Despite the comprehensive introduction of digital technologies in medicine are still used mercury thermometers. It is believed that mercury thermometer allows to obtain more accurate figures. In addition, it does not depend on the battery, as modern digital meters in body temperature. It would seem that mercury thermometer - ideal medical device, but in reality, it is outdated and also the fragile instrument. If it is broken, it gets into the environment mercury.
- What is mercury
- Symptoms of poisoning mercury vapor
- Features of the collection of mercury thermometer
- Cleaning the carpet
- Cleaning of metal surfaces
What is mercury
This is a particularly toxic substance. It is similar to the liquid molten lead. This is her normal state. But the danger is not only the metallic mercuryBut also various compounds of this substance. The fact that they can quickly accumulate in the human body, causing severe poisoning.
About the dangers of mercury people know a long time. It is no secret that in the old mirror manufactured using this substance. All the mastersEngaged in the manufacture of mirrors, suffered from chronic poisoning by mercury vapor. In the Middle Ages, this material was used for the smooth and undetectable poisoning unwanted people.
Despite the fact that about hazard of mercury has been known for a long time, its toxicity has long been underestimated. There was a time when she and her connection even used in medicine. For example, it was used to fight the volvulus.
By the way, in contact with metallic mercury into the body in its ground state it almost safe. GI hardly suck it. Far more dangerous vapors of the substance. They are highly toxic and rapidly penetrate into the blood through the lungs. If the concentration of mercury vapor is high, they can even penetrate through the skin into the body.
Mercury vapor is first of all affect the following organs:
- Central nervous system.
- Gums and teeth. People working in companies with a high turnover of mercury, lose their teeth very quickly.
- Kidneys.
At high concentrations in the blood of a substance it begins to adversely affect the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract.
Mercury vapor is very dangerous for pregnant women. They harm not only the mother but also the baby as easily cross the placental barrier. Often, because of the substance of the fetus developing various diseases.
mercury danger is very high. Therefore, all will be useful to know about the mercury from a broken thermometer assembly.
Symptoms of poisoning mercury vapor
Acute poisoning with mercury vapor does not give specific symptoms. The patient noted the following symptoms:
- Headache.
- General malaise.
- Metal taste sensation.
- Weakness in the body.
- Loss of appetite.
The following symptoms are added under strong poisoning:
Excessive salivation.
- Gums begin to bleed.
- Sore throat when swallowing.
- Severe shortness of breath but with normal household activity.
If poisoning is severe, the patient may appear fever. He starts to complain of chest pain and coughing. Possible gastrointestinal disorders. When very severe poisoning the patient shows signs of pneumonia and even bloody stool. As a rule, after the appearance of symptoms such patients die on the third day.
Of course, the fear that a broken thermometer will cause a strong administration, it is not necessary. But you still need to be aware of mercury assembled, if broken thermometer, because even in small quantities it is dangerous to humans.
Moderately severe poisoning due to a broken mercury thermometer can be obtained at confluence certain circumstances:
- Immediately after the destruction of the thermometer bulb mercury penetrated the hot surface, due to which vapors in the air of this material rapidly increased.
- The room in which was spilled mercury is small and almost not ventilated.
- The patient was in continuous contact with the poisonous substance without simplest remedies: gauze, respirator, gloves.
A similar set of circumstances - a rarity. mercury poisoning It may be suspected if a person simultaneously inflamed gums, there is limb tremor, memory loss and insomnia.
Symptomatology mercury poisoning depends on the individual sensitivity of the human body. For example, in the 80th year of the XX century in several secondary schools Leningrad Region was marked outbreak of poisoning children with metallic mercury. Its cause became 20 kg of the substance, which pupils stolen in one of the industrial areas and brought to school. There were 400 people in contact with the mercury, but only 82 children's symptoms of poisoning have been found. Moreover, the severity of symptoms differ from very mild to severe.
Prolonged contact poisonous substance was due to the fact that neither the students nor the teachers did not know about the algorithm mercury collection from the floor. Tragedy has happened in part due to the fact that children were deprived of constant contact of spilled mercury. therefore its large number of It has not had a fatal action. Mercury vapor at home are much more dangerous, because the person is in contact with them for very long, if broken thermometer.
Features of the collection of mercury thermometer
So, there was a nuisance: a glass measuring instrument fell to the floor and shattered. The substance contained has appeared on the floor and surrounding objects. Collect mercury from a thermometer is a snap, but it being understoodThat alone can only be the primary cleaning up. For a complete cleaning is necessary to contact the service demercurisation.
Content thermometer may fall at break into separate beads. This should be taken into account in its future actions.
After a toxic substance has got on the floor and surrounding objects need to bring all the people out of the room. Followed by a call to the service demercurisation. Remember, mercury evaporates at room temperature rather quickly. Therefore, to avoid strong pollution you need as much as possible to collect stuff faster. Pre wear protective clothing. Her later have to pass on recycling.
Prepare plastic bags and glass, sealed, container. With packages collect all the pieces of a broken instrument, put them in a jar and close. Subsequently, the broken thermometer will be picked up specialists cleaning service.
Cleaning the carpet
Suppose a toxic substance enters the carpet. The first idea to collect it with a vacuum cleaner. But do not rush to remove it in this manner. It can hardly be called safe. Once inside the vacuum cleaner, the substance quickly evaporate and will return to the room with an air stream already in the form of vapor. In addition, the cleaner element forms a mercury film, which does not remove. This appliance will have to be disposed of.
And do not try to collect the mercury on a piece of paper, let alone sweep broom. It is better to take an ordinary newspaper, soak it in a vegetable oil and put in place the mercury spill. Balls substances will stick to it, then it must be neatly folded into a package.
After the initial cleaning the carpet you need to move out and ventilate for at least three months.
If a poisonous substance has got on metal surfaces, the cleaning more difficult. The fact that it is a good stick to them. Remove the paper material is hardly obtained. It can collect only via the copper plate. Take careThat it does not hit the skin. After primary treatment the metal surface must be treated first with a 5% hydrochloric acid solution, and after a couple of days 5% soda solution.
As mentioned above, mercury can be broken into individual pellets, which are immediately under go under the plinth. Yourself to get them out will not work. Do not even try. Entrust it to professionals. Do not forget regularly leave the premises with diffuse poisonous to breathe clean air. Do you need a break at least every 15 minutes.
If the room is located on the sunny side and well heated by solar rays, the one-time stay in it should be reduced to 10 minutes.
Upon completion of all the work will need to change into clean clothes, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and throat with a solution of potassium permanganate. If potassium permanganate is not at homeThen it can be replaced with a soda solution.
Kidney - main output channel of toxic substances from the body. So you need to drink more water.