A small area is forcing its owners to combine in one room, several functional areas. Sometimes due to lack of space necessary to organize an extra bed in the kitchen. For this perfect sofa. Small soft sofa during the day makes it comfortable to spend time at dinner with the whole family in the evening - is transformed into a full bed.

Upholstered furniture expands the visual and functional kitchen possible
Such a design of the kitchen with a sofa is so harmonious that the installation of upholstered furniture in the kitchen area has become a new trend. Now put it there, not only because of the lack of free space. The interior gets a special glamor. It becomes much more comfortable, more comfortable. It is not a commonplace. Upholstered furniture allows us to give the room a dining area features makes the meal much more enjoyable process. We consider in detail how to properly organize the attractive interior of the kitchen with a sofa.
Interior features everything
- Interior features everything
- Select the color of the upholstery
- Requirements for the kitchen sofa
- Choose upholstered furniture
- Decorate a recreation area
- Video: The sofa in the interior of the kitchen
- Photos kitchen with sofa
Sofa - attribute comfortable rooms. That it pleased the eyes owners for many years, it needs to choose the right, find the perfect place for installation. This course does not have to become central. The main emphasis may be placed on any details of the design - it all depends on personal preferences of the owners home, selected stylistic direction. The regeneration of the interior important to immediately determine the number, the type of functional areas. Most often the two areas: kitchen, living room. The sofa is usually put in an extra bed in the kitchen in small apartments.

A sofa in the kitchen - it is convenient, functional and comfortable
Tip! Due to a balcony, it is necessary to seize the opportunity to increase the area. The partition is better to demolish the walls - in addition to warm. On the territory of the loggia can be installed typefaces, freeing up space.

In the attached balcony fit dining area
Install a sofa in the room can be a variety of ways:
- At the opposite wall from the headset.
- In the corner.
- Perpendicular to the headset.
Selecting the installation location should be implemented taking into account the size of the room, the size of the headset, features stylistic direction. To choose the right place, you can make a design quite easy to grasp. Using large objects in the interior, it is better to reduce the number of small accessories. That detail will create the effect of clutter space.

It is important to match the dimensions of the sofa size of the room, and fit the padding interior
Select the color of the upholstery
In the kitchen, bed should be not only very convenient. Huge role to play harmony combining it with the general style of the room. Upholstery color should be chosen based on the style of the room.

Manufacturers of modern upholstered furniture offer a huge range of models, among which everyone will be able to select the desired option
Consider color compatibility with various directions in the table.
Style | Character traits | Suitable upholstery color |
Tehnostil | One of the modern trends. It offers maximum functionality. Techno-style characterized by bright colors in decoration, colorful furnishings, an abundance of home appliances. | Deep blue, red |
Minimalism | Favorite style of young families. It does not require a lot of money for decorating the room. In minimalism is not necessary to apply the decor. The interior leaves a fairly simple, practical. In minimalism, it is important to leave a space. | White, gray, black |
Classic | It's hard to find anyone who did not like the classical direction. This is one of the most versatile styles. The classic design is different rigor lines, multi-layered curtains, luxurious accessories. | White, brown, gold, blue |
Country | Country - a nice, bright, comfortable style. This kitchen is very cozy, home. Remotely it will resemble the countryside. When you finish using wood, glass, textile wall. The windows are decorated with heavy, thick curtains with floral print. | Green, brown, beige |

The kitchen in high-tech style is based on contrasting combinations, for the gray walls, you can choose a white sofa

For the interior in minimalist style sofa suitable with monochrome upholstery

In the classical interior of the sofa has a key role

Motley textiles great for any "village" style

A sofa in the kitchen Scandinavian style

Large leather sofa fits perfectly in the industrial style
Requirements for the kitchen sofa
As you can see, there are practically no restrictions in the design of the kitchen with a sofa. The room can settle in any style. The main thing - to choose the right color, shape, size, location of the sofa. What should be the sofa used to the kitchen interior?

Selection couch kitchen depends on many factors
Consider the main requirement to it:
- Capacity. Roominess is especially important if it is used as a sleeping place. It should be comfortable to sleep with people of different complexion, tall.
- Wear resistance. In this room there will always be a lot of people. Seats are daily subjected to load, Wipe clothes, various objects. Upholstery should be durable, wear-resistant.
Genuine leather does not absorb odors and easy to clean
- Practicality. During the meal, the seat may fall dish, pour the wine sauce. Sometimes notice it just will not work. Inveterate stains difficult to deduce from certain tissues. Upholstery should be readily wash, do not absorb dirt, unpleasant odor.
- Aesthetics. The kitchen, integrated with the living room, has to be thorough. High aesthetics should be shown in every detail. In this room, you will need to meet the guests, fed delicious meals, leave them on overnight.
Stylish design of the kitchen does not have to be expensive
- Affordable. It is unlikely that the owners of small apartments can boast of a large budget for repairs. With a limited budget can not buy the author's hand-built sofa. You need to pay attention to the model, as close to an ideal combination of quality with the price.
- Compactness. In the small kitchen is difficult to carve out a place for all subjects. It takes a huge area set, home appliances. For sofa, dining table space will remain quite a bit. If the area is very limited, buy angular furniture. With it you can save a lot of space.
Compact soft headsets will not take a lot of space
Choose upholstered furniture
the couch to the kitchen requirements are quite high. However, in the modern shops is easy to find a suitable model, taking into account the following criteria:
- The size. This is the most basic. Decide on the future of the object's location. See how you measure it. In determining the size, consider the number of family members.
Traditional direct sofa - the most bulky and takes up a lot of space
- The form. Upholstered furniture can be a standard, a corner, oval, semi-circular. Pick up form should be based on the characteristics of stylistic directions. The classic is better to use familiar, standard form. Semicircular sofas perfectly fit into modern trends. The oval shape of the seat will help carve out a little space, visually it looks smaller. This is a great option for tiny kitchens.
The original round shape sofa
- The color scheme of the upholstery. There should be guided by compatibility with the overall style of the room. Sometimes, however, the usual rules can depart. On the sofa can be made non-standard accent. Bright interior, large patterns will help identify the subject, "knock out" him out of the picture. This bold decision to give the interior exclusivity. The main thing - a bright interior to be repeated elsewhere. It can match the curtains, kitchen towels, design chandeliers.
Inside the restricted area the sofa should not be allocated
- Structural features. In the recreation area need folding furniture. It will allow for a moment to make a comfortable place to sleep. The structure may be different: in the form of books, retractable, folding, etc. It is important to appreciate the convenience of folding personally. Consider the size of the expanded couch.
A sofa bed is suitable as an extra bed
- Material. In the kitchen, there will always be fat, high humidity, dirt. Poor interior instantly absorbs all of the above, quickly deteriorate. Ideal upholstery material is leather, more budget - quality leather. This durable materials. They are easy to maintain. The frame can also be made of wood, metal.
Leather upholstery have no competitors in terms of practicality and easy cleaning
Decorate a recreation area
Just put a nice couch in the kitchen is not enough to create an attractive, cozy atmosphere. Make an original interior decoration extra help. Accurately allocate the recreation area can be unusual photo wallpapers. Wallpapers are inexpensive, easy to stick on the wall by yourself. Figure photowall may be different: abstract, landscape. The main thing - it should adjust the person to relax, not to have too small details. Small drawings distract, will interfere with relaxation. Mural will attract attention, to conceal the work area.

Chic look realistic wallpapers with large flowers

In the classical interior looks great artistic fresco
If there are a sufficient number of square meters, you can decorate the room with unusual decoration materials. Often used decorative stone, wood paneling, wallpaper, imitating various surfaces. This finish is extraordinary solutions. It is bound to attract the attention of visitors, it will be highly appreciated by them.

The main thing is that the colors of wallpaper in harmony with the general interior
Kitchen decorate with soft sofa possible by means of small pads of various shapes, colors, sizes. A huge number of pillows will add color to the situation, will make comfortable furniture. However, there is one drawback - pillows can often get dirty. They have to be washed periodically.

In such an environment pleasant to eat, and not be ashamed to take visitors
Excellent decor will be family photos. They must be placed in the framework, to hang on the wall. The wall must be at a sufficient distance from the kitchen units. Otherwise it is necessary to wipe the scope almost daily by oil, grease, moisture.

Photos and pictures are perfect for decorating the wall above the sofa
Instead of pictures on the wall you can hang beautiful paintings. It can be a collection of paintings by the artist's favorite. Paintings adorn the wonderful interior, decorated in a simple, classic direction.