It is recommended to wash the oven right after each use, and not to bring it to a deplorable state. After all, it is easier to wash fresh fat, than to do it when he has thoroughly dries. For cleaning will have to make some effort, but the knowledge of some ways to help you facilitate your work.
- cleaning the oven
- Removal of burnt fat old
- Purification electric oven
- home remedies
- The use of baking powder for the dough
- Ammonia
- hot fashion
- Household chemicals
- Purification of the old fat
cleaning the oven
Each time, cook the food, you need to wipe the oven with a damp cloth to remove any loose fat removed immediately and do not form a layer of soot on the walls. Periodically, it is necessary to clean the panImmediately wash it better than in a state of neglect. We should not forget about cleaning the glass in the oven on it as much trace of fat, as well as inside the oven.
Remove grease and fumes in the oven door will baking soda. Should be wiped with a damp sponge glass surface, sprinkle it liberally with baking soda. Do not use a metal spongeSo as not to damage the glass. The glass should be good to rub and leave for an hour to ash could destroy the old fat stains. Then wipe with a damp cloth should be glass, and then wipe it dry. To consolidate the results, you can grate it means for glass. The oven will be like new.
Removal of burnt fat old
Remove fat residues is necessary after each cooking, or on the walls of the oven fat plaque will accumulate and then begin to be burnt and the smoke, in addition to all the smell of burning appears.
If the walls of the oven there is a dried fat, you need to use special cleaners. You can choose any meansSuitable for the surface, but do not acquire the means with the content of acid, they may mar the surface of the oven.
Cleaning Instructions:
- Open the windows to ventilate the room.
- Prepare everything you need to clean the oven.
- Wear rubber gloves to aggressive substances do not fall on your hands.
- Get all the internal accessories, they are washed separately.
- Dissolve the detergent in a bowl with hot water and place to all you got out of the oven.
Applied on a sponge cleaner and to wipe the entire surface of the oven, other than heating.
- To soften the fat turn the oven for 15 minutes.
- When the time to turn off the oven and start the process of cleaning. Old grease stains and any carbon deposits easily washed clean.
Purification electric oven
For its purification is necessary to prepare a special cleaning paste, should be taken for this purpose:
- dishwashing liquid;
- "Comet" or "Pemolyuks' - cleaning agent;
- citric acid.
Everything is taken in equal proportions and mixed. The resulting paste is applied to the surface of the oven, and all its internal accessories. The tool should be half an hour or an hour, depending on the degree of contamination. Then you need to wash off the paste and wipe everything dry.
home remedies
Clean the oven can be at home with the help of available funds. They, in contrast to industrial tools do not harm the health of person. People who have problems of the respiratory tract, may hold spring cleaning the kitchen and its components without fear for their health.
To clean the oven by stale fat, it is necessary to choose the method that is best suited. To cleanse the oven need some of the following ingredients:
- lemon;
- ammonia;
- baking powder for the dough;
- soda;
- vinegar.
Lemon or citric acid have the same effect as vinegar. Citric acid to dissolve in warm water and applied to the burnt areas. Scrub dirt can be 30 minutes. A larger effect can be obtained by citric acid in combination with other substances:
- oven heated to 60 °;
- take any container and mix therein citric acid and vinegar;
- Apply this composition to the contaminated surface;
- leave for a while, so that the dirt limp;
- then you need to put a soda paste and leave for 20 minutes;
- wash away all the sponge and rub the remaining dirt if necessary.
How to clean the oven in a combined way:
- Rub the surface of the cabinet table salt and turn it on. Salt will darken, and all the fat is absorbed into it, remove all damp sponge. The salt can be replaced disintegrant dough or a mixture of citric acid and soda, prior to use them need to moisten slightly warm water.
- Mix equal proportions of baking soda, salt and water, a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to put it on the sponge and spread around the oven, treating the entire surface. Leave for 12 hours and then wash. This method can get rid of the sludge and odor.
The use of baking powder for the dough
It is used not only for baking, but also to bring the house clean and tidy. Proper use of baking powder for the dough:
heat the oven;
- moisten with warm water all contaminated places;
- Sprinkle baking powder soot and grease;
- leave for a few hours.
Chronic fat will roll and easy to remove from its surface.
Here are a few options for how to clean the oven with the help of this tool.
- Apply to towel ammonia and moisten it all dirty surfaces, and rub to remove dirt and all traces of ammonia.
- Pour the alcohol in a small container with water, put on fire and bring to boil. Put in the oven for a few hours, then clean it with a brush rough.
Spending at home such procedures should be aware of the security measures: do the cleaning in open spaces, was to fresh air and use personal protective equipment.
hot fashion
This method is time consuming and less efficient. Clean the oven hot way of a deposit and fat at home in several ways using ordinary water, soap and vinegar.
This method is suitable for people who can not tolerate strong odors. Scents are formed when vaporized remains of vinegar, soap and other substances, which handles the oven. It is necessary to pour on a baking pan or a small amount of water. Put on an oven average temperature and turn it on. Turn off need 30 minutes and let cool slightly. Now clean the oven will be much easier.
- On a fine grater grate a little soap. Then, put it in hot water and dissolved. Pour it on a baking agent. Rub the entire surface inside the oven with the mixture and turn on the oven. After 30 minutes, can be turned off. After waiting for some time that it has cooled, start washing. Remains of dirt will be removed with ease. Rinse all fresh water.
- Vinegar in small amounts to add a glass of water and put it in the oven. Turn on the oven and wait for it warmed. In the evaporation of vinegar will affect the soot and grease, they are open, and will be easy to clean your oven.
Household chemicals
If you do not have time to use the popular recipes, you can resort to using household chemicals. The best detergents considered products made by Amwey and the German brand Frosch. "Schumann" - an Israeli agent, manufactured for use on any surface. It is two minutes to help cope with scum and fat, but does not have a very pleasant aroma and corrodes the skin.
Household chemicals causes allergic reactions and can cause contact dermatitis. When cleaning the oven industrial means necessary to use a dust mask and rubber gloves to protect your hands.
Purification of the old fat
If the fat in the oven old, then better to use several ways alternately. First, you can make a hot purge, and then use the recipe and baking soda and salt. You can try to clean up the oven, using folk remedies.
- Rub in a baking dish soap, half of the bar will be enough, and to pour warm water. Soapy water to moisten the entire surface, and a baking oven put in the middle and turn it on. Heat necessary to 110 °, and then turn off, and the solution was left for 30 minutes. Stuffy without fat should be cleaned.
- Clear oven possible by reaction of soda and vinegar. Moisten the surface of the oven with water and apply it on the baking soda. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray it onto the surface of a soda. This method is very effective to clean the oven with smoke and soot.
The given recommendations - these are some of the many existing recipes. Every woman can to choose for themselves a concrete way and use it. The main goal - to make a perfectly clean oven, and your eyes will be more pleasant, and the food will taste better.