In modern homes are put plastic windows, supporting additional heat and improve noise insulation. But along with the advantages, there are some drawbacks: the room air circulates poorly, increased humidity. This leads to the appearance of mold on the walls.
- The danger of mold
- Places that are exposed to infection
- Causes of molds and their elimination
- A solution of copper sulphate
- Precautionary measures
- Fight with mold in the basement
- Popularity means
The danger of mold
The room in which the walls are covered with mold, has an unkempt appearance. Fungus harmful to human healthLiving in the house. It can provoke:
- general weakness;
- persistent headache;
- the defeat of the respiratory tract;
- asthmatic condition.
The first signs of the appearance of mildew on the walls are gray-green spots are at least reproduction of microorganisms become black or dark green. In the room unpleasant smell. Smell for a long time can not be inferred.
Places that are exposed to infection
In warm areas with high humidity settle the whole colonies of microorganisms. Normally, these areas are:
- balconies;
- Bathrooms;
- bathrooms;
- cellars.
Apart from the walls and ceiling at home, the fungus infects the furniture, clothes, books, carpets, can climb into a refrigerator or washing machine. The fungus begins to act quickly, but after a while widely distributed, so you need immediately begin to fight it. A long time ago, people learned to use copper sulfate or copper sulphate against mildew.
Causes of molds and their elimination
To successfully remove mold must be identify the cause of the appearance. This can be:
- Heated air in the room of more than 20 ° C;
- povyshaennaya humidity;
- inadequate ventilation;
- poor insulation joints walls;
- poorly installed windows;
- problem-functioning plumbing and sewerage.
You can get rid of infected premises using copper sulfate from the mold. But along with its treatment is required to eliminate all the circumstances that have influenced the emergence of the fungus by making simple preventive work. To do this:
- Troubleshoot plumbing and sanitary ware.
Constantly ventilate the room.
- Maintain ventilation.
- Do not dry wet things in the apartment.
- The windows hosting fewer houseplants.
- Furniture to establish a short distance from the walls.
- Repair of building materials resistant to moisture, with the use of antiseptic agents.
Despite preventive measures still have to fight moldUsing various chemicals, ozone generators and quartz lamps.
A solution of copper sulphate
Copper sulphate against mildew for decades considered affordable and effective method. In the specialized retail outlets sold pleasant blue copper sulphate in the form of granules or powder.
It is used for treating the walls as an aqueous solution. You must follow a few rules to be diluted bluestone correctly:
- The warm water is diluted with 25-30 grams of copper sulfate per 1 liter.
- Mix thoroughly.
- To be most effective tools add a tablespoon of vinegar.
When the walls severely affected by the fungus, experts advise to use amplified solution. To this stirred 350-400 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water, vinegar was added glass (200 g). It can be replaced by any household agent, which contains chlorine. Not recommended dilution proportions break copper sulfate - this can lead to a negative result.
Precautionary measures
When processing the walls of copper sulfate necessarily should follow the safety rules:
- on the hands should be rubber gloves;
- in his eyes - glasses;
- on the nose and mouth - gauze bandage or respirator.
Now you can start a fight with the microorganisms on the walls.
In the first place it is removed from the walls of wallpaper that should be removed from the home because fungal spores are to them. Startled plaster scraped spatula. Then he should go through the wall with sandpaper to thoroughly get rid of the hidden invisible lesions. For greater processing effect the skin surface is rubbed with a solution of soap.
A few hours later, when the surface is dried out slightly, begin to spray solution prepared on the wall using spray or ordinary kitchen sponge. Work should be carried out with an open window, t. To. there is a danger of poisoning by toxic substances of copper sulfate. Copper sulfate on the surface has to dry 3-5 hours. To consolidate the results again be treated wall.
If the fungus infestation is high, experts recommend repeating a treat surfaces up to 5 times. For complete recovery from the molds approximately 4 solution diluted bucket. After working person in the room should be as short as time as possible.
After 3 days, the walls are completely dry and will not pose a danger to health, the surface of the walls will be ready for plastering and new wallpaper replaced. Protect wooden decorative panel from the mold can be, covering them with varnish.
Fight with mold in the basement
Fight with mold in the basement and cellar performed almost as well as in the house, but there are several distinct parts:
- From basement endure all wood products. They settled a large number of fungal spores.
- Treating wood surface without lacquer coatings useless disputes fully impregnated board. Old drawers and shelves are best to burn, wood products in the cellar replaced.
- cellar walls are treated the same way as in the home. Due to the lower temperature to dry they will need more days.
Experts advise to carry out processing in the basement in the summer when you can provide better ventilation and negate the risk of poisoning by toxic substances copper sulfate.
Popularity means
The use of copper sulfate among the means of combating mold has acquired considerable popularity due to:
- high efficiency;
- long-term protection against the re-emergence of the fungus;
- reasonable price;
- suitable packaging (a package weight ranges from 0.05-25 kg);
- ease of application.
It is necessary to keep the house clean, because the fungus spores are often connected to the dust particles, and with it spread everywhere. They can settle in any room and germinate as soon as feel the fertile soil. Adhering to the basic rules and using precautions, you can destroy mold forever.