As clear from the metal thermos tea flying: Use of citric acid and soda, and rice vinegar

Methods for cleaning in the home thermosProbably, every house has a thermos. His help is invaluable in the journey, a long trip or a relaxing holiday. But over time, it is formed in the plaque from tea and coffee, as well as bad breath. You need to know how to clean up a thermos of tea from the raid to avoid damaging the floor.


  1. The main ways of getting rid of plaque
  2. Lemon acid
  3. Baking soda
  4. Using baking powder
  5. The use of rice
  6. cleaning with vinegar
  7. Drink Coke

The main ways of getting rid of plaque

Even if you are very careful to take care of a thermos, there eventually is formed tea plaque. Therefore worth knowing some tricks to help you get rid of it. most effective techniques and tools are:

  • soda;
  • citric acid;
  • baking powder for the dough;
  • vinegar;
  • Coca Cola;
  • Fig.

But it is necessary to know how to use a particular tool.

Lemon acid

By this means many families effectively clean a thermos of tea flying. Its great advantage is that the thermos surface is cleaned very quickly, and additional methods and efforts to apply no longer needed. And the availability of citric acid makes it an ideal tool.

Cleaning sequence is as follows:

  1. How to clean a thermosDepending on the required size thermos pour from one to three spoons acid.
  2. Pour boiling water over all.
  3. Thermos need to close very tightly.
  4. Leave the vessel to rest for the night or day. The time will depend entirely on how dirty vessel.
  5. Pour into water with an acid.
  6. If the desired effect was not achieved, it is possible to repeat the action.

If there is acid on hand, the same effect can be achieved with the help of a lemon. To do this, it needs to be cut into small pieces, put in a thermos and pour boiling water. The raid is completely dissolved after 12 hours, and you will be able to use again pure vessel for other purposes. But this method would be ideal only when the plaque is not too thick.

Baking soda

Baking soda - a great tool to clean a thermos of tea flying. It copes with any contaminants, and some microbes and bacteria removes much better than any other means. To wash the container, pour in it a few tablespoons of baking soda. Thermos need then pour boiling water, close tightly and leave for several hours. After that required to fill two or three tablespoons of salt, preferably larger. The vessel should be shaken several times. An hour later, drain and rinse container. The surface is clean.

If the capacity of an unpleasant flavor, then this method will be just perfect for cleaning of the vessel. Salt and soda copes with this problem and eliminates bacteria.

Using baking powder

To clean the thermos, you can use the tool to loosen the dough. Oddly enough, but it helps to perfectly cope with this problem. To do this, pour a few spoonfuls of tools with warm water and put the composition into a container. After a couple hours, the mixture should be poured and cleaned using a conventional capacitance Yorshik. The vessel will be clean again, but only if the pollution is not too strong.

The use of rice

How to clean a thermos of plaqueOddly enough, but the figure also helps to cope well with a thin layer of plaque from tea. Indeed, it has excellent absorbent properties. And they washed stainless steel is quite easy, especially if the contamination is not severe. It is enough fill half a cup of rice in a container and pour boiling water. Shake a thermos and leave the vessel for a few hours. If the tank periodically shake, it is possible to achieve mikrochistki effect. After that, you need only rinse thermos.

cleaning with vinegar

Any vinegar is suitable for this method. You can use an ordinary apple cider vinegar or wine, home-made. In order to wash the inside of a metal container, it is necessary to fill up half vinegar. Add boiling water and stir thoroughly the mixture. Leave a closed vessel for a few hours and pour the mixture out of it. enough rinse tank inside. If you want instant results, add a little soda to vinegar. This will help remove plaque almost instantly. And the smell of the vessel will be deleted after an hour.

Drink Coke

Cleaning of plaque in a thermosCurrently, most people know that Coca-Cola used to clean a variety of surfaces. She can to remove plaque from the toilet and sinks, and even with a touch of tea, she can handle accurately. Use this method quite easily. Only need to pour a full thermos drink and leave in a dark place until the morning. Pour soda and wash the vessel. If the layer is too thick from the tea, it is possible to pre Boil Coke. It has a strong abrasive effect. The same method will help in the case of a vessel unpleasant smells.

Rather expensive, but very effective way to eliminate the smell from the thermos, and plaque is considered means for cleaning dentures. It is able to dissolve any formation, and therefore in this case cope perfectly.

Yes, and ammonia it is also considered a good way to remove the smell of blood vessels for tea. It is enough to fill in a thermos for a day and ventilate the container afterwards.

It should be remembered that after the use of a thermos it is still better wash and leave ventilated. So you can avoid the unpleasant smell from it and to prevent the formation of plaque tea. And once more hygienic wash tank, than to leave it for later.