Luminous figures - it's aerobatics in a festive decoration and it should be noted that it is quite expensive. One such figure is worth the small size of 3-4 thousand rubles, and nothing of the great and terrible to say. Meanwhile, there is nothing special about them. True options crafts represented in the store, usually are made of metal wire, and work with it rather difficult, and the need to have a good idea of ββthe sculpture. And what if you are not available neither one nor the other? There is an interesting option that offered the author YouTube-Channel Svetlana Mayorov. She decided to make a sculpture of... cardboard box. And it happened she is so wonderful that you'll want to repeat this experience with their own hands.

How to make a frame for the deer figure
For the manufacture of pieces you will need thick cardboard large size. The easiest option - packing containers from large equipment. It is quite dense and large, just for our problem.

The frame is ready, now we need to give it a rounded shape.
How to make the deer "skin"
In principle, the very frame is reminiscent of a deer. Even at this stage, you can go to its decoration with lights, but the figure was not very naturalistic. The author of the master class went to her work a lot further.

Decoration of figures: light and color
New Year deer should look smart, and day and night. So you need to decorate it so that there were two options: to glowing dark time of the day and brilliant to light.

Not forced to use the golden rain. Deer can be silver or colored as you like. You do not want to decorate the rain - it obkleyte sequins or confetti. You can even use the lace or something else is the same elegant.

Very nice deer turned out, do not you think? The figure may be more or less - to your taste. You can make not only deer but also any other option: bear, bunny and snowman. The technology is the same. Covered with acrylic lacquer decor can withstand even snow, but it is better to remove it in the wet street. Make sure that children do not sit on the figure, it is very fragile and can break under load. And the rest - the decoration will be a highlight of your holiday, especially if you consider an interesting installation with other objects: sleds, bags with gifts or anything like that.
In addition to this material can offer another version of New Year's manufacturing figures, this time - after all of the wire:
It is difficult to compare these two works, each of them is good in its own way. And what is more like it for you? Write about it in the comments.
If you have your own experience in the manufacture of Christmas figures, send us your photos and the description of the process, the most interesting workshops we will publish.
A PHOTO: YouTube-channel "Svetlana MayorovΒ«