How to prepare a cleaning agent: a mixture of dish washing dishes at home with their own hands

Mixtures for cleaning tablewareOften women use household chemicals to wash dishes, do not think about its composition and effects on the body. Many are trying to protect yourself and your family from the effects of negative factors and are made with their own hands cleaner. Each chooses a more suitable method is to prepare a gel or a liquid. They are based on or include baby soap, essential oils, baking soda, vodka, glycerin, mustard, and other materials.


  1. Manufacture Detergent
  2. The mixture of soap
  3. Using mustard
  4. The gel-paste for washing dishes
  5. Hydrogen peroxide and soda
  6. Universal detergents

Manufacture Detergent

For the preparation of a cleaning agent is necessary to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Safe means for clean disheslaundry soap;
  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • lemon;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • aromatic oil.

From these ingredients are prepared gels, cleaning solutions and cleaning pasta dishes in order to maintain purity, and sanitary ware.

Positive sides:

  1. Eco-friendly componentsThat are used in cooking. Homemade remedies are washed thoroughly with dishes and do not accumulate in the body.
  2. Part It does not include harmful ingredients. Means all-natural, do not irritate the skin and do not cause allergies, provided that in the daily life of these products do not have an allergic reaction. Therefore, you can safely clean even children's dishes.
  3. all components available and have a low cost. They are available at any housewife in the kitchen, and so do not need to specifically run to the store for the preparation of such agents.
  4. If you want, you can cook a few tools that will differ in their properties. They can be used for cleaning of plaque pot scourers, Money, and so fat. D.

In the manufacture of tools at home will have to face difficulties: tools, home-cooked, quickly consumed, often will have to make new ones.

Begin cooking blends better with the most simple and soft products. Most dirt can be removed by this means. When the basic recipes already mastered, you can try to do more intensive means to get rid of already contaminated by grease stains and clean the surface of the whimsical.

The mixture of soap

Soft products can easily cope with low pollution and a small amount of fat. Their framework consists of children or soap, hot water and soda.

  1. A mixture of dishwashing detergent soap and glycerol. For the preparation of the soap gel is necessary to take 2 tablespoons soap previously grated on a grater, hot water - 1 liter, and glycerol - 8 tablespoons. To remedy was stronger, you need to add vodka - 2 tablespoons. Soap, I pour a glass of hot water, stir and put in a water bath to all dissolved. Stirring thick composition, gradually introduced into it all the water. Glycerine and vodka are added in the preparation of a homogeneous mass. The liquid is ready, and it should be poured into a bottle with dispenser.
  2. Cleaner with soap and sodaDomestic dishwashing detergent from soap and soda. 200 grams of soap is necessary to grind fine grater, pour cup of hot water. All this is necessary to stir until dissolved, whisk to form a thick foam. Then add 6 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 drops of aroma oils. Detergent of soap and soda is used for cleaning and washing soiled tableware and plumbing.

Using mustard

Such means crockery effectively cleaned of food residues, grease removes stains from all surfaces. Prepare a means by prescription only, and it is available for everyone. We need to take a liter of hot water and add two teaspoons of mustard powder, stir to a thick foam. This solution saves on the dishes fatty plaque.

Mustard can also make a paste for dirty dishes. The cup of hot water is added tablespoon mustard, this mixture is whipped whisk. Then there should be added to the baking soda. It turns out an excellent paste for cleaning dirty dishes. Soda is added to the paste as soiling of the dish, the more soda paste, the more the cleaning properties of it. Sodium is added in small portions, because of it reaches the desired thickness of pasta.

It is necessary to put on a little sponge and rub the paste of cooked contaminated places. Pasta dishes to wash off easily enough, it will shine and will acquire a distinctive squeaking clean.

The gel-paste for washing dishes

For cooking need the following ingredients: ammonia, mustard powder, baking soda and soap, ordinary water. It is necessary to rub with half a piece of soap on a fine grater, you get soap shavings. In a small saucepan pour liter of hot water and drop it in a soap flakes, stirring until complete dissolution. Then you need to give a soap solution to cool, then add three tablespoons of mustard powder and as much soda and stir. At least add four tablespoons of ammonia, all mixed. Close the resulting mixture with a lid and leave for several hours.

After three hours, it is possible to start to wash the dishes, clean the tiles, stoves, or any surface. On particularly dirty areas gel should be left for a few minutes and then carefully wipe with a sponge.

We need to make such gel outdoors or in a well ventilated area as the ammonia vapor can damage the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

Safe means for cleaning the platePrepare this tool at home does not take much, all the tools for it are readily available. Need to dissolve one tablespoon baking soda in hot water, add back as much hydrogen peroxide and mix. The mixture is ready, pour it into a spray bottle.

If there exists no hydrogen peroxide, it is possible to replace vinegar. The combination of baking soda and vinegar to cope with persistent dirt on cookers. Pollinate baking soda surface plate, it is necessary to sprinkle on it from the spray cleaner. After waiting for ten minutes, you can easily wipe the plate.

Universal detergents

To prepare this remedy, we must take a glass of water, 150 ml of vinegar, the same medical alcohol half teaspoon dishwashing detergent (of any) and essential oil - some drops. All combine and mix, obtaining funds pour into a spray bottle. This tool is suitable for washing all surfaces: they can wash laminate, Linoleum, glass and mirrors, tile, plastic frame and stainless steel surfaces. However, since the acid has an effect on the wood, wash the parquet from natural wood is not recommended.

Spray onto the surface and wipe with a cloth. Laminate flooring is better to wash microfiber to not remain divorces.

At home, you can use lemon to cleanse the dishes:

  1. Nalitv kettle with water and add half a lemon, let the water boil and leave to stand for two hours. Then wash off with a sponge softened limescale depositsWhich is deposited in a kettle of water on the interior walls. When adding tablespoon baking soda effect will be more noticeable.
  2. Like lemon cleanses the dirt from dishesLemon displays different spots with utensils and all surfaces. Lemon peel can be treated kitchen boards and get rid of the stubborn smell of garlic, onions, fish. Remove the lemon peel and face to wipe clean any surface, unpleasant smell in your kitchen right away.
  3. The gel dishwashing with lemon juice. It is necessary to mix the melted piece of soap with a glass of hot water and whisk in a solid foam, while adding 25 grams of glycerol, and half of the squeezed lemon vodka half teaspoon or alcohol. Provide a means to settle to room temperature - and you can use it.

Applying domestic dishwashing gels and washing dishes, hostess uses familiar products and substances, they are inexpensive and there is always at home. It does not endanger health and the environment is not polluted. We have to spend some time to prepare home remedies, but do not have to run at the wrong time in the nearest store. Everybody decides this question for himself: to use home remedies or use household cleaning products.