For information on how to clean gold with stones, every woman should know. Jewelry from time to time covered by bloom, polluted, then that they lose their decorative properties. In order not to give gold to lose its shape, it must be time to clean from time to time. However, contained in jewelery stones require special care, as should also be known.

- Recommendations regarding the care of jewelry
- How to clean gold with stones (video)
- Cleaning products in the home
- As a self-clean gold (video)
- alternative methods
Recommendations regarding the care of jewelry
Gold items should be cleaned at least 1 time per month. To prevent the occurrence of micro-scratches, it is necessary to exclude the use of harsh cleaning items (toothbrushes). It is better to use soft accessories: cotton swabs, chamois or flannel cloth.
Do not immerse the jewelry with stones into the water, if they are kept on the glue. They can be lightly moisten and then you need to quickly wipe. Pure gold objects soap is not recommended, as the precious metal from it loses shine.

In order to permanently maintain the original shine gold jewelry be 20 minutes to lower them in warm water with 2 hours. l. Sahara. Gold jewelry with stones should be stored in places far from cosmetic. Do not leave the gold products in cartons. The material contains sulfur, which is extremely negative impact on gold. Over time it can be covered with spots. Jewelry should be removed before going to bed, to reduce the amount of plaque.
How to clean gold with stones (video)
Cleaning products in the home
Jewelry can be given to the salon for cleaning, but this service will not be cheap. In those same tools can be purchased establishments and specialty shops for the care of jewelry. But the methods of cleaning in the home are the cheapest and least effective. However, before embarking on the process, should know the characteristics of the stone. Minerals are divided into hard (diamond, topaz, ruby, emerald, sapphire) and soft (turquoise, amber, pearls, malachite, coral).
The optimal method for cleaning jewelery stones with solid - washing in liquid ammonia solution. It is necessary in the water temperature of 50 ° C add 1 hour. l. alcohol, the same amount of liquid soap (preferably children) and 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide. This tool should be poured into plastic containers and for cleaning rubber gloves.
To begin, jewelry must be lowered into the water for 15 minutes. Longer term negative impact on the state of the stone. This is followed by rinse with ordinary tap water. Thus it is possible to clean around 25% percent of the plaque, the other 75% be melted, but they must be removed with a soft cloths. The gaps between the stones should be handled with cotton sticks.

More gentle means for the stones, in particular for jewelery with cubic (artificial crystals), - an ordinary soap solution. To create a suitable cleaning agent such substances: soap, shampoo, washing powder or washing liquid.
Gold and precious stones can be kept in liquid soap and a half hours. But before clean amber, pearls and malachite, must wait until the water has cooled to 50 ° C. Higher temperatures will damage the stones. Liquid and soften the dirt, but it is fully possible to remove only the physical impact. For information on how to clean amber liquid understood, but the same procedure can be done a simple ear stick. A difficult place to better handle with a soft brush.
It is likely that such a procedure does not remove the jewelry with dark spots. Eliminate them by using ammonia. It should be quite a bit of substance to pour on the ear stick and gently wipe its stain. Scraping, should avoid contact with stones, especially on the soft. They can crack or fade.
As a self-clean gold (video)
alternative methods
Clean gold with stones in the home can be improvised means. Some of them are very unusual and strange. However, their efficiency is not lower than that of professional tools.
Shoe jewelry can be lipstick, preferably hygienic. Due to the contained titanium dioxide with gold fade dark spots. The procedure is simple: you have to put cosmetic on cotton wool and gently rub her jewelry. The process is safe, so you can use it several times a month.
Purification jewelry toothpaste is quite common. It is necessary to apply it on a soft brush and clean decoration. It is not recommended to handle so soft stones. Optimal procedures repeat period - 1 time in 2 months. As the paste leaves a raid, the product must be thoroughly rinsed under the tap.

For information on how to clean gold with a bow and vinegar, know firsthand the villages. Vegetables should be cut into small pieces, squeeze the juice from it and mix with vinegar. Further in this mixture be wetted cotton wool and rub decoration.
Such means of securely and safely remove dark spots on gold, but the solution should not be abused, if there are stones in the decoration. Once a month will suffice.
Remove dirt from the jewelry can brine. Recipe simple means. To do this, pour in boiling water 3 tbsp. l. salt. Once the water has cooled, it can be put ornaments. A method for efficient and safe, but there are significant drawback - made of gold and stones should be kept in the solution for at least 10 hours. Upon expiration should be wiped with soft materials.

A similar method of treatment is the use of baking soda and foil. Before clean ornaments, water must be heated to boiling, pour into a beaker with foil on the bottom, slightly cool and pour it into 1 tbsp. l. soda. Only then you can begin to articles laid out. The process also takes 10 hours, after which the product should be wiped.
Another popular method involves the use of beaten eggs mixed with beer. Wool or ear stick should moisten the mixture and wipe them jewelry. The method is not very effective, but can expel most of the plaque.
This is the most affordable and effective means. For any jewelry need to take care that they do not lose their original luster. A recommendation discussed above will help to do this quickly and efficiently.