The harsh Russian climate would be desirable as long as possible to keep the summer and winter give way to fend off her to his house. Since the middle of the nature of the fall begins to fade, with the onset of the first frost, she dies in a deep sleep until the spring awakening. Depressing picture: snow drifts, "bald spots" of mud, black trees with bare branches. This landscape is really adjusts to the depression and causes fatigue. But who said that the winter be sure to let in your house? It's easy to stop, keeping a piece of green, flowering and life. Summer is just a "canned" in a separate room, where they grow many plants. This is no ordinary corner of the living flora, and not a group of flowers in pots, but a real winter garden, with its own atmosphere, and special microclimate. Its occurrence and development is closely linked with the emergence of primitive heating, irrigation systems and methods for the isolation of individual rooms, in order to preserve the heat. The closed structures around the clock maintained strictly definite temperature, a special technique is used in expensive embodiments which simulates various natural phenomena (rain, wind). Design of winter greenhouses, in fact, is a mix of interior design and landscapes at their summer cottage. To learn how to build a beautiful, spectacular winter garden, where there is a place for the exotic, and the usual "summer" plants and discuss further.
- Provenance
Features of creation and layout options
- types of structures
- Lighting
- Ventilation and heating system
Styles and advice on registration
- Classic style
- English style
- French style
- Mediterranean
- Japanese style
- In the high-tech style
- Country style
- Choosing plants
- Location on the balcony / loggia in an apartment
- Located on the roof of a country house
- In a private house on the veranda
- conclusion
Winter Garden - a complex, engineering-technical system. The first mention of the cultivation of plants in houses found in written sources of Ancient Egypt. These documents more than 4000 years. Egyptians in those days, just started the practice of planting trees and plants in pots with soil and stone vases. Images with similar decoration are found on the walls of tombs and temples, which depicted scenes from everyday life of the Egyptians. The method is very pleased the Romans, who went much further. They began to use pots specially designated areas - window sills. And then there were the first perestiliumy - "internal" courtyards, which encloses on all sides by a colonnade. They broke gardens and fountains additionally decorated large sculpture representing gods and epos characters. Although they are located in the open air, the isolation of plants is the first prerequisite for creating a winter designs. Since modern polycarbonate in those days, of course, did not exist, the primitive greenhouses sheltering layer mica, which had a relatively transparent, allowing the surface to pass the scattered sun rays. Mediterranean climate was ideal for such experiments. In the Old World the first to test the method of conservation of plants in the summer palace of the King of Holland in the winter - Wilhelm. His servants so qualitatively have warmed the room that delicate flora were not afraid even severe frost. Guests coming to the feast, were amazed by what they saw.

At the same time, an active trade in exotic plants and open a new mode of transportation - in boxes Ward, who became the prototype of the modern florariumov. For popular in Europe orange trees design "Pomerantseva houses" - a kind of greenhouse. For other citrus fruits, palm trees and palm trees create a special thermophilic greenhouses. But the nobles and their retinue liked not only occasionally visit their "green corners", but also to pursue them in the holidays, therefore, greenhouse plants landing technique in partially insulated ground was replaced with a "room" that is, in pots and pails. This will free up more space, and winter gardens themselves moved to the spacious halls of palaces. That's how they appeared in the form that is familiar to all of us. To create a full-fledged winter garden attracted designers, architects and professional gardeners. Until now, one of the world's most beautiful greenhouses remains Versailles, which was built in the time of Louis XIV. The king had a weakness for citrus fruit, so a large part of the garden is occupied oranges. Greenhouse still operates, though it has gone through the restoration and redevelopment, which changed its authentic look. For a long time was considered a winter garden and a lot of private property only by the end of the XIX century they began to place in luxurious apartments. The first in Russia the idea of planting the plants indoors has adopted churchmen. The monks thus nurtured vegetables and fruits all year round.

In the conditions of the Russian climate other reliable option but winter garden, to preserve the exotic, heat-loving plants simply do not exist. Oranges, pomegranates, lemons and mangoes are sometimes planted in open ground, but the surround rugged construction with insulation for the winter, which is associated with troubles on the eve of the annual winter.
Features of creation and layout options
To create a winter garden at home, you should consider a few rules, violation of which will make the entire campaign a failure:
- greenhouse must have good lighting, sufficient for the growth of various plants. For this reason, its walls and roof are often made of glass or other transparent material;
- Consider the location of the competent communication line heating and ventilation systems. The first need in the winter, and the second - in the summer. No longer necessary if the winter garden is located in the buffer area;
- if the budget allows, the more greenhouse supply and automatic irrigation system. This will remove most of the worries about the garden with the owners. The economy version may have to carry out watering using a watering can and a sprayer.
See also:How to make pots for flowers with his own hands

In addition, it is necessary to carry out all the usual for farmers and gardeners procedure: loosen and replaced every couple of years the ground, spending a haircut, removing diseased or weak twigs, fertilize and treat plants from diseases, pests seat too overgrown bushes or carry them in a large vats where fit the entire root system. Depending on the functional purpose of winter gardens are classified into three types:
- residential - they comfortable not only plants, but also a person;
- conservatories - this room is intended solely for the flora;
- buffer garden - it is equipped in the "cold" building, which can be used only in certain seasons (summer).

Depending on the location of the winter garden with respect to the main building (cottage, cottages, villas), they are divided into three groups:
- Built. They are located inside the home, and are often used in apartments, where there is no possibility to arrange a winter garden alone. As a "victim" usually use either a balcony or a loggia. Separate rooms will convert a conservatory only on rare occasions, if the apartment is very spacious with an excess of the useful area or cottage has a second (third) floor. It looks great solution with the placement of greenhouses under a glass dome-roof.
- Attached. They represent an additional pavilion, which is usually elevated well after the construction of the house. To get into this garden, do not need to leave the house. Buffer extension usually separate houses from the street, that is, in fact, it is converted porch.
- Detached. If the private plot size allows, it is possible to equip a huge greenhouse, which will replace the outdoor garden. This decision will be effective in a very capricious climate, which "kills" most of the seedlings. Also look beautiful ennobled gazebo that insulated and force tubs and pots with plants.

Depending on the location relative to the cardinal, winter gardens are classified into four types:
- North. Most of the windows of their "looks" to the north. Although the room will quickly accumulate heat, it can not hold it for long. In these gardens is recommended to install the heating system of the highest quality.
- Oriental. It is the best option of all. Plants get enough light, but it will not overheat.
- Western. They are characterized by the preservation of the heat for a long period. However, the hot, dry summer is re-classified in the lack of dignity as a winter garden turns into steam.
- South. In these gardens, by analogy with Western, there is overheating in the hot season. Have to equip for circulating ventilation air flows and irrigation system for irrigation.
types of structures
Constructions conservatories distinguished themselves in the form of buildings, types of roofs (Shed, gable, four or five-way, with a break, domes) and performance materials. If the first two characteristics are completely dependent on the style of landscape design and site design Exterior house, which is adjacent to, in the latter case, the value of playing strength and functionality. For the construction of conservatories use:
- Aluminum. Robust, reliable and lightweight material that does not corrode. It is normally generated by the mobile design that can be easily assembled and dismantled. Aluminum beams are not deformed, but because of the special material strength, the profile is made thin.
- Wood. Classic material, which was used during the time of the first greenhouse structures. Wood whim and impractical, because it is necessary to systematically process the special compounds that protect against moisture, pests, fungi and mold. Otherwise, the wooden structure will begin to rot, warp, and eventually will become worthless. For the construction of the conservatory use birch, oak, pine, larch. The undeniable advantage of solid wood is considered to be its natural and special beauty.
- Polyvinyl chloride. PVC is relatively cheap, and the production design to order allows to realize the most daring ideas of decoration. However, plastic greenhouse can not withstand heavy loads, so overall the room need to be further strengthened.
- Metal and plastic. This material is collected benefits the two main "components". Of plastic he adopted lightness, corrosion resistance and ability to take any form in the manufacture of, and in metal alloys took strength and relative flexibility.
- All-glass. For these designs use a special type of tempered, laminated glass. It perfectly transmits light, but it does not respond even to strong shocks, as has the heavy-duty triplex. If the surface would still be able to deliver the knockout punch, it is covered with a pattern of cracks, keeping the fragments in place.

Also designs differ in the types of doors and windows, which they equip.
Proper lighting - the key to well-being "inhabitants" of the winter garden. It would seem that may be easier to install than a couple of lamps and decorative luminaires point to pour light plants. But actually it is not so easy. Some plants like shade (eg, tropical) and the other for the comfort you need plenty of light. Wattage and the light intensity should be selected in accordance with the rules of cultivation of various species. This is especially important in our climate, because the winter sun peeps rare, and therefore the lack of attention it would have to compensate for artificially. In principle, the winter garden can be equipped even conventional incandescent lamps, but they are more suitable for areas where people live, rather than plants. They were deprived of the light spectrum of blue and red rays, which are necessary for the full growth of flora. Furthermore, they have a high emissivity, which can burn out the plant leaves and to provoke their wilting. Experts recommend choosing fluorescent lamps. They provide a powerful beam of light, have a low emissivity and excellent energy-saving characteristics.
See also:Proper care dratsenu at home

Ventilation and heating system
In addition to the devices or the central heating system, placed on the perimeter of the room, you need to install special infrared heaters. They are panels that are attached to the walls or ceiling. This fallback is useful during particularly harsh winters, when the main system can not cope with the task. Such reassurance is needed in winter gardens, which construction consists of glass by more than 50%. Another additional heating option - modern "warm" floor, whose temperature can be controlled. With him will be comfortable not only plants, but also the people strolling on the greenhouse in slippers. The ventilation system may be artificial or natural. One way or another, and the fresh air plants is vital. If grown in the garden undemanding species that easily transfer medium temperature, suitable natural ventilation. Artificial or mechanical embodiment for use capricious plant which sensitive to any changes in the environment. Such ventilation allows you to control and adjust air circulation.

Styles and advice on registration
Winter Garden, as the house has its own stylistic solutions. For its design is mainly used ethnic areas, since the practice of decorating the premises in each country went on its way of development. Popular is a group of European styles, which included Dutch, French, English and Mediterranean. In these countries, the winter garden is an integral part of country estates. For lovers of exotic flora suit African, Moorish and Mexican pavilion.
Classic style
In the classical conservatory room for each family member. Paul trim stone, and the walls are plastered. The window frames are painted in white. Decorate the room of the wood paneling. To keep the spirit of conservatism, from the furniture selected soft sofa upholstered coffee color, a couple of chairs in the same tone, a large round table for dinner, covered with a cloth. Appropriate accommodation will be an antique sideboard. From plants selected palms, ferns, vines and clematis. Stylish element in the decoration of the winter garden will be a fireplace.

English style
The British loved winter gardens so that most of their free time are still held here. In a greenhouse, rest, drink tea, take guests, and even arrange a modest family holidays. English style is divided into several areas, which correspond to a certain epoch in the life of the country:
- Victorian. The style emerged during the reign of Queen Victoria. In the interior, do not save in ornaments, and the construction itself is rectangular in shape with a rounded end and a gable roof.
- Georgian. The design has the semicircle shape with a flat roof. The windows are decorated with parts of the inner walls.
- Edvardinsky. Winter Garden has a strict rectangular shape, and his horse conformation necessarily decorate decoration. In the interior, adhere to the principles of restraint.

In the English winter garden decorated with stained glass windows, floors and dim large, soft carpets. Furniture selected old, preferably antiques. You can also use wicker chairs and sofas. Coffee table veiled cloth with floral patterns.
French style
French-style observe austerity and orderliness. Shrubs in the winter garden always neatly trimmed. Furniture use a soft and voluminous as in a full living room. The color palette prevail pink, blue, white and gold. The interior of the winter garden is ideal for private meetings and a relaxing holiday alone. Its luxurious atmosphere. In the living "filling" prevail flowers and exotic fruits, herbs, vegetables and herbs. Tubs and pots of them put on a special elevation to greens good view from any point of the winter garden. Furniture choose a massive richly upholstered. The decoration applied to gold-plated mirror vases, moldings, vases skillfully made of porcelain, sculpture and lamps with a floral pattern.

The Mediterranean style is laconic. Floor conservatory trim tiles and the walls are painted in such colors as to create the impression of "burnt" in the hot sun surface. The design usually has a rectangular shape and is adjacent to the house. In this part of Europe has settled a warm climate in the summer does not spare anybody, so the room is used as a saving oasis from the heat. In plantations prevail fruit trees and herbs. Decorate the room with sculptures, fountains and romantic pergolas overgrown roses twine. Furniture use a simple, uncluttered with forging elements.

Japanese style
Japanese create a winter garden, without detailed knowledge of Eastern philosophy, is quite difficult. A crucial role in its decoration will play the correct construction of the composition. Japanese via complex circuit detected "energy" terms, i.e. accent areas, which occurs in conventional embodiments four. The winter garden is a place where the face of the three elements: air, earth and water. Indoor necessarily present artificial ponds, rock, the composition of the bonsai, moss and stone lights toro. Relax on the wide bench. Japanese winter garden - the best place for tea ceremonies and quiet holiday alone.
See also:Potted plants in the interior: the design and care of flowers

In the high-tech style
You can create a neat garden in the future high-tech style. It prevails simple forms and a strict order. The pots are arranged on the white shelves. No natural asymmetry in a winter garden should not be. The furnish used abundance of glass, plastic, chrome decorative elements and adhere to the principle of free space "maneuver". The floor of the room or the filler or of the floorboard black, brown. The walls are decorated with plastic panels or just cover the white plaster. In addition, they are decorated with photographs copyrighted images. The colors prevail neutral gray, white and black. A place to relax furnish angular sofas and a shortie coffee table made of glass. From plants selected twine types and a variety of palms, cacti.

Country style
Country Garden is literally immersed in the greenery. Pots and tubs are arranged in a chaotic mess. Since the direction is typical countryside style, surrounded by flowers and fruit trees lurking neat vegetable beds with herbs, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers, then there is a garden combined with a greenhouse. Floor and wall trim roughly treated wood or tile. Ceiling plaster. Furniture used wicker, light. Sofa veiled blanket and pillows decorate the group. Table veiled flirty plaid tablecloth.

Choosing plants
For a winter garden choosing plants of the following types:
- Heat-loving flowers.
- Fruit trees in tubs.
- Palma.
- Spices.
- Typical houseplants.
- Twine types.
- Vegetables on tiny beds.
- Water or coastal species, if in the winter garden has an artificial pond.
- Exotics.

When choosing plants pay attention to the temperature, which is stored in the winter. If the values do not exceed 15-17 degrees, in the garden cultivated species typical of the subtropics: azaleas, rubber plants, palms, Rapis, ivy, jasmine, vines, dracaena, begonias, spatifilum and anthurium. This is impossible to arrange a garden drafts and abrupt temperature changes. In a greenhouse, where it supported 20-15 degrees grown tropics. It will feel good rubber plants, Qalat, dieffenbachia, arrowroot, anthurium, Guzman, friezes and calla lilies. Such plants need to grow in partial shade, plenty of sunlight will be disastrous for them. The moisture level should not fall below 70%. The cool gardens where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees in the winter, more resistant plants grown trees and ferns, eucalyptus trees, rhododendrons, laurels, fuchsia, aloe, kalanchoe, pelargonium and citrus. In winter indoors, to provide additional lighting, or live "scenery" lose the aesthetic form of the leaves become smaller, and the branches stretch out.
Location on the balcony / loggia in an apartment
Balcony or loggia is increasingly considered as an additional functional platform. The use of this space for arrangement of the winter garden has recently become popular. Of course, the glaze will have a balcony and equipped with underfloor heating. The windows are fitted with blinds necessary to help control the intensity of sunlight. Pots and tubs put not only on the floor and windowsill. For them equipped with special shelves with supports and gain pots, hung from the ceiling. With the dream of a large winter garden owners cramped apartments with balconies have to say goodbye, but a mini-greenhouse with seating fit into such a modest frame.

Located on the roof of a country house
A winter garden on the roof of a private home - ideal for small plots of land where there is no room for extensions or individual pavilion. As a rule, such premises has impressive dimensions, allowing you to build a true oasis with separate areas. The expensive and luxurious apartments equipped with a glass roof dome on a sturdy frame that is as close as possible to natural conditions. In embodiments, a cost of a transparent material is performed only a part of the walls.

In a private house on the veranda
Veranda serves as a kind of "waiting room". It is usually a "cold", that is not heated and is used only in the summer for a holiday or evening gatherings. It is possible to equip the buffer winter garden, you have to decorate it plants only in the warmer months. Alternatively, veranda insulated and connected to the central heating of the house. Now the garden will bloom and smell all year round. The walls of the verandah is traditionally 50% glazed, which is suitable for plants that need sunlight, and therefore serious repair venturing is not necessary.

The winter garden has become a dream for many. Of course, it is required for regular maintenance, which will eat up the lion's share of the time, but a greenhouse It will feel like a resident of the hot country, where the sun always shines, and vegetation blooms all year round. Winter is especially important to equip yourself for a quiet, private place where there is no room for despondency and depression, where preserved piece of summer and aromas floating in the air, cause positive emotions and charge a good mood.