Well removes much dried (old) paint not only metal, but also from the tree.
Antikras - Universal paint remover, operates smoothly. Perfect for cleaning plastics, wood and metal.
- SP-7 - removal of acrylic, PVA enamels, alkyd enamels from metal surfaces;
- Antikras P - Removal of powder coatings with colored or black metal.
- Antikras Sprint - Universal remover.
Production fluids independently
Not everyone has the money to buy a variety of washes, they are not expensive, but if you want to clean a larger area, the amount will decent. How to make their own substance that removes paint from metal and spend a minimal amount of time and money:
- Finely crushed chalk and mix it with a little water to form a thick slurry, a mixture contains caustic soda and lime. All components are mixed in equal proportions. Mixture was applied to the painted surface at 2 hour. After the remover will work, it is necessary to wash the acetic or citric acid, and then washed with water.
- 450 g of potash (potassium salt was used in the production of potash) and 1.3 kg of unslaked lime mixed with water to form a slurry is not very liquid. Means remains on the painted surface for 2 hours. It removed easily.
- For latex material perfectly suitable iodine agent. A bottle iodine acquired at the pharmacy, is dissolved in 5 L of water.
Any newly painted surface is cleaned with a conventional soap solution may be mixed detergent or cleaning agent with water.