PVC and HDPE pipe

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Technology is constantly advancing, affecting almost all spheres of human life. It happened with the piping system, which is organized with the help of water, sewage, heating and drainage. Some time ago, all products of metals and alloys have been installed. Now the market is more in demand products of PVC and HDPE, winning in many ways. The article describes the features of PVC and HDPE pipes and what is the difference between them.

PVC product for domestic sewage


For production of products used IPA-low density polyethylene. In turn, the difference in the method of fabrication here: non-pressure (low pressure) and pressure (average pressure). A separate class is to provide a high-pressure products - LDPE.

Low-pressure polyethylene

PVC products are made of PVC, free of carcinogenic impurities in the composition. It is children's toys are manufactured from this material. Its distinctive feature - it is suitable for recycling.

The different PVC-tubes and HDPE

IPA-products suitable for almost any environment, while the PVC is permissible only transporting liquids. Pipelines collected from these materials, can deliver various active ingredients: salt, acid, alkali and so on. Both types of products are able to withstand large temperature - no more than 60 degrees Celsius. But resist frost may only HDPE-tube. If you use PVC products in the cold (-10 degrees), they can simply crack and liquid is transported by them, the pieces of material invariably fall.

As for the strength characteristics, they are virtually the same for both options. Particularly impressive is the load still stand is HDPE.

To connect PVC products used the socket method. To mount such a pipeline is operated electrofusion welding or butt method.

Polyethylene - a rare type of coverage, so it is perfectly resists environmental effects. Working with the material, does not require special precautions, because it is absolutely harmless to humans.

PVC, in turn, after a certain period of operation begins to emit toxic substances - namely, the complex chlorides. It is for this reason that such products are not used in all spheres of human activity. Because of this factor is complicated and product utilization, requiring additional costs. If you must use a pipe system for drinking, it is now produced by a special subspecies of products - PVC-U-products, which are not plasticized polyvinyl chloride. It will not release into the air conduit and harmful substances.

The modern market offers a range of pipes

Where find use PVC pipe

With these products:

  • Mounted water supply system;
  • Created irrigation systems;
  • Laid water drain;
  • Equip storm drains.

PVC products are of two kinds: chlorinated and made from non-plasticized polyvinyl chloride.

The main advantage of the first type - high melting point (over 480 degrees Celsius). And due to the high mechanical strength of these products are the high-pressure piping. Excellent resistance to aggressive media allows pumping system for such strong acid and other reagents. CPVC pipes are used if necessary to ensure the transportation of water, vegetable oil, juice or any other liquid food product.


Conduits not perfectly plasticized plastic handle with a working temperature of from 0 to 60 degrees centigrade and are therefore suitable for the transportation of alkalis, acids and other corrosive liquids. They are safe for humans, so the water is also fed by them.

Applications HDPE-products

Pipes made of low density polyethylene are widely used in sewer systems, water and wells.

The most relevant articles in the organization of such a sewer system. This is caused by their advantages:

  • High strength indicator;
  • Do not miss the sounds (operating sewer is important plus);
  • Able to bend at any angle - this is the main difference from HDPE PVC.

Note! Appearance of such pipes from PVC products are characterized in that their walls thicker and flexible.

HDPE containers are made for septic tanks, wells and other similar structures, which will have long been in hostile environments.

If you are using is strong enough to produce, it is suitable for the role of the casing, which is not afraid of the ground motions. Maximum of what happened to her - a slight deformation. The assembly is very simple: butt or by a thread.

Compound PVC and HDPE pipes

Dissimilar materials can be fixed in several ways:

  • Threaded fittings - fixing at the tube end is made by a welding method. For this purpose, the fitting disassembled, one part is welded to one pipe end, and a threaded portion - to another. Melting plastics require the use of a special device that will make the connection strong and airtight. If this one-piece portion, the topical application of the fitting with mortgages heating element;
  • Collet sleeve - this design is collapsible and is collected from the collet clamping nut and thread. At the moment, there is a wide range of couplings for plastic pipes. To connect two products parsed first sleeve, after which the collet is inserted into one of the tubes is fixed and the clamping nut. Next, the construction being delayed. The fitting should not be compressed, which can lead to deformation of the product edges. Finishing step - connecting the pipe to the other type of thread;
  • Flanges - method is relevant for larger diameters of risers, sewage and other elements. Besides flange sleeve additionally used, allowing its capture. Himself connection method is similar to using a collet sleeve - Design understands and strengthened at various tubes to the already installed sleeve. Fixed collar nut portion;
  • Cold welding. To work requires a special soldering machine. Adhesive mass acts special weight of minerals and polymeric compounds. It characterized by the qualitative adhesion and it provides a reliable, tight connection. Actual method for areas where water is transported by gravity.
Additional elements are used to connect

To connect the two products was more dense, suitable for a variety of materials. Threaded fitting and collet sleeve relevant fum-tape, and for flanges - gaskets of rubber or asbestos.


Recently made a large range of products for the installation of pipelines, both open and closed. In each case, a certain kind of suitable pipes, depending on their technical characteristics and properties. If desired, products of one type can be easily connected to the other views, a variety of methods are used for nothing. It decides what is best - not always easy, as every product has both disadvantages and advantages.