hair color for girls - an integral part of its image as a makeup, clothes and shoes. Today there is a huge selection of cosmetics, which help each of the fair sex to improve their appearance.
It's no secret that sometimes women are dissatisfied with this or that detail of her appearance, and to help it comes a variety of cosmetic products and treatments that can hide or eliminate the undesirable flaw. As experts in the beauty industry, one of the most popular procedures are provided in beauty salons, hair coloring it.
But like any procedure, staining has its drawbacks, the main one being - a spot that can eat into the skin. It is important to know how to wash off the paint from the skin without damaging it, and how to use the means at hand to help remove stains quickly.
- Variety of hair dyes
- Effective folk remedies
- It is not advisable to use a paint remover
- How can I prevent stains on the skin
Variety of hair dyes
In addition to professional dye emulsions used in beauty salons, there are more available, which are implemented in retail outlets spread of household chemicals and cosmetics.
Each of them is distinguished not only by quality and price, but also release the form. There are a variety of tonics for painting, powder, aerosols, to be used on the basis of hairspray, but the most popular remains the dye emulsion on the basis of a cream or gel.
Often girls dye hair at home, as this saves valuable time and money. It happens that the sloppy movement during the procedure may result in to paint gets on the skin of the face and hands, clothing, furniture, or even shoes. Bona fide manufacturers coloring agents produced emulsion paint remover with the skin, it is the complement of the contents of the package and has detailed instructions on how to remove paint from the skin.
Effective folk remedies
But if the hand was no special tools, you can wash off the paint or varnish for hair from the skin means at hand. For help in removing the paint may come available budget, which is in the house at any housewife and require no additional cost:
If the coloring agent for the hair is not velos deep into the skin, perfectly cope with the problem suds. Wet cotton pad should go through the lumpy soap when light formed foam, a cotton pad to remove residues of the colorant.
- C. colorants well copes cosmetic or vegetable oil. On a cotton pad should be applied to oil and remove the remains of hair dyes. If by paint spot absorbed much oil can moisten the contaminated area of the skin and leave for the night and the morning remove the remaining paint with a cotton pad.
- In many cases, the elimination of pollution in the home saves baking sodaBecause it is a great stain remover and bleach. It is necessary to put on a cotton pad wetted a little soda and scrub traces of dye.
- Can be used lemon, Since it contains clarifying agents. Lemon slice should be rub the contaminated skin until the disappearance of the spot, rinse with water after skin.
- To remove hair dye, you can use toothpaste. Toothpaste applied to the portion of skin or hands and gently rubbed with a sponge or brush a tooth on the spot, followed by good wash off with water. If necessary the procedure should be repeated until the disappearance of the spot.
- If there is unfinished in the refrigerator kefirHe can to help in the fight against stains from hair dyes. The only drawback of this method is that soaked in yogurt napkin should be attached for 15-20 minutes. But thanks to its bleaching properties, it certainly removes all traces of hair dye. After a time a place where there was contamination, washed with warm water.
- It helps to cope with fresh stains from hair dyes cosmetic scrub. It should be easy to put it on the contaminated area of the skin, then you need to massage gradually wash off with warm water.
- Ash also serves as an excellent means of cleansing the skin of dirt, you should only apply a little cigarette ash or ash of burnt sheet of paper on a cotton pad to remove stains and hair dyes.
- To remove a coloring agent for hair nails potatoes help. Purified potato tuber should rub the nail and cuticle area, and the starch contained in potatoes, thanks to bleaching properties will help clear spots.
It is not advisable to use a paint remover
Tools that can be irritating:
With dyes help cope Alcoholic substances, whether alcohol, vodka or eau de cologne. A few drops should be applied to a cotton pad and wipe the skin, but it should be borne in mind that the alcohol dries the skin. After this cleansing should be liberally grease a place that cleans, moisturizing or nourishing cream.
- Hairspray will help remove stains from hands and nails - it should be sprayed on contaminated sites, and then rinse thoroughly with water and moisturize the skin. Not recommended for use on the face.
- Aggressive but effective means - nail polish remover. Moisten a cotton pad small amount of liquid and wet areas of the skin, which got hair dye, and then rinse thoroughly with warm soap solution and apply a moisturizing cream.
It should be noted that such procedures should treated with extreme caution and try to resort to their use as little as possible, and if possible to use nail polish remover without acetone.
How can I prevent stains on the skin
To hair color is not a disappointment because of the embarrassing stains, should take care and prevent their occurrence:
one of the most effective methods - is the processing of the skin edges in front hairline bold nutritious cream - he will not let the paint penetrate into the skin, then remove it with warm water;
- before painting should be draped over the shoulders of a towel or robe, it will help keep clothes and shoes;
- work with the paint should only gloves, saved the hands of paint effects.
It should be noted that the light-colored paint removed the easiest way, but here, for example, to wash off the black or a red dye is much harder than any other color. After completion of the hair coloring procedures carefully inspect the skinTo which the paint can get. Fresh stains are much easier to wash than those that are deeply absorbed into the skin.