Molds - a variety of fungi, which form branching mycelium, easily visible to the naked eye, without the large fruiting bodies. Fungi affect concrete, hardwood floors, wallpaper, walls, mold can be seen on the tile in the bathroom and other places. She has brown, green, gray and black colors and emits odor.
Mold - a colony of single-celled fungus that develops from spores. And disputes are always present in large quantities in the air. When there are favorable conditions (heat at high humidity), they start to wake up for an intensive breeding.
They grow on concrete, stone or paint in the form of spots or dots of different colors. Mold can destroy the building or finishing material to the ground, and people often have to carry out repairs or make alterations to the buildings.
- Causes of
- The methods of struggle
- Chemicals
- Folk remedies
Causes of
This is a serious problem, mold can start with a small spot and soon grow to become a health hazard. Remove it should be in the early stages, until she took a large area in small areas it is easy to remove.
To get rid of mold in the bathroom will help special chemicalsWhich are sold in the store, and folk methods. Bathroom - it's a great place for the formation of fungi. It has all favorable conditions to develop mold.
Causes of mold:
- high temperature;
- minimal natural light;
- high humidity;
- bad provetrivaemost premises.
When the mold is deteriorating appearance of the bathroom. If you do not get rid of the fungus, it can develop allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, candidiasis.
Before you remove the fungus, it is necessary to find the cause of its occurrence. In the bathroom there is excess moistureIt occurs for several reasons:
- Not ventilated areas.
- It warms unevenly.
- Held constant washing.
Places of occurrence and reproduction of fungi are walls, ceiling and seam bathroom. Here, the mold is detrimental to human health greater than the room.
Drugs that are used to combat the fungus, can help get rid of the mildew on the tile joints between the tiles on the bathroom. But it is better to handle fully all premisesIncluding sanitary devices.
The fungus can stay under the tile or porous surfaces: paint, foam, plastic, plaster. If the focus is in the concrete or brick, it is very difficult to fight against the fungus.
Where you can save Only overhaul with the dismantling of all finishing and decorative elements in the bathroom. These include floor, wall, ceiling tile or plastic panels. change the pipe and all plumbing fixtures in such cases.
The methods of struggle
Black mold - dangerous for the health of mold fungus. He is a long time can develop unnoticed and wait until a comfortable environment to express themselves.
Comfortable conditions for it are the high humidity, unventilated room and temperature 20 ° C.
In the bathroom black mold weakly attached to the surface and easily shatters on opposite sides. If a person gets into the respiratory tract, it causes a variety of infections. From it is very difficult to get rid of, and it is necessary to apply several antifungal agents.
Fungus in the bathroom destroyed, applying comprehensive measures.
Check and improve ventilation as needed. If the fungus appeared, just enough to keep the door open to the room. You will need to install a more powerful fan. But first, it is necessary to check the condition of the ventilation shaft. Prevent the backflow can debris and fragments of bricks.
- Release the bathroom of the old furniture. The bathroom furniture can be ravaged by the fungus. It must be clean, because the controversy that it remained sprout again in favorable conditions. They penetrate deep into the material and get rid of them is very difficult.
- Reduce the moisture level and to carry out waterproofing work. We need to inspect sewer pipes. With a constant accumulation of condensate can speak about low-quality waterproofing.
- Check and eliminate the need to leak out of the shower, towel warmer, fault planes, washing machine, toilet, if necessary. A surfaces which are subject to coloration, cover special waterproof paint.
- Dry the surface of the walls and the ceiling with an electric heater. Next you need to scrape mycelium stiff brush, a scraper or spatula. On the surfaces, tiled, the affected joints fungus completely removed.
- Cleaned the place warmed building powerful hairdryer. In its absence, it is necessary to take advantage of domestic heater. And finally surfaces with antiseptic.
must begin to deal with the fungus, when he first appeared. At the initial stage to remove easier than running fight mold.
Chemical industry produces a lot of money to kill mold and mildew. It has the means to kill the mold, and other means do not allow the fungus formed.
Bleach. In 10 liters of water should be diluted with 100 ml of means. For this surface treatment solution will need gloves and a mask, because the means has a very pungent odor.
- Antiseptics basically contain mineral spirits, turpentine. They effectively remove black mold, but the acrid smell after treatment of the affected surface of these agents will be present for a long time yet.
- Ready chemical compositions are sold in the store, they are effective for eliminating black mold. When buying them, you need to consult with the seller, because there are many ways to help get rid of the fungus.
Folk remedies
If the mold in the bathroom there was only at the initial stage, you can use special antiseptics. Remedy is applied to the brush or sponge, and they handled the wall. The procedure is repeated as needed.
Black mold is removed modern methods. The room air flow handled with special ions and trace elements. They destroy not only the mold, but also all the dangerous bacteria for human health. This treatment must be ordered in a specialized company.
If the fungus has penetrated under the tiles, it is necessary to remove the coating from the walls, and then dry the room and then processing antiseptics.Gribok and mold in the bathroom can be removed using folk methods.
- Baking soda. It is necessary to prepare a soda solution. For this we need to take half a tablespoon of baking soda and dissolve it in two cups of water. Then pour into the container from the spray gun and applied on the walls and seams. Fungus or mold is removed via a rigid brush and washed off with clean water. Then again applied onto the surface of a soda solution, but now it is not rinsed or wiped.
- Baking soda and vinegar. The affected surface sprinkle soda and then pour vinegar. A thick foam, and after it settles, it should be washed off with hot water or remedy any detergent.
- Bluestone. This is a very toxic chemical agent, and work with them must be strictly according to the instructions. Apply the product you need to mold itself, it can effectively remove blotches of black mold. For removing mold using copper sulfate is necessary to work with gloves, a respirator or mask moist. After processing thoroughly rinse all surfaces.
- Tea tree oil. In half a liter of water is necessary to add two teaspoons of tea tree oil. Apply the product to the affected surface by spray, and leave it on all night.
You need to take care of their living quarters and to get rid of mold and mildew onceAs soon as noticed. Then the mold is not inflict much harm. Fungal spores spread very quickly, and if you postpone the removal of mold, in the future will have to make repairs.