To keep all surfaces clean, you need to learn than before applying scrub glue from the tape. Secure fastening by this adhesive tape is provided by the presence in the acrylic adhesive composition. Hence, cleaning agent is chosen respectively. It is important to get rid of traces of adhesive tape, so you should consider the type of material from which is made to protect the surface (plastic, glass, etc.).

- Application of mild
- How to get rid of traces of adhesive tape on the plastic (video)
- Aggressive cleaning agents
- alcohol-based substance
- special funds
- How to remove traces of adhesive tape on the window (video)
- How to clean furniture, glass and household appliances
- Precautions and recommendations for cleaning
Application of mild
In mild cases, when pieces of furniture, interior or clothing stained with not much to remove remnants of adhesive can be non-aggressive means. These include:
- soap;
- hair dryer;
- ordinary eraser;
- vegetable oil.

Solving the problem than to scrub marks on tape, you can see even more simple and accessible method - the use of adhesive tape repeatedly. Each of these methods is designed for treatment of various materials. Before you scour the product, you need to know how it will behave when in contact with a cleaning agent:
- Removing the tape pollution. Such a tool is recommended to apply in the first place. In this case, you need to stick the tape to the area where the adhesive is visible, then abruptly pull and remove. Contaminants are removed immediately, if left traces of fresh. Old stains removed more powerful means. It must be remembered that too tight to press the new strip of tape can not, otherwise there is a risk of a more severe pollution. As a result, quickly get rid of traces of glue will not work.
- Vegetable oil. If you need to wash the tape, it is recommended to use oily substances. This may be sunflower or olive oil, and essential oil. In this case, the stain is removed in 10 minutes. To wash the glue from the tape, it is necessary to know that this method is not suitable for all materials. Wood and veneer are well absorb the fat, so a spot of oil washed off in part, can not be fully cleaned. To remove traces of adhesive to be applied oil on the stain and leave for 10 minutes. Then will remove the glue by wiping with a paper towel. In the last step necessary to remove traces of oil, for which the surface is rubbed with detergent (dishwashing) or soap.
- Eraser. If the task is to scrub the adhesive, in some cases, allowed to use ordinary eraser. This method helps to remove the tape from the plastic and wood - hard surfaces. It is necessary to use an eraser in a similar manner as in the cleaning of paper from a pencil. Then will clean the surface with a damp cloth.
- Soap solution. When you need to clean up traces of adhesive tape with clothing or small objects, use this tool. Contaminated product immersed in the hot solution prepared from soap and water, allowed to briefly. It remains to wash the product and rinse under running water. It should be used with caution in this method to tissues that require careful treatment. For this first should examine the label.
- Hair dryer. If the task is to peel the double-sided tape or remove traces, you need to use a heat source. Using dryer can soften the sticky mass. Getting rid of most of the adhesive to begin cleaning the surface by other means. The most difficult to remove the double sided tape with a plastic window. In this case, under the influence of solar materials gradually merge into a single unit, which makes the task of cleaning the adhesive difficult to realize.
How to get rid of traces of adhesive tape on the plastic (video)
Aggressive cleaning agents
When it becomes necessary to remove traces of adhesive tape, commonly used potent substances:
- Alcoholic means;
- Special purpose substances (aerosols);
- petrol;
- White Spirit;
- dry cleaners.
alcohol-based substance
To get rid of traces of adhesive tape by using ethyl alcohol (95%), vodka, ammonia. It is only necessary to wipe the dirty surface with a cloth soaked in a substance. In this case, there is no need to soak the product. Due to the alcohol spot of good scotch scour. However, not all surfaces can be cleaned in this way.
Plastic can be different, so the alcohol reaction can also vary. First you need to check out how the material will behave: a small hidden from the eye portion is applied to the cleaning agent. When you need to scrub tape from plastic, alcohol may be used only if the appearance of the surface to be cleaned has remained unchanged.
Wash off the glue on the tape with colored objects in such a way will not work. Alcohol-based substance corrodes the paint.

special funds
There are cleaners in bottles. They are designed for cleaning various surfaces, including with their help it is possible to remove traces of adhesive tape on the plastic and other hard surfaces. Prior to use, you need to examine the annotation tools. The manufacturer usually specifies the conditions under which the substance should be used. If the task is to get rid of adhesive residue, just spray means, wipe with a cloth and rinse with water.
Gasoline used on different surfaces, but only after checking its validity. Safer to use this method if you want to wash away from the glass tape, bumpers and other surfaces and car parts. To remove contamination on items of furniture and clothing, use refined petrol. However, before treating woven fabrics need to do a test: on a small patch is applied to the cleaning agent, observe the changes.

By the principle of white spirit action is similar to acetone, nail polish remover, purified gas which is used to fill lighters. With their help easily remove the tape from the glass, plastic and other surfaces. Allowed to use white spirit to clean woven materials.
Powdered detergent used for cleaning of hard surfaces. It is necessary to apply powder on the damp sponge and gently remove impurities. If you use excessive force, might get scratched. A dry powder suitable for removing residual adhesive from the window sill, a refrigerator.
How to remove traces of adhesive tape on the window (video)
How to clean furniture, glass and household appliances
To scrub double-sided tape, you must consider the type of material from which the product is made. Improper application of the cleaning agent would lead to deterioration of the external characteristics of the subject. For cleaning plastic surfaces better use:
- white spirit, gasoline;
- eraser;
- vegetable oil;
- hair dryer.
Adhesive gradually eats into the structure of the material, then bring the stain will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible. The primary measure - impact on the glue residue hairdryer. Vegetable oil when combined with the adhesive changes its properties. Remove fat from the plastic is not difficult, therefore, considered to be the most popular means.
If the furniture left traces of adhesive tape, clean them in several ways:
- vegetable oil - it may be used on polished surfaces, otherwise the grease will remain;
- eraser cope with pollution on smooth surfaces;
- gasoline is recommended in the articles of furniture not covered with paint and varnish, because these materials are easily exposed to solvents;
Pre-measure in any of these cases - the use of a hair dryer. However, you should avoid prolonged exposure to hot air, as on painted surfaces may be bright spots. If you want to clean the glass, usually involve special facilities for washing windows: Mr. Proper, Mr. Muscle. They contain ammonia, which explains their high efficiency.

Moreover, for cleaning glass adhesive tape may be used by virtually any of the means discussed above: vegetable oil, gasoline, mineral spirits, an eraser. Explain the possibility of using a variety of methods can be the fact that the glass does not have a property to absorb substances, and it is easy to clean out the fat. However, if the glass surface for a long time exposed to sunlight, the adhesive strongly eats into the material structure, and remove it only after the application of the hair dryer.
Precautions and recommendations for cleaning
First of all, you need to take into account the properties of the materials to be cleaned. tissue treatment is carried out after studying the manual. To put too much effort into not need the cleaning, as this may compromise the integrity of the outer coating (tinted glass, lacquer furniture, painted objects).
In this case, it is impossible to use acetone, benzene. These materials corrode the decorative coating.
If you plan to use aggressive means, you need to check how the selected material will affect the product. First, it is applied to a small area. If there is no reaction, and the object is not lost their qualities, they are allowed to handle those places where there is contamination. acetone, vinegar, gasoline: aggressive means suitable for the removal of old stains. However, in each case it is necessary first to work on the spot a hair dryer to soften the adhesive.