Cranes of different construction are used by humans since ancient times. More than 200 years ago, it was invented by a screw valve in the late 20th century it a ball mixer replaced. Convenient and reliable, it is still sometimes breaks. Many types of damage can be repaired itself, without waiting for the plumber.
Ball valves are designed to regulate the water pressure in the kitchen and bathroom faucets, they are used also for closing the flow in heating and water pipes. Widely used these devices in outdoor water pipes and irrigation systems.
Another wide field of application - this technological installations. There are ball valves are used as a manually operated or motorized.
Design and Function
The housing device consists of a chamber, inlet and outlet. Most often, one of the pipes is cast integrally with the camera. The chamber is equipped with a saddle-shut rubber or PTFE gasket. In the center of the chamber is placed a ball having a through hole and fixed to the vertical rod osi- around which it can rotate.
Upon rotation of the ball hole partly or completely aligned with lumen of branch pipes, and water may flow through the valve.
The shut-off valve ball has one opening in the regulation, the mixing and perenapravlyayuschey- few.

The principle of operation is as follows: in the closed position closes the ball valve seat, and no flow. As the rotation of the ball on the axis through the window starts to be combined with the lumen of the nozzle, and the water (or gas) flows through the valve. When turning 90about there is complete alignment, and the flow is maximized.
The stop valve stem is a vertical axis, rigidly fixed to the supports above and below the ball. Ball while rotating in a single plane. When passing through the housing is provided on the rod a sealing ring.

mixer design is much more difficult. The ball has three holes:
- Two input: for cold and hot water.
- Output for flow direction from the spout.
The ball can be rotated in two planes. By moving it to the right or left side of the more open the window, respectively, cold or hot water, changing the temperature of the mixed stream. When moving the handle up and down increases or decreases the water pressure. Thus, both the temperature and the desired effect of the jet can easily adjust the movement of one hand.
The ball and the gaskets are placed in a sealed housing, which is called a cartridge. It contains all the parts that require high-precision machining. The housing also smesitelya- is simply inexpensive in the production of metal (at least - plastic) single-precision casting. This reduces the price of the product and increases its maintainability. Maintenance consists of removing the cartridge and replace it with a new one. Sometimes it is possible to manage the replacement of gaskets of the new repair kit.
Types of ball valves, their differences
Ball valves are divided into several varieties:
by appointment
- Locking. Installed in the pipeline break, serve to overlap it or adjusting pressure.
- Mixers. Installed in kitchens and bathrooms, are used to obtain the desired temperature of water flow and pressure.
- Three-way. They are used in heating systems, are used to redirect the flow of water to various circuits of the system to maintain a predetermined temperature of the coolant and the thermal economy of resources. They are also used in the installation of water treatment and filtration to provide the service mode.

The magnitude of the window clearance
In addition, the largest lumen balloon window relative to the cross section of the pipeline are distinguished:
- Full bore. The cross section of the window is equal to the cross section of the pipeline, the valve does not exert an additional hydraulic flow resistance.
- Reduced. The cross section of the exit window is less than the pipe section at one or two sizes. Such devices can be quickly cut off the flow without the risk of water hammer.
According to the method of connection
Distinguish ball valve and the main pipe connecting method:
- Threaded. The inlet and outlet have internal or external threads. The most popular type of connection for household systems, allows quick and easy installation and replacement of parts.

- Nipple. Designed for connection to a flexible hose. Used in garden water pipes and temporary circuits.
- Welded. Both patrubka- just pieces of pipes, metal or plastic. Welded joints with the conduit provides high strength, integrity and durability, but it creates difficulties in repair and replacement of components and parts.
- Flanged. Both pipe end flanges, which are bolted to the respective flanges on the pipes.
Hull construction
- Whole body - this is one welded or cast component. Durable and tight, but not repairable.
- Collapsible. Details are connected threaded bolts or their disassembled for maintenance and repair.
These devices are used in kitchens, bathrooms and serve as endpoints of demand.
Common Problems
Faucet in the bathroom and the kitchen faucet lever arranged almost identically. All the fault of ball valves are divided into the following groups:
- Faults body, stem, grips. Cracks, chips or the like, or violate their sealing integrity. They are not repaired, it is necessary to change the entire device.
- ball problem. Scrapes or scratches can be zapolirovat. If the ball is snapped, or part of it otkololas- the entire cartridge must be replaced.
- The problem cartridge. Changes entirely.
- Wear pads. You need to buy a suitable gasket or repair set and change it.
Typical fault mixers:
decreased pressure
First of all, you need to check if the pressure dropped in the line. To do this, simply open any tap.
If enough pressure, you need to check the status of mesh aerator located on the tap spout. If the aerator is packed with particles of rust or mineral deposits, its insert should be replaced.
rusty water
In this case, the reason not in the tap and in the pipes. Remedy will replace them.
Crane bad listens handle
The reason for the weakening of the screws holding the handle. In this case, the movement of the handle are transmitted to the bad stock and hereinafter the rotary bowl. Crane bad regulates the pressure and the temperature, it is difficult to open and close.

Check the tightness of the handle mounting screws, and at necessity to tighten it with an Allen key.
Leakage of water in a closed polozhenii- common breakage. The reasons that the tap flowed, typically as follows:
- The destruction of the body.
- Wear pads.
- Entry of impurities between the ball and the gaskets.
To install these reasons, the mixer would have to disassemble and clean, and replace the gasket.
Tools and materials
For repair useful tools such as:
- Open-end wrench.
- Allen key.
- Adjustable pliers or tongs.
- Screwdriver Set.
- New gasket repair kit.
- A new cartridge.
- Sanitary lubricant.
- Tape FUM or sanitary thread.
Main stages of repair
Repair of faulty ball valve is divided into several stages:
During the training should:
- Shut off the water supply to the riser.
- Open the valve and allow the remaining water to drain pipes in the drain.
- If repaired mixer in combination bathroom, located between the tub and the sink, it is necessary to substitute a wide flat container for water flowing out.
Disassembly is performed in the following sequence:
- Pry off the two-color plastic insert that covers the handle mounting screw and pull it out.
- Loosen the allen screw holding the handle. Remove it by pulling the top.
- cartridge mounting nut is covered with a decorative cap. It needs to be unscrewed by hand.

- Open-end wrench or pliers to unscrew perestavnymi flat bronze nut cartridge.

- Remove the cartridge.
- Inspect the three pads at the bottom of the cartridge.
- If they are worn or zagryazneny- clean or replace.
- If the cartridge itself is worn or damaged polished bead will have intra- replace the entire cartridge.
Important! If you decide to repair the mixer cartridge with your hands, you should be particularly careful. Disassemble it should be above the box to collect all the springs and O-rings, which fall out of the mechanism. The likelihood that you will be able to find a fault inside the cartridge, and even more or to eliminate it, is small. Easier to just replace the whole unit and not lose time searching for parts.
Assembling is done in reverse order.

When installing the cartridge you need to ensure that the tabs on the bottom of the fall in the corresponding recesses in the mixer body. Before installing the toner cartridge must be lubricated with grease plumbing.
You should not use excessive force when tightening the nut to prevent cross threading.
After the closure assembly is carried out and a test switch is checked: or mixer pass water flow is eliminated.
Recommendations for repair, possible difficulties
Skilled craftsmen give the following advice:
- Spread out in the sink or in the bathroom a piece of cardboard or a thick cloth. This will prevent the ingress of small parts in the sink and protect the coating bath against falling heavy tools.
- If the cartridge mounting nut become attached, and the thread was covered with a layer of mineral otlozheniy- necessary to moisten them with warm vinegar and leave for some time.
- If the handle assembly after you have drawn a tight povorachivaetsya- nut. It should be a bit a quarter turn, weaken.
To begin dismantling better in the morning or in the afternoon in time to the store before closing time for spare parts.
Tips for further exploitation.
You should not use excessive force when moving the lever. Data cartridge should move easily.
To Cartridge has served a full term, it is necessary to install a filter in front of him a mechanical water treatment. He will delay rust particles, sand and mineral deposits that can quickly damage the delicate mechanism.
To clean the filter is necessary every few months or with a decrease in water pressure.